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Showing 232 items

Scientific paper • 2014


The Indignados movement: between prefiguration and creation of alternatives

By: Giorgos Kallis, Viviana Asara

Abstract: In this article I intend to investigate the prefigurative politics of the “indignados” movement in Barcelona, born in May 2011 in Spain to protest against austerity policies, the “dictatorship of markets” and claiming for a “real” democracy. For many indignados the occupations in the squares were conducive to experimenting, acting and living an alternative utopian community, the main ...

Presentation • 2014


Degrowth? A feminist perspective

By: Adelheid Biesecker, Sabine O'Hara, Christa Wichterich, Karin Schönpflug

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Adelheid Biesecker, Sabine O'Hara, Christa Wichterich, Karin Schönpflug Facilitation: Katharina Pühl From the conference programme: This panel addresses the question what (queer-)feminist theory and practice can contribute to the debate on degro...

Presentation • 2014


Alliances for degrowth between Global North and South?!

By: Ashish Kothari, Alberto Acosta, Ulrich Brand, Beatriz Rodriquez Labajos

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Beatriz Rodriquez Labajos, Ashish Kothari, Alberto Acosta Facilitation: Ulrich Brand From the conference programme: Degrowth proposals are largely debated within and for the Global North. Despite strong dynamics and orientations towards economic...

Scientific paper • 2014


Land-grabbing procedures and social resistance in the European continent. The case of Chalkidiki (Greece) movement against gold mining.

By: Konstantinos Petrakos

Abstract: Subject of this research are the transformations of space due to the operation of mining activities in the territorial unity of the North East (NE) Chalkidiki. The changes occurring in the field of application of the extractive development model, are investigated. The procedures of changes in social relations of mining activities in the territorial unity of the North East (N.E.) Chalk...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecological citizen in the midst of right to the city movements in Turkey

By: Mine Islar

Abstract: Social movements, as powerful channels of political expression and mobilization, have become global phenomena with potential to reshape societies and politics around the world. The purpose of this paper is to produce an interdisciplinary study of right to the city movements by analyzing the re-politicization of the citizens engaged in Turkey’s Gezi movement. The paper aims at explorin...

Scientific paper • 2014


Political Ecology and Degrowth

By: Michalis Theodoropoulos

Political Ecology; Degrowth; Crisis Exit Strategy; Green movement

Scientific paper • 2014


Peoples Sustainability Treaties: A Platform for a Common Narrative, Agenda and Movement

By: Uchita de Zoysa

Abstract: Given the inequities and unsustainability of the present model of development, the world needs profound transformations in the fundamental values and organizing principles of society. The challenge is to recognize the legitimacy of the global polity as an outer layer of the nested system of affiliation that reaches across regions and places, and to build the processes of democratic gl...

Scientific paper • 2014


Radical Ecological Democracy: A South Asian Quest for a Sustainable and Equitable Future

By: Ashish Kothari

Abstract: The impressive growth seen in the last two decades of ‘globalisation’ in countries like India has been predatory of nature and of already marginalised people. There are clear signs of ecological unsustainability and increasing inequities. A number of resistance movements are questioning the model of development and growth that they have been subjected to. Urgent steps are needed to fo...

Presentation • 2014


Closing plenary: How do we move on?

By: Giorgos Kallis, Andrea Vetter, Christopher Laumanns, Lucia Ortiz

Recorded closing plenary of the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers are Christopher Laumanns, Lucia Ortiz and Giorgos Kallis. Moderation: Andrea Vetter. From the conference programme: The conference is nearly over. In this panel strategies and next steps will be discussed, taking into account what has happened i...

Scientific paper • 2014


Environmental movements and commoning strategies in Puerto Rico: challenging the growth paradigm?

By: Gustavo Garcia-Lopez

de-growth, common-pool resources, social movements, community-based resource management

Report • 2014


Degrowth: Der Beginn einer Bewegung?

By: Ulrich Brand

Ulrich Brand berichtet über die Degrowth Konferenz, die im September 2014 in Leipzig statt fand und ordnet diese in den bewegungspolitischen Kontext ein.

Scientific paper • 2014


Contours of Environmental and Water Justice; anti dams movements and resistance challenging politics and imaginaries

By: Daniela Del Bene

dams, environmental justice, political ecology, social movements, energy

Scientific paper • 2014


SOCIALISM - ECOLOGISM - FEMINISM Tributaries for building new movements, new paradigms, new communities and new societies

By: Eduardo Giesen

Abstract: The central idea is that for progressing in the construction and - before - in imagination of new models of society, it is necessary, essential, the convergence of socio-political streams -socialism, environmentalism and feminism- that mainly represent cultural changes and social movements in recent decades. Convergence should include but exceed meeting in public demonstrations and sh...

Scientific paper • 2014


Is there still no alternative? Self-management under a degrowth perspective: a comparative approach between two case studies in France (Fralib) and Greece (VioMe)

By: Catherine Apostolidi

alternatives, capitalism, citizen initiatives, degrowth, self-management, solidarity economy, transition

Presentation • 2014


ShareEconomy, P2P, Transition Town: What do they share?

By: Tony Greenham, Silke Helfrich, Astrid Lorenzen, Benjamin Tincq

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Astrid Lorenzen, Benjamin Tincq, Tony Greenham Facilitation: Silke Helfrich From the conference programme: One can find many initiatives and discourses which put the misguided economy back on track. More and more people do not simply fight "the ...

Scientific paper • 2013


De-Growth Is Not a Liberal Agenda: Relocalisation and the Limits to Low Energy Cosmopolitanism

By: Stephen Quilley

Degrowth, limits to growth, anthroposphere, liberalism, cosmopolitanism, communitarianism, Jeffersonian, Norbert Elias, civilising processes

Scientific paper • 2013


Voluntary Simplicity and the Social Reconstruction of Law: Degrowth from the Grassroots Up

By: Samuel Alexander

degrowth; grassroots; sufficiency; sustainable consumption; transition towns; voluntary simplicity

Scientific paper • 2013


Food for Change

By: Jeff Pratt, Pete Luetchford

Subtitle: The Politics and Values of Social Movements. The publisher: "Concern about our food system is growing, from the costs of industrial farming to the dominant role of supermarkets and recurring scandals about the origins and content of what we eat. Food for Change documents the way alternative food movements respond to these concerns by trying to create more closed economic circuits wit...

Scientific paper • 2013


Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D'Alisa, Claudio Cattaneo

Degrowth, civil society arena, frame, civil and uncivil actors