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Showing 232 items

Scientific paper • 2011


Degrowth in South Europe: complementarity in diversity

By: Federico Demaria, Francois Schneider, Andrea Calsamiglia, Laura Blanco, Dalma Domeneghin

Introduction: What is Degrowth? Degrowth is a slogan, a missile word, and a new social and intellectual movement of the North. The intention is to engage into a very contentious process: the one of making a diagnosis and a prognosis of our society. Degrowth attempts to re-politicize the debate about the much needed socio-ecological transformation, trying to affirm an alternative interpretative ...

Scientific paper • 2011


Decreixement Sostenible: complementarietat en la diversitat

By: Federico Demaria, François Schneider

1. Introducció: Què és el decreixement? ecreixement és un lema, una paraula míssil, un nou moviment social i intel·lectual. La seva intenció és participar en un procés molt polèmic: el de fer una diagnosi i una prognosi de la nostra societat. El decreixement vol repolititzar el debat sobre la transformació socioecològica, tan necessària, tot inte...

Presentation • 2010

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The Political Snail’s Strategy

By: Vincent Liegey

Poster by Vincent Liegey from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "The Political Snail’s Strategy".

Scientific paper • 2010


Cohousing’s relevance to degrowth theories

By: Matthieu Lietaert

Urban design, Degrowth, Cohousing, Intentional Community, Social Movement, Ecovillage

• 2010


Warum die Rettung der Erde bereits voll im Gang ist – und kaum einer es bemerkt

By: Paul Hawken

Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts zeigen sich zwei erstaunliche Entwicklungen: Auf der einen Seite sind wir mit systemischen Problemen konfrontiert, die sich nur global lösen lassen, und auf der anderen Seite gibt es das stille Wachsen einer Bewegung, die ohne Hierarchie und Ideologie an vielen Orten der Welt spontan das Notwendige für ein nachhaltigeres und gerechteres Leben der Menschen tut – n...

Scientific paper • 2010


Sustainable de-growth: Mapping the context, criticisms and future prospects of an emergent paradigm.

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Unai Pascual, Franck-Dominique Vivien, Edwin Zaccai

Sustainable development, Post-development, Sustainable economics, Ecological economics, De-growth

Presentation • 2010


Towards a nonviolent degrowth. A glance to methods and techniques of nonviolent action as a tool to achieve degrowth

By: Arnau Matas Morell

Poster and transcription of an poster session by Arnau Matas Morell at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Towards a nonviolent degrowth. A glance to methods and techniques of nonviolent action as a tool to achieve degrowth".

Scientific paper • 2010



By: Serge Latouche

Editorial, Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010). Introduction to degrowth. What is degrowth?, history, word, sources. Editorial / Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) p. 519-522

Presentation • 2010


Placing Metal Sensitivity as a pedagogic necessity for social movements

By: Sebastiao Rodrigues

Transcription of an poster session by Sebastiao Rodrigues at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Placing Metal Sensitivity as a pedagogic necessity for social movements".

Presentation • 2010

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Bike every day, celebrate it once a month. Critical Mass - Sustainable urban mobility and the importance of the social articulation, Madrid

By: Elisabeth Lorenzi

Poster by Elisabeth Lorenzi from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Bike every day, celebrate it once a month. Critical Mass - Sustainable urban mobility and the importance of the social articulation, Madrid".

• 2009


Guerilla Gardening - Ein botanisches Manifest

By: Richard Reynolds

Kohl auf dem Grünstreifen, Wildblumen auf Verkehrsinseln, Moosbilder an Betonmauern: Eine besondere Form des Gartenbaus ist unter dem Namen »Guerilla Gardening« zu einer weltweiten Bewegung angewachsen und gewinnt immer mehr Anhänger, mit ganz unterschiedlicher Motivation und immer einfallsreicheren Methoden. Gärtnern ist cool geworden! Gemeinsam ist den verschiedenen Varianten, dass die Gärtn...

Scientific paper • 2008


Escaping from the economy: the politics of degrowth

By: Valerie Fournier

Citizenship, National economy, Public policy, Sustainable development