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Degrowth project funding


The degrowth-conference took place in Leipzig in September 2014. Fortunately, the collected voluntary participation fee was higher than expected. This enables the conference team to allocate 9.000 Euro for project funding.

Be it the promotion of discussions, the generation of knowledge, the education of people or a practical activity: The money should go to support small projects and courageous initiatives towards degrowth. It is planned to fund a minimum of 5 projects with 500 up to 2.500 Euro in the year 2015.

Deadline for applications is the 1st of September 2015. > Here you can find more information.

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No Climate Protection without Climate Justice; No Climate Justice without Degrowth

Climate justice 1

By: Christiane Kliemann

By Christiane Kliemann Shortly before the most crucial UN climate change conference after the failure of Copenhagen, it seems that the international climate-movement is finally getting its act together: resistance against fossil fuel extraction is gaining ground and a rising global movement is putting pressure on institutions to divest their money from fossil fuels to finance renewables instea...


How to sell degrowth: Business models I

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“Wachstumsrücknahme”, “Postwachstum”, “Entwachsen”? An introduction to concepts and approaches of the German degrowth movement

Tabelle engl

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