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Art contribution


Life within Planetary Boundaries, Agroforestry (Part 2)

Maja Lindström

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Art contribution

Year of publication:

Maja Lindström


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Original title: Leva inom planetgränserna del 2, Agroforestry

How can we meet our basic human needs, while improving the health of the ecosystems that we are part of? In this part 2 of the film, some of Sweden's and England's leading pioneers in Agroforestry explain how we, through our food production, can play a key role in healing ecosystems, creating food security, new jobs and an improved quality of life. In fact - we are the ones that we have been waiting for! A huge THANK YOU for your contribution to the film: Phlipp Weiss, Johanna Björklund, Martin Wolfe, Martin Crawford, Sanya Falkenstrand, Dante Hellström and others.

Said about the film, "I love the idea that humans are NOT just hopeless parasites but could also be the agent of change for good ... It's a great movie, I really enjoyed it - and it's so full of hope.” - Jeremy Gugenheim, Outhouse Filmworks.

Hur kan vi tillgodose våra mänskliga grundbehov samtidigt som vi stärker hälsan i de ekosystem som vi är en del av? I denna del 2 av filmen berättar några av Sveriges och Englands främsta pionjärer inom Agroforestry hur vi genom vår maproduktion kan få en nyckelroll i att läka ekosystem, skapa matsäkerhet, jobb och ökad livskvalité. Vi är helt enkelt de vi har väntat på! Ett gigantiskt TACK för er medverkan: Phlipp Weiss, Johanna Björklund, Martin Wolfe, Martin Crawford, Sanya Falkenstrand, Dante Hellström med flera.

Sagt om filmen, “I love the idea that humans are NOT just hopeless parasites but could also be the agent of change for good...It is a great film, I really enjoyed it - and it is so full of hope” - Jeremy Gugenheim, Outhouse Filmworks.

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