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Life in a Bauwagen


Leben im Bauwagen [Life in a Bauwagen (construction trailer)] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo.

During the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014 the photographer Niko Baumgarten opened his Bauwagen for passers-by. Anyone interested was invited to get some impressions and to look at his picture series "Welcome Home", which deals with alternative ways of housing.

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The fight against the elimination of fossil fuel subsidies in Ecuador: Lessons for environmental and social justice

Ecuador 2 1024x683

By: Diana Vela Almeida

On October 1st, Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno announced a series of economic measures for the country, including the elimination of gasoline and diesel subsidies and the liberalization of their prices, as part of an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These measures led to the eruption of massive nationwide protests for eleven consecutive days, which were met by the govern...


46.000 Euros debt and other strokes of luck

What's harder? Raising 46.000 Euros in short time or at last starting a big debate about the future of a fossil fuel-dependent region? For the organizing team of the Degrowth Summer School, both were great challenges... Christopher Laumanns reports. With a little help from our friends: how we filled a financial open cast mine... Ten days before the start of the Summer School, which took place...


Paths towards a Postgrowth-Economy – the four-in-one-perspective

Vortrag zeitwohlstand prof frigga haug

By Frigga Haug At the closing event of the attac-congress on capitalism in 2009, the German politician Heiner Geissler pleaded for an eco-dictatorship. After all, even as a prominent member of the Christian Democratic Party he had joined attac out of concern over problems of capitalist society, among them the ecological one - and was now calling on the 2000 or so participants to take action to...