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Scientific paper


The long way towards a social and ecological economy: how do we change the paradigm?

Michele De Rosa

Entry type:
Scientific paper

Year of publication:

Leipzig 2014


Abstract: In order to transform the societal paradigm it is necessary to start with the elementary components of the society: the individuals. A critique of modern society begins with a critique of the critics themselves, in this case the scientific community. This investigation provocatively started with a critique of how the concept of sustainability and sustainable Degrowth are applied in research. The example of land use modelling researches in sustainability science was proposed as a case to unveil contradictions. There are evidences that scientific results can be misleading if presented as comprehensive while only addressing one dimension of sustainability. There is a quest for bridging knowledge to frame a new tangible societal horizon. This requires a complex system analysis and integrated sustainability assessment; but, first and foremost, it requires a change within the academic context. A critical approach alone might unveil the contradiction of an agonizing societal system, but it is not sufficient to subvert it.

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