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Scientific paper • 2015


Climate Change, Capitalism and Degrowth Trajectories to a Global Steady-State Economy

By: Max Koch

climate change, capitalism, steady-state economy, degrowth, post-growth society

• 2015


Semiotica e Decrescita

By: Roberto Pellerey

The publisher: Un nuovo paradigma culturale si sta costituendo attorno al dibattito sul rapporto tra sviluppo e benessere, sui modelli dello sviluppo e sui suoi miti fondanti. Di questo nuovo paradigma è possibile tracciare una mappa dei principi teorici e delle pratiche operative ricorrenti. È di questi nuovi oggetti sociali che si occupa oggi una semiotica dei processi in corso di svolgimento...

Scientific paper • 2015


Umweltsoziologie der Wachstumskritik und wachstumskritische Umweltsoziologie

By: Stephan Lorenz

Zusammenfassung: Das Working Paper untersucht die Rolle der Umweltsoziologie in den Wachstumsdebatten. Daraufhin bietet es eine Rekonstruktion ökologischer Wachstumskritik als Kritik an wissenschaftlich-technologischen sowie konsumistischen Dynamiken an. Aus dieser spezifisch ökologischen Perspektive kann außerdem eine allgemeine soziologische Bestimmung der Wachstumskritik an moderner Gesellsc...

Scientific paper • 2015


Degrowth und Post-Extraktivismus: Zwei Seiten einer Medaille?

By: Ulrich Brand

Zusammenfassung: In Europa und Lateinamerika gibt es zwei Diskussionsstränge, in denen aktuell und prominent Kritiken an vorherrschenden Entwicklungen wie auch Alternativen verdichtet werden und die künftig orientierend wirken könnten. Die Diskussion um Degrowth in Süd- und Westeuropa und jene um Post-Extraktivismus in Lateinamerika. Erstaunlicherweise werden bislang die beiden Perspektiven kau...

Report • 2015


Their recession is not our degrowth!

By: Federico Demaria

A easy reading article explaining basics of degrowth. At the same time Federico Dearia embeds these basic ideas into the current political situation in Spain and the situation of the ongoing social and environmental crisis. The articel also gives insights to the state of the movement. From the article: "Some critics accuse degrowth of being too unrealistic. But the true fantasy is thinking tha...

Position paper • 2015


A Degrowth Response to an Ecomodernist Manifesto

By: Jeremy Caradonna et al

From the text: The Manifesto has already received strong criticism from an array of commentators, but none of these assessments has yet critiqued it from the perspective of “degrowth,” which is an approach that sees the transition to sustainability occurring through less environmentally impactful economic activities and a voluntary contraction of material throughput of the economy, to reduce hu...

Scientific paper • 2015


Economy, society and environment in the 21st century: three pillars or trilemma of sustainability?

By: George Martine, José Eustáquio Diniz Alves

Sustainable development. Environmental degradation. Demographic dynamics

• 2015


From Sustainable Development to Degrowth: Strategic Concepts in a Time of Downturn

By: Jakub Rok

From the text: We now live in a world where all those lofty exhortations on the need for sustainable development have lost their force, despite the fact that the term itself has enjoyed wide currency in public discourse. What holds strong instead is an unswerving belief in the liberating role of economic growth, a term which, for the European Union, has become synonymous with sustainable growth...

• 2015


Why Degrowth has out-grown its own name.

By: Kate Raworth

Kate Raworth brings up 5 arguments why degrowth has out-grown its own name. And she makes suggestions for how to find a better one. > An answer to the article by Giorgos Kallis

Report • 2015


The Degrowth Alternative

By: Giorgos Kallis

From the essay: Both the name and the theory of degrowth aim explicitly to repoliticize environmentalism. Sustainable development and its more recent reincarnation “green growth” depoliticize genuine political antagonisms between alternative visions for the future. They render environmental problems technical, promising win-win solutions and the impossible goal of perpetuating economic growth w...

Position paper • 2015


Schöne Grüne Welt

By: Ulrich Brand

Über die Mythen der Green Economy. 4. aktualisierte Auflage. Reihe «luxemburg argumente». Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Sie stoppt den Klimawandel und das Artensterben und schafft nebenbei hohe Wachstumsraten und Millionen Arbeitsplätze: die Green Economy. Sie gilt als Wunderwaffe, die uns aus der globalen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise wieder herausholt und die ökologischen Probleme gleich mit lös...

• 2015


Let’s define Degrowth before we dismiss it

By: Aaron Vansintjan

The reluctance of degrowth-critics to define growth makes for poor debate From the article: Recently there’s been a wave of arguments defending economic growth from a leftist perspective. People are increasingly reacting to the rise of ‘degrowth’: a diverse movement calling for, among other things, scaling back the total material and energy use of the global economy. One particularly vigoro...

Scientific paper • 2015


Socially sustainable degrowth as a social–ecological transformation: repoliticizing sustainability

By: Federico Demaria, Viviana Asara, Iago Otero, Esteve Corbera

Introduction to the Special Feature: "Socially Sustainable Degrowth as a Social-Ecological Transformation". Sustainability Science, July 2015, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp 375-384

Interview • 2015


Sind wir noch zu retten?

By: Alexander Jung, Hor, Knaup, Samiha Shafy, Bernhard Zand

Titel “Story” des Spiegels “Der verheizte Planet" im Februar 2015. Es geht um den Klimawandel. Anlass für den Artikel ist das zeitnah veröffentlichte Buch von Naomi Klein “This changes everything”. In diesem Kontext taucht auch die “Degrowth Bewegung” im Artikel auf. Der Spiegel 9/2015, S.56 – 64 Zur Titelstory gehört auch ein Interview mit Naomi Klein: "Der kaputte Planet"

• 2015

Image Text

Ergebnisse des degrowth Sommerschul- Kurses Comic Helden* gegen den Klimwandel

By: Eva Kirschenmann

Dokumentation eines Kurses der Degrowth Sommerschule 2015 "Degrowth konkret: Klimagerechtigkeit" Titel des Kurses: Comic-Helden* gegen den Klimawandel Kursbeschreibung aus dem Programm: Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU) formuliert international richtungsweisende Handlungsempfehlungen an Politik und Wirtschaft. In seinem Comic "Große Transforma...

Scientific paper • 2015


The Future Post-Growth Society

By: Clive Spash

Review Essay: Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill, Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources

• 2015


Can there be green socialist growth? A commentary on John Bellamy Foster (part II)

By: Giorgos Kallis

Introduction: In the first part of this commentary, I argued that there is no necessary incompatibility between capitalism and a steady or declining economy. Such a state, unstable (and ugly) as it could be, would increase the likelihood of the rise of a social force that will transform and transcend capitalism. In this essay, I want to ask instead whether an end of capitalism would necessarily...

Report • 2015


Good, natural, malignant: five ways people frame economic growth

By: Laurence Matthews, Alison Matthews

The authors make a short analysis of how "growth" is framed in public debate. Frames discussed are: 1. Growth is good news, 2. Growth is natural, 3. Growth is the way forward, 4. A malignant growth, 5. Free from growth. From the text: Growth is good. We need growth for wealth, for jobs, to help the poor – without it society will collapse. Or, at least, that’s the message we’re surrounded by,...

Scientific paper • 2015


Degrowth: between a scientific concept and a slogan for a social movement

By: Giorgos Kallis, Panos Petridis, Barbara Muraca

From the introduction: Degrowth is a new keyword. It is on the one hand a keyword that has a scientific basis on the recognition that continuous economic growth is not only unsustainable but also undesirable, and on the other, a keyword that aspires to mobilize a social movement, a ‘movement of movements’, that will act politically to stop the self-destructive path of growth economies, creating...

Presentation • 2015


What is Degrowth? Envisioning a Prosperous Descent

By: Samuel Alexander

Transcript of a keynote by Samuel Alexander presented at the ‘Local Lives, Global Matters’ conference in Castlemaine, Victoria, 16-18 October 2015. Other keynote speakers included Rob Hopkins, David Holmgren, and Helena Norberg-Hodge. Samuel Alexander presents a critical view on today's growth culture and introduces degrowth.