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Summer school: last-minute change of venue!


Shortly before the start of the Climate Camp and the Degrowth Summer School, we are changing the venue of our camp. We have found an even better place in close proximity to the open cast mine Garzweiler. Further information is available here

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Challenging global corporate power

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By: James Shultz

International corporations are decimating nature, destroying lives and manipulating opinion. Here's how to stop them.. A US engineering giant sneaks into a Bolivian city under an assumed name and takes over its public water system.  A Canadian mining company seeks control of El Salvador’s gold even at the cost of poisoning its drinking water.  An Italian energy conglomerate floods ...


Post-Development Discourse: Lessons for the Degrowth Movement (Part 1)

Post development

By: Lasse Thiele

By Lasse Thiele Is degrowth only conceivable in the context of “oversaturated” industrial societies while the global “South” remains dependent on growth? In two installments, this article questions such assumptions. In this first part it introduces positions critical of development which refuse to adopt the Western model of prosperity; the second part will focus on the analysis of these positi...


"Radical democratization of all public domains"

Interview with Katja Kipping Katja Kipping is chairwoman of the German Left Party and Member of the German Parliament. Besides her engagement for good working conditions in her capacity as spokesperson for social affairs, she supports the exchange between party politics and civil society through engaging in social movements such as the network for unconditional basic income. For this interview...