Welcome, visitor, to our overhauled website! We've been steadily undergoing the process of transforming our website for over a year now, and we are pleased to announce that the process is nearly complete. There may still be some kinks and bugs here and there, so we thank you in advance for your patience as we iron them out. Otherwise, thanks for stopping by! We hope you enjoy the new website.
Throughout the overhaul process, we had several discussions about how to integrate conviviality into our website. And while a more detailed blog post about conviviality and our website is in the works, here's a teaser for future functions and sections we'd like to create:
The biggest way we've incorporated conviviality into our website has already been done: we moved away from Wordpress and created a custom content management system for the frontend of our website, giving us so much more autonomy over our website. Enormous thanks to our comrades at Slobodna Domena for working with us to build the new site and for their continued support!
That being said, the overhaul process is exactly that—a process—with more ideas to pursue and manifest in the future. For now, we'll celebrate the completion of this first major stage of the overhaul. Long live convivial degrowth!