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Showing 494 items

• 2015


Es reicht! Abrechnung mit dem Wachstumswahn

By: Serge Latouche

Der Verlag: Leise Töne sind seine Sache nicht, auch nicht im Alter von über 70 Jahren. Ex-Präsident Sarkozy verglich seine Antiwachstumsbewegung Décroissance schon einmal mit Terrorismus - zu Unrecht, denn gewaltsame Veränderungen sind Serge Latouche fremd. Was er hingegen liebt, ist die wortstarke Provokation, und so fordert er nichts anderes als eine radikale Absage an die "Religion der Ökon...

Scientific paper • 2015

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Why Discards, Diverse Economies, and Degrowth?

By: Max Liboiron, Josh Lepawsky

About the article: Lepwasky and Liboiron instigated this special Forum collection because of a need to bring three relatively new scholarly discussions together: degrowth, diverse economies, and discard studies. They offer an overview of terms and discussions, then make an argument for why the three discourses need one another. On one hand, organizing economic life so it is not premised on prof...

• 2015


Wachstum und Nachhaltigkeit. Die Ökonomie am Scheideweg

By: Gerhard Scherhorn

Der Verlag: Das zentrale Problem der Menschheit heute ist der Substanzverzehr, seine Ursache die Fixierung der Politik auf Wirtschaftswachstum. Die Lösung liegt im Gegenteil der Wachstumspolitik, in der Politik der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Diese Politik lässt die nachhaltigere Produktion in den Grenzen des Substanzerhalts wachsen und die weniger nachhaltige schrumpfen. Sie wird erst gelingen, ...

Scientific paper • 2015


The growth paradigm: History, hegemony, and the contested making of economic growthmanship

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Economic history; Economic growth; GDP; Externalities; International organizations; Capitalism

Presentation • 2015


Sigrid Stadl ESEE2015 Plenary: Sustainable Work

By: Sigrid Stagl, Gill Seyfang

Plenary speech by Sigrid Stadl Q&A session with Gill Seyfang and Sigrid Stagl Plenary speech and Q&A session at the 2015 European Society for Ecological Economics Conference at the University of Leeds in July 2015.

Presentation • 2015


Giorgos Kallis ESEE2015 Plenary: Degrowth Economics

By: Giorgos Kallis, Dan O´Neill, Rupert Becket

Plenary address by Giorgos Kallis Question & Answer Session with Giorgos Kallis and Dan O´Neill, moderated by Rupert Becket Plenary address and Question & Answer Session at the 2015 European Society for Ecological Economics Conference at the University of Leeds in July 2015.

Presentation • 2015


Ronan Palmer ESEE2015 Plenary: Sustaining Development - Practicioners´ Perspectives

By: Ronan Palmer

Plenary speech by Ronan Palmer: Plenary speech at the 2015 European Society for Ecological Economics Conference at the University of Leeds in July 2015. Practitioners Panel Q&A session with Ronan Palmer, Kate Raworth, Andy Mace and Paul Ellis

Scientific paper • 2015


More growth? An unfeasible option to overcome critical energy constraints and climate change

By: Iñigo Capellán-Pérez, Margarita Mediavilla, Carlos de Castro, Óscar Carpintero, Luis Javier Miguel

Renewable limits, Fossil fuel depletion, Global warming, System dynamics, Peak oil, Scenarios

Presentation • 2015


Arild Vatn ESEE 2015 Plenary: Ecosystem service valuation and provision

By: Arild Vatn

Plenary speech by Arild Vatn Plenary speech at the 2015 European Society for Ecological Economics Conference at the University of Leeds in July 2015. Question and Answer Session with Emily McKenzie and Arild Vatn

• 2015


Économie de l'après-croissance - Politiques de l'Anthropocène II

By: Dir. Agnès Sinaï

La croissance et le productivisme, véritables socles de nos sociétés industrielles, nous entraînent dans une consommation effrénée d'espace et de ressources et mettent la planète sur une orbite périlleuse. Les théories économiques, qui ont alimenté ce déni de la finitude des ressources, dérivent aujourd'hui vers de nouveaux mirages tels que la monétarisation des écosystèmes ou la croissance ...

• 2015


Solidarische Ökonomie und Transformation

By: Barbara Muraca, Clarita Müller-Plantenberg, Josette Combes, Gabriele Wendorf, Paul Mason, Ursula Sladek, Christoph Bautz

Videoaufzeichnung des Eröffnungspodiums "Solidarische Ökonomie und Transformation" vom Solikon-Kongress für Solidarische Ökonomie und Transformation 2015 in Berlin. Aus dem Programm: Nach einstimmenden Begrüßungen durch die Veranstalter*innen und einem Statement von Paul Mason unter dem Titel „Capitalism is dying – What next?”, erwartet uns eine Podiumsdebatte zur Rolle und strategischen Be...

Scientific paper • 2015


Making Other Worlds Possible: Performing Diverse Economies

By: Gerda Roelvink, Kevin St. Martin, J. K. Gibson-Graham (ed.)

The publisher: Rethinking economy to produce resilient communities. What exactly constitutes an economy? Making Other Worlds Possible brings together a compelling range of projects inspired by the diverse economies research agenda pioneered by J. K. Gibson-Graham. Firmly establishing diverse economies as a field of research, Making Other Worlds Possible outlines an array of different ways scho...

Scientific paper • 2015

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Wirtschaftsjournalismus und Wachstumsparadigma

By: Ferdin, Knauß

Working Paper des Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam.

Presentation • 2015


Frans Berkhout ESEE2015 Plenary: Transdisciplinarity and Ecological Economics - Challenges of the engagement agenda

By: Frans Berkhout

Plenary speech by Frans Berkhout at the 2015 European Society for Ecological Economics Conference at the University of Leeds in July 2015.

Scientific paper • 2015


From Uneconomic Growth to a Steady-State Economy

By: Herman E. Daly

The publisher: In this important book, Herman E. Daly lays bare the weaknesses of growth economics and explains why, in contrast, a steady-state economy is both necessary and desirable. Through the course of the book, Daly develops the basic concept and theory of a steady-state economy from the 1970s limits to growth debates. In doing so, he draws on work from the classical economists, through ...

Scientific paper • 2015


Making Nature Valuable, Not Profitable: Are Payments for Ecosystem Services Suitable for Degrowth?

By: Rodrigo Muniz, Maria João Cruz

payments for ecosystem services; degrowth; biodiversity conservation; nature; valuable; commodification; neoliberal conservation; transition practices incentive

Scientific paper • 2015


Postwachstum und Arbeit – Diagnosen und Gegenentwürfe Eine kommentierte Literaturübersicht

By: Robert Koepp, Franziska Schunke, Christoph Köhler, Steffen Liebig, Stefan Schröder

Zusammenfassung: Die Literaturübersicht erfasst Beiträge aus der Postwachstumsdebatte, die sich mit den Folgen ökologischer Krisen und mit Gegenentwürfen für Wirtschaft und Arbeit im Globalen Norden beschäftigen. Autor_innen mit dramatischen Krisenannahmen und Schrumpfungsszenarien gehen für die Zukunft von einer Re-Traditionalisierung und Dualisierung von Wirtschaft und Arbeit aus und möchten ...

Scientific paper • 2015


Flourishing Within Limits to Growth

By: Sven Erik Jørgensen, Brian D. Fath, Søren Nors Nielsen, Federico M. Pulselli, Daniel A. Fiscus, Simone Bastianoni (ed.)

The publisher: Decades of research and discussion have shown that the human population growth and our increased consumption of natural resources cannot continue – there are limits to growth. This volume demonstrates how we might modify and revise our economic systems using nature as a model. The book describes how nature uses three growth forms: biomass, information, and networks, resulting in...

Scientific paper • 2015


The growth imperative revisited: a rejoinder to Gilányi and Johnson

By: Mathias Binswanger

Abstract: In Binswanger (2009) it was shown that in a simple circular flow model of a pure credit economy, positive growth rates are necessary in the long run in order to enable firms to make profits in the aggregate. If the growth rate falls below a certain positive threshold level, firms will make losses. Certain aspects of this model are challenged by the papers of Zsolt Gilányi and Reeves J...

• 2015


Growth Based Economies or Collapse

By: Sam Bliss

Published with a Creative Commons license. Sam Bliss, a graduate of ecological economics from the USA, explains with the help of orange juice what is going wrong in today's economy. In an encouraging way he displays different possible solutions for the problems he describes and thereby names essential parts of degrowth.