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Degrowth in Action: Call for Courses Open!



For our Degrowth in Action - Climate Justice Summer School 2015 we are currently looking for contributors to our courses. The summer school will take place from 9 to 14 August 2015 in the lignite-mining region of the Rhineland in cooperation with the annual climate camp. The courses will be at the centre of the Summer School and run for 4 or 2 days, thus giving the opportunity to dive deeper into the different topics. Regarding the type and structure of the courses, there will be much room for creativity. Deadline for proposals is 30 April. If you're interested in preparing a course, you can find all relevant details here. the PDF-version is available here

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Challenging global corporate power

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By: James Shultz

International corporations are decimating nature, destroying lives and manipulating opinion. Here's how to stop them.. A US engineering giant sneaks into a Bolivian city under an assumed name and takes over its public water system.  A Canadian mining company seeks control of El Salvador’s gold even at the cost of poisoning its drinking water.  An Italian energy conglomerate floods ...


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Why a social-ecological transformation is impossible without changing the deep structures of our economy Opening a newspaper or listening to the radio news exposes us to a flood of catastrophic messages: devastating droughts, failing states, terrorist attacks, and financial crashes. You can look at all those incidents as unconnected singular phenomena, which is exactly what the common presenta...


“Economic degrowth had to be coupled with political democracy”

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