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Interview • 2014


Open Source Vol. 6 | TRANSITION - TRACY WHEATLEY & Co. | 26/02/2015

By: Vincent Liegey, Sara Feher, Tracy Wheatley

Topics: Transition Town movement in Budapest and Transition (Towns) in general.

Scientific paper • 2014


Wie Unternehmen ihr Naturkapital ökonomisch erfassen - Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsempfehlungen

By: Tobias Hartmann

Die Publikation des Global Nature Fund (GNF) wurde im Rahmen des Projektes "Ökonomische Bewertung von Naturkapital aus unternehmerischer Perspektive – Ein Instrument zur Internalisierung betrieblicher Umweltauswirkungen" erstellt. Das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) und das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) fördern das Vorhaben. Die Studie soll Unternehmen über ...

Scientific paper • 2014


An interdisciplinary understanding of macro rebound effects

By: Hans Jakob Walnum

Rebound effects, critical realism, Interdisciplinary, socio technological structures

Scientific paper • 2014


Economic Growth and Normative Innovations

By: Mateusz Stachura

Abstract: In the prevalent view competition in saturated markets leads to a race-to-the-bottom, i.e. to a social, sociopolitical and ecological deregulation since competitive advantages are only viable by cost reductions due to the depletion of standards. In the present research project a contrary position is theoretically claimed and empirically tested. The main proposition is that low growth ...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Jürgen Manneck

Abstract: Why is global capitalism incapable of providing the millions of unemployed with work? From a social perspective, enormous wealth is simply running through our fingers, since many people are forced into unemployment by the mechanisms of capitalism. In 1995 a conference of 500 top managers, politicians and economists came to the conclusion that at the start of the 21st centruy only one-...

Scientific paper • 2014


Human Scale Development... away from bullets and machines

By: Soledad Granada

Abstract: The expansion of the modern state implies the continuous conquer of territory, and people, in order to access to resources. This conquer expresses as the continuous substitution of production models from peasant self-sustainable to agro-industrial and/or extractive, resulting in the territorial homogenization of production. This substitution, associated to different conceptions of dev...

Presentation • 2014


Free Trade – a barrier for degrowth?

By: Filka Sekulova, Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Lutz Weischner, Alexandra Strickner

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Lutz Weischner, Filka Sekulova Facilitation: Alexandra Strickner From the conference programme: International free trade regimes and neoliberal trading rules (NAFTA, TTIP, WTO) are a central obstacle for a development towards ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Towards a sustainable society: Concept for an alternative economic system

By: Thomas Frisius

Abstract: The current capitalistic economic system is very prone to crises, social inequity and waste of natural resources. In combination, this threatens the means of livelihood for future generations and is, therefore, at variance with a sustainable development. An alternative economic system is proposed with the potential to overcome these difficulties. In this system, international trade is...

Scientific paper • 2014


Natural Economies, the Alternative to Money. Card game simulation conclusions

By: Pau Bofill

Abstract: This document shows a comparison of bartering, alternative (free) money, official money (based on credit), and natural economies (give and take). The comparison is based on a workshop where the different kinds of exchange are simulated by means of playing cards. This paper describes the simulation game, and some reflections by the authors from previous editions of the workshop. This w...

Scientific paper • 2014


100% Money and Vollgeld, no Solution for a Stationary Economy

By: Benedikt Weihmayr

Abstract: In the post-growth debate a rising number of authors advocate for monetary reforms, which intention is to prevent banks from deposit creation and establishes the central bank as the sole issuer of money. This paper examines the expected macroeconomic consequences and reviews the proclaimed benefits. In the analysis, I consider especially the assertions of authors, who argue that such ...

Scientific paper • 2014


The relationship between intragenerational and intergenerational justice in the use of ecosystems and their services

By: Stefanie Sievers-Glotzbach, Stefan Baumgärtner, Martin Quaas

Abstract: Most scientific research on a “degrowth-economy” is motivated by finding pathways to build a just society, in terms of both intragenerational justice and intergenerational justice. As conflicts in attaining the two justices (may) arise in the design and implementation of sustainability policy, the relationship between the objectives of intragenerational and intergenerational justice (...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical implications of efficiency in climate economics

By: Ida Andrea Braathen Sognnaes

Abstract: Global climate change brings up fundamental questions related to intragenerational and intergenerational equity. Economists have traditionally drawn a sharp distinction between efficiency and equity, but more recent studies in ecological economics have argued that the two are intimately linked (Corbera, Brown, & Adger, 2007; Howarth & Norgaard, 1992; Muradian, Corbera, Pascual...

Scientific paper • 2014


Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) as a transitional path towards a degrowth society

By: Mònica Serlavós

Abstract: In the current context of multidimensional crises, this paper aims to evaluate the potential of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) as a transitional path towards a degrowth society. This research is motivated by the urgent need to find alternative ways to build a fairer and more responsible society in harmony with Nature. While recognizing the limitations of the Geneva case developed...

Scientific paper • 2014


Financialisation and the ambivalence of capitalist growth

By: Julian Müller

Abstract: This 2013 paper – an updated version of which I would like to present at the conference – examines the ambivalence of capitalist growth and accumulation, that is, the simultaneous combination of dynamic and restrictive tendencies. At the most abstract level, this ambivalence is related to the existence of three different forms or circuits of capital. At a more concrete level, the accu...

Scientific paper • 2014


Economy, Ecommony, CareCommony

By: Friederike Habermann

care, commons, externalisations, extractivism, commonsbased peerproduction

Scientific paper • 2014


We Need to Change: analysing potential for degrowth across Europe

By: Mladen Domazet, Danijela Dolenec, Branko Ančić, Marija Brajdić-Vuković

Abstract: We analyse comparative findings for 18 European ‘old’ and ‘new’ democracies, based on ISSP survey data from 2011. Indices originally constructed for this analysis reveal comparative insights into the potential within different societies for supporting policies and practices conducive to a sustainability switch. The authors initially confirm the so-called ‘prosperity thesis’ (Franzen a...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecological monetary economics: A post-Keynesian critique

By: Louison Cahen-Fourot, Marc Lavoie

Ecological macroeconomics ; Ecological monetary economics ; post-Keynesian economics ; steady-state ; degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Ecofeminism: Perspectives for Economic Analysis and Political Engagement

By: Christine Bauhardt

Abstract: The paper deals with three approaches conceived as alternative models to the capitalist growth economy: Green New Deal, Degrowth, and Solidarity Economy. Ecofeminist economics has much to offer to each of these approaches, but as yet these contributions remain unrealized. The Green New Deal largely represents the green economy, which makes economic success contingent on the ecological...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Foundation Theory

By: Andrea Acquarone, Júlia Pàmias Prohias

Abstract: This paper aims to present a theoretical framework useful for a qualitative analysis of the general economic system. Under this perspective, a possible path to realize a degrowth economy in a specific territory is shown, mainly thinking about a southern European reality. The reasoning starts from a reflection upon the feature of the utility function, which is conducive to a formulatio...

Scientific paper • 2014


Neoclassical, post-Keynesian and neo-Marxian perspectives on degrowth

By: Steffen Lange

Abstract: The question, how an economy can be organized without growth has received little attention from many strands of macroeconomics. In this paper I investigate this question, from the point of view of three prominent strands of macroeconomic theories: neoclassical, post-Keynesian and neo-Marxian approaches. The view of neoclassical theories is, that we need a different technological devel...