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Degrowth Conference 2016 - Call for special sessions


The next International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity will start on the 30th of August 2016 in Budapest. To take actively part in the conference one can now follow the call for special sessions or one of the the other calls yet to come.

There are two special session formats one for “academic special sessions” and one for “degrowth-in-action special sessions”. Other calls will be one for academic papers and calls for other activities which will be happening during the conference and the degrowth week.

> The call

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Why degrowth should scare business

Pexels photo 830891

By: Iana Nesterova, Fabian Maier, Ben Robra, and Simon Parker

Recently, an article on degrowth appeared in Harvard Business Review (hereafter HBR). Rather than offering a critique of capitalism, the article proposes that degrowth may not be a threat to business after all, and in fact, there are burgeoning degrowth markets waiting to be tapped into by the risk averse. Although we applaud the authors in getting the word “degrowth” into the illustrious pages...


Entry Points for Transformative Politics: The Power of Unstated Premises

Krueger habil

By: Timmo Krüger

While the limits and failures of our current economic and political system are known and repetitively pointed out by degrowth research, we have a deficit in the area of strategic planning for transformative politics. What is missing are entry points for politicizing and changing social values, norms and institutions. To do this successfully, it is useful to detect how hegemonic values are embed...


A development vision for rural Africa

Tiyeda and seda

Without trying to give definitions of growth or degrowth everybody knows anyway, I would like to emphasize that these phenomena were always subject to discussions. Even a non-economist knows that it is impossible to talk about growth without mentioning ideas like increases in production factors, industrialization or economic development. Any increase has to come to a [...]