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Video: Gemüsekooperative Rote Beete


Gemüsekooperative Rote Beete von Marc Menningmann auf Vimeo. Eine Exkursion während der Degrowth-Konferenz brachte Teilnehmende zur Gemüsekooperative "Rote Beete", die ein paar Kilometer außerhalb von Leipzig liegt. Hier wurde gezeigt, wie solidarische Landwirtschaft funktioniert. Außerdem ist ein großer Teil des Gemüses, das auf der Degrowth-Konferenz verzehrt wurde, hier angebaut worden. Das Video führt durch die Felder, begleitet die Tour und berichtet über den Anbau.

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Degrowth in the US: Thinking smaller where everything is big

By: Sam Bliss

Things are big in the United States of America. Returning home after a year away reacquaints me with big detached single-family homes, big single-occupant vehicles, and big single-species grass lawns. I find wider roads, longer distances, larger supermarkets, and more stuff everywhere. As a student of ecological economics, it makes me a little anxious. Such individualistic extravagance isn’t e...


D.E.growth: A Small Change in the Slogan with Large Benefits

By: Miklós Antal

In a recent article with Stefan Drews, we discussed why degrowth might be an unfortunate name and slogan for the alternative economics movement. We listed several expressions that could possibly be better, but we were also upfront about their disadvantages. Here I propose a new term that might combine the advantages of the word degrowth with those of its more positive alternatives. For an asse...


Again and again: supposed evidence for decoupling emissions from growth is not what it seems

By: Mark H Burton

By Mark Burton It can be difficult to form a view of what’s really going on in our atmosphere, given the amount of information and of contradictory claims. This piece concerns recent reports on global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and levels. On 16th March, a Guardian headline over an article by John Vidal said: Surge in renewable energy stalls world greenhouse gas emissions That sounds good...