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Degrowth: An Experience of Being Finite

Pasi Heikkurinen

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Mayfly Books


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Degrowth is an experience. It is about fathoming that being-in-nature is finite. Experiencing finitude offers the long-awaited theoretical foundation for the degrowth movement.

In this book, Pasi Heikkurinen argues that we must understand limits ‘from within’ in order to effectively reduce matter-energy throughput. He coins the metabolic cutback as the minimalist definition of degrowth. He also provides a lucid critique on how technology, transformations, and nature are perceived in cultures of growth.

To overcome the shortfalls of our perception, experiential notions of releasementmetamorphosis and the core of nature are propounded. Heikkurinen calls for a collective experience of degrowing in practice while avoiding overinclusive rhetoric.

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