Walk Peace EU's marches for justice gather people together to walk across country borders and connect. This invitation to 'walk the talk' prompts us to question whether we live what we preach, then act on the insights gained during the walk.
Announcements • 28.02.2025
By: The Support Group of the International Degrowth Conferences
The Support Group is currently open to expressions of interest from parties who wish to organize the 2027 edition of the International Conference Series on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity.
Food • 25.02.2025
By: The degrowth.info editorial team, Jean Thévenot
degrowth.info speaks to small-scale farmer Jean Thévenot about EU farming and La Via Campesina's work at the international level.
Announcements • 24.02.2025
By: The degrowth.info editorial team
Degrowth.info is launching a new blog series! We are still accepting new pitches.
Justice • 14.02.2025
By: The degrowth.info editorial team
While degrowth aims to be a convivial movement with care, justice and solidarity at its centre, it is not immune to conflicts and abuses. This article reflects on the different ways the degrowth movement can respond to harm.
Justice • 04.02.2025
By: Marina Colerato
Democratic Confederalism in North-East Syria is threatened. Resisting centralisation efforts by the new Syrian government and keeping women on the revolution front is the way forward for any prosperous and ecological alternative system.