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Scientific paper


Πέρα από το δίλημμα λιτότητα ή ανάπτυξη: 11 κείμενα για την Αποανάπτυξη

Giorgos Kallis, Panos Petridis, Iliosporoi (Eds.)

Entry type:
Scientific paper

Year of publication:

Green Institute Editions


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Title: "Beyond the dilemma austerity or growth: 11 essays on degrowth"

Contains, the following articles translated into greek as well as 3 others originally published in greek.

1. Kallis, G., Martinez‐ Alier, J., Norgaard, R. B. (2009), Paper assets, real debts: An ecological‐economic exploration of the global economic crisis, Critical perspectives on international Business, Vol. 5 No. 1/2.
2. Latouche S. (2010), Degrowth, Editorial / Journal of Cleaner Production 18, 519‐522.
3. Demaria F., Schneider F., Sekulova F., Martinez‐Alier J. (2013), What is Degrowth? From an activist slogan to a social movement, Environmental Values, Volume 22, Number 2, April 2013 , pp. 191‐215(25)
4. Fournier V., (2008), Escaping from the economy: the politics of degrowth, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 28 No. 11/12, pp. 528‐54.
5. Kallis G., (2011), Sustainable Degrowth and the (re)radicalization of environmentalism, Revista Nous Horitzons 202 / 2011.
6. Martínez‐Alier, J. (2010): Environmental Justice and Economic Degrowth: An Alliance between Two Movements, CES conference on The Revival of Political Economy, Coimbra, 21‐23 October 2010
7. Latouche, S. (2012), Can the Left Escape Economism?, Capitalism Nature Socialism, 23:1, 74‐78
8. Petridis P. (2012), From economism to autonomy: a value reading of the Greek crisis, 3rd International Conference on Degrowth, Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Venice, 19‐23 September 2012.

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