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Democratic Confederalism in North-East Syria is threatened. Resisting centralisation efforts by the new Syrian government and keeping women on the revolution front is the way forward for any prosperous and ecological alternative system.


Degrowth.info is 10 years old!

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By: The degrowth.info international editorial team

In 2024, Degrowth.info celebrates its 10th anniversary. We give you some insights into our collective: from our horizontal structure and our involvement in the degrowth movement to our team's political friendship and laughter.


The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism. Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions

By: Miriam Lang, Mary Ann Manahan, Breno Bringel

The time for denial is over. Across the Global North, the question of how we should respond to the climate crisis has been answered: with a shift to renewables, electric cars, carbon trading and hydrogen. Green New Deals across Europe and North America promise to reduce emissions while creating new jobs. But beneath the sustainability branding, these climate 'solutions' are leading to new en...


15 – 15 Feb 2025

El Calambache Workshop. Collectively Situated Knowledge: A decolonial research method for constructing collective auto-narratives and positionalities.

This is an in-person workshop in Athens, Greece, by El Calambache. It addresses two principal discrepancies that arise in the creation of scholar/activist knowledge with indigenous, rural and organized urban communities that seek to create a decolonial research methodologies.

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