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Aldi gegen Vielfalt? Und das auch noch als Werbung? Ziemlich dreist!


Allmende kontor

Der Gemeinschaftsgarten Allmende-Kontor wehrt sich gegen die Verunglimpfung der Urban-Gardening-Bewegung durch die Aldi-Werbekampagne "Einfach ist mehr". Hier geht es zum vollständigen Statement des Allmende-Kontors. Und hier geht es zu einem interessanten Statement von Commons-Aktivistin Silke Helfrich

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Breaking the chains of delusion -Technological progress mythologies and the pitfalls of digitalization

By: Fabian Scheidler

Eine deutsche Version des Textes findet sich hier. When it comes to technological development, I often hear the words: What can be done will be done – sooner or later. Many people think that technological development follows a path directed by quasi-natural laws that head into one and only one direction – called “progress” – which is: to use more technology, more complex technology, more exp...


Degrowth in the US: Thinking smaller where everything is big

By: Sam Bliss

Things are big in the United States of America. Returning home after a year away reacquaints me with big detached single-family homes, big single-occupant vehicles, and big single-species grass lawns. I find wider roads, longer distances, larger supermarkets, and more stuff everywhere. As a student of ecological economics, it makes me a little anxious. Such individualistic extravagance isn’t e...


Welcome to Degrowth India!

http://www.degrowthindiainitiative.org/We are very excited that there's now a promising degrowth-iniatiative in India.  The Degrowth-India initiative and blog aims at re-politicizing the Indian debate on the much needed socio-ecological transformation. A press-article about the kick-off of the initiative is available here. If you're interested in the further development of the debate, stay tune...