Crusty Bread, creamy cheese, bubbly kimchi or refreshing tepache – all cultures have fermented foods and beverages with their own traditions, language, and cultural heritage surrounding them. Fermentation, in this sense, is a living food culture that taps into ancient skills and traditional knowledge. But this knowledge is under attack. As capitalism continues its onslaught on rural, indigenous...
Strategy • 12.11.2024
This article summarises a proposal for reworking degrowth conferences that was developed in a workshop held by the Transformative Learning Circle (TLC) of the International Degrowth Network (IDN) at the 2024 International ESEE-Degrowth Conference in Pontevedra
Culture • 04.11.2024
By: Oscar Krüger
Can the Catholic church be an ally for degrowth?
Announcements • 23.09.2024
By: The editorial team. is launching a call for blog posts that will constitute a series on movements for social and environmental justice, with a focus on Global South struggles and organising. Do you have a story to contribute?
Justice • 04.09.2024
By: Lázaro Mecha
Lázaro Mecha; as Chief of the Maje Embera Drua indigenous congress of Panama (on Maje Embera Drua), in the Bayano Region, which is currently organized by the indigenous congress (Maje Embera Drua indigenous congress): The history of indigenous communities dates back to when the Bayano Region was occupied, in past centuries, by the Embera, Unión Embera and Maje Cordillera peoples. The constr...