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Presentation • 2020

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Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Anarchism and degrowth: two sides of the same coin

By: Andro Rilović

Presentation [part of the standard session "Theories of Transformation"] This paper will demonstrate why, when envisaging degrowth transitions and strategies for achieving them, it is essential to seriously engage with arguments concerning the limitations of the State in enacting radical systemic change, emanating from the long and fruitful history of anarchist thought. Presenters: Andro ...

• 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Theories of Transformation

By: Max Koch, Andro Rilović, Julia Tschersich, Mira Pütz

Standard session (discussion following 4 presentations) Structure, Action and Change: A Bourdieusian Perspective on the Preconditions for a Degrowth transition - video A deprioritization of economic growth in policy making in the rich countries will need to be part of a global effort to re-embed economy and society into planetary boundaries. However, societal support for a degrowth transi...

Scientific paper • 2019


Crisis, liminality and the decolonization of the social imaginary

By: Angelos Varvarousis

Abstract: The decolonization of the social imaginary has been proposed as an important dimension of the transition towards a degrowth society. However, although omnipresent in the degrowth literature, the terms “social imaginary” and “social imaginary significations” have not been adequately explained. This creates a level of mystification that limits the analytical value of the degrowth frame...

Scientific paper • 2019


The ‘state’ of degrowth: Economic growth and the making of state hegemony in Turkey

By: Bengi Akbulut

Abstract: Critical perspectives on economic growth have laid bare the fragility of the assumed link between material growth and socio-ecological wellbeing. The appeal of economic growth, however, goes beyond the economic sphere. As a societal goal, growth is often mobilized to pre-empt and/or co-opt opposition around issues of social justice and redistribution. Not only does the constitution o...

Scientific paper • 2019


Activities of degrowth and political change

By: Pasi Heikkurinen, Pierre Tosi, Jana Lozanoska

Abstract: Hannah Arendt's three-fold conceptualization of human activity offers a useful base for understanding the necessity of degrowth and the kinds of activities required to achieve it. The article argues that the different roles of labour, work, and action should be acknowledged and scrutinized in detail to appreciate the underpinnings of contemporary over-production and over-consumption,...

• 2019


Dynamic Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) and material requirements in scenarios of global transition to renewable energies

By: Iñigo Capellán-Pérez, Carlos de Castro, Luis Javier Miguel González

A novel methodology is developed to dynamically assess the energy and material investments required over time to achieve the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources in the electricity sector. The obtained results indicate that a fast transition achieving a 100% renewable electric system globally by 2060 consistent with the Green Growth narrative could decrease the EROI of the e...

Scientific paper • 2019


Frugality as a choice vs. frugality as a social condition. Is de-growth doomed to be a Eurocentric project?

By: Roldan Muradian

I argue that the degrowth movement reflects the values of a particular social group, namely the well-educated European middle class that share progressive-green-cosmopolitan values. This feature creates significant barriers for its dissemination among lower-income social groups in other parts of the world. There is an important difference between frugality as a choice and frugality as a social ...

Report • 2019


The Green New Deal for Europe: a blueprint for Europe's just transition

By: Teresa Anderson, Stefania Barca, Grace Blakeley, Friedrich Bohn, Sam Bright, Giacomo D'Alisa, Nick Dearden, Nicoletta Dentico, Laura C. Zanetti-Domingues, Dirk Ehnts, Skender Fani, Julia Fish, Charlotte Hanson, Jason Hickel, Nick Jacobs, Giorgos Kallis, Tessa Khan, Mat Lawrence, Laurie Laybourn-Langton, Emanuele Leonardi, Ruth London, Riccardo Mastini, Bill McKibben, Julian Brave NoiseCat, David Powell, Jérémy Rodrigues, Jakob Schäfer, Christoph Schneider, Giovanna Sissa, Isaac Stanley, Will Stronge, Sean Sweeney

Europe today confronts two crises. The first is an economic crisis, with rising levels of poverty, insecurity, and homelessness across the continent. The second is a climate and environmental crisis, with severe consequences for Europe’s front-line communities and even more perilous ones on the horizon. Both crises are the products of Europe’s political decisions, and they are closely bound t...

• 2018


Utilitarianism made for ‘Hard Times’ in Dickens’ England

By: Anya VerKamp

Comment from Anya VerKamp on the novel "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens. Introduction: Charles Dickens, an author witnessing firsthand the harsh impacts of the industrial revolution, wrote a novel that contains in it some of the themes still present in degrowth discourse today. His novel Hard Times demonstrates the invasion of utilitarianism and its economic implications into human relationsh...

• 2018


Anarchismus - zur Einführung

By: Daniel Loick

Der Begriff »Anarchismus« leitet sich vom griechischen an-archia, Nicht-Herrschaft, ab und bezeichnet die Idee einer Gesellschaft ohne Staat, Klassen oder sonstige Unterdrückungs- und Ausbeutungsformen. Anarchismus ist aber nicht nur eine Idee, sondern auch eine Praxis: politischer Kampf um Emanzipation und ein Versuch, die Idee der Selbstorganisation und Solidarität praktisch werden zu lassen....

Scientific paper • 2018


The Commons: A Social Form that Allows for Degrowth and Sustainability

By: Johannes Euler

Commons, sustainability, capitalism, collective action, degrowth

• 2018


Freie Geister

By: Ursula K. Le Guin

Der große utopische Science-Fiction-Klassiker in kongenialer Neuübersetzung. Ursula K. LeGuins ›Freie Geister‹ ist eine der bedeutendsten Utopien des 20. Jahrhunderts, in der die Systemfrage – Kommunismus, Kapitalismus oder Anarchismus? – mit aller Deutlichkeit gestellt wird. Ältere Ausgaben sind unter den Titeln ›Planet der Habenichtse‹ und ›Die Enteigneten‹ erschienen. Der einzige Ort a...

• 2018


Ecotopia: An Elitist Liberal Utopia?

By: Niklas Lollo

Comment from Niklas Lollo on the novel "Ecotopia" by Ernest Callenbach. Introduction: Since 1972, Ecotopia has inspired many to envision, and perhaps even foster, a more ecological society. In Ernest Callenbach’s novel, we are transported to a contemporary America, albeit an America that has been torn in two through civil war. This time the war wasn’t over slavery, but rather ecological prin...

• 2018


Smarte grüne Welt?

By: Steffen Lange, Tilman Santarius

Digitalisierung zwischen Überwachung, Konsum und Nachhaltigkeit »Alles wird sich ändern!« Dieser prophetische Ruf aus der IT-Branche ist inzwischen zur gängigen Einschätzung über die Tragweite der Digitalisierung geworden. Doch was bringt die Digitalisierung für Ökologie und Gerechtigkeit? Führt sie uns in eine smarte grüne Welt, in der alle vom technologischen Fortschritt profitieren und wi...

• 2017


Entropia by Samuel Alexander

By: Kevin Karaca

Review from Kevin Karaca on the book "Entropia - Life beyond Industrial Civilisation" by Samuel Alexander Introduction: Peak Oil is around the corner. The rise in the political-right sends hints that the neoliberal project is coming to an end. Economic growth is being questioned by many. What could a post-growth society look like?

• 2017


Let’s Degrow Up and Grow Down!

By: François Schneider

Francois Schneider defends the use of the term "degrowth". From the text: . . . If degrowth was the name of a multinational of toothpaste, Drews and Antal would be right: degrowth is not the right word to gain (market) competition. However degrowth is not just about raising attention, being interesting, provocative, easy to remember. It actually has a meaning! When I was doing a tour of conf...

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth-compatible environmentalism in Europe – a cross-national empirical analysis

By: Mladen Domazet, Branko Ančić, Logan Richardson

Keywords: Degrowth, environmentalism, attitudes survey, comparative, Europe

• 2017

Text Image

movum - Heft 15: Kultur

By: Kai Niebert, Andreas Troge, Jörg Sommer, Olaf Zimmermann, Ulrich Matthes, Susanne Götze, Michael Sommer, Johano Strasser, Bernd Sommer, Harald Welzer, Susanne Schwarz, Sandra Kirchner, Eva Mahnke, Daniela Schmidtke

Heft 15 des Magazins movum zum Thema Kultur. Kurzbeschreibung: Unsere Kultur kann nicht von der Natur, sondern nur mit der Natur leben. Für die nötige Transformation brauchen wir einen neuen Gesellschaftsvertrag. Das Heft als PDF Das Plakat als JPG