The degrowth-conference took place in Leipzig in September 2014. Fortunately, the collected voluntary participation fee was higher than expected. This enables the conference team to allocate 9.000 Euro for project funding.
Be it the promotion of discussions, the generation of knowledge, the education of people or a practical activity: The money should go to support small projects and courageous initiatives towards degrowth. It is planned to fund a minimum of 5 projects with 500 up to 2.500 Euro in the year 2015.
Deadline for applications is the 1st of September 2015. > Here you can find more information.Previous global ‘efforts’ to tackle climate breakdown have failed dramatically, because they have been based on a fundamentally flawed economic paradigm: growth. The concept of growth is an altar at which economists, politicians and businesspeople across the political spectrum have worshipped for decades. Unfortunately, where the planet’s long-term habitability is concerned, it is this obsessi...
Green growth advocates praise resource efficiency for its potential to incentivize the economy and lower its ecological impact. On the other hand, the Jevons Paradox, describes multiple situations (or rebound effects) in which increased efficiency leads to further consumption (either direct or indirect) which offsets the initial ecological benefits achieved. In this piece, I join this discussio...
In 2008, a few years after the birth of "décroissance" in France, we organized the first International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Paris. Only ten years later, in 2018, we promoted three large international events in the same year: the 6th International Degrowth Conference in Malmö - following Barcelona, Venice, Leipzig and Budapest – as well as a macr...