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Degrowth Conference 2016 - Call for special sessions


The next International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity will start on the 30th of August 2016 in Budapest. To take actively part in the conference one can now follow the call for special sessions or one of the the other calls yet to come.

There are two special session formats one for “academic special sessions” and one for “degrowth-in-action special sessions”. Other calls will be one for academic papers and calls for other activities which will be happening during the conference and the degrowth week.

> The call

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Organizing the 2020 Vienna degrowth conference before and during the covid-19 crisis

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By: Nathan Barlow

No one really told us what organizing a degrowth conference would entail. We simply knew we wanted to do it. Two years of organizing, meeting, discussing and struggling have passed and now we’re less than seven weeks away from the first day of the conference. The initial motivation we all had in the summer of 2018 has not gone, but it has faltered at times. There have been days when I wo...


46.000 Euros debt and other strokes of luck

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Life in a Bauwagen

Leben im Bauwagen [Life in a Bauwagen (construction trailer)] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo. During the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014 the photographer Niko Baumgarten opened his Bauwagen for passers-by. Anyone interested was invited to get some impressions and to look at his picture series "Welcome Home", which deals with alternative ways of housing.