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Summer school: last-minute change of venue!


Shortly before the start of the Climate Camp and the Degrowth Summer School, we are changing the venue of our camp. We have found an even better place in close proximity to the open cast mine Garzweiler. Further information is available here

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Defending degrowth is not Malthusian

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By: Giorgos Kallis

Self-limitation is not about constraining, but about defining collectively as societies our limits. Political ecology ‘has made strong arguments against natural limits’ and is in friction with ‘degrowth’s .. urgency of less’, writes Paul Robbins. Indeed, political ecologists developed the field as a response to 1970s neo-Malthusianism. Nancy Peluso, Lyla Mehta or Betsy Hartmann have exposed ...


Climate breakdown, capitalism and democracy

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By: Julia Steinberger

When the BBC asked me if I would participate in a debate panel on climate change, capitalism and democracy, I first panicked and then said yes. All I really wanted to do this week was finish up and (re)submit some research I started a long time ago. This research shows that, despite their massive growth, energy and carbon emissions cannot (statistically) explain improvements in international li...


How to Integrate Degrowth into All Aspects of Life: Some Thoughts on the Budapest Conference

Corinna budapest

By: Corinna Burkhart

The picture above shows some of the statues decorating the northern entrance of the Corvinus University in Budapest where the recent Degrowth Conference took place. The building has not always been a university. It once was a place of trade, and the statues over the entrance depict virtues which, back then, were considered central to trade. Virtues like courage, faith, love and honesty. When di...