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Scientific paper • 2014


Peasant agriculture or agribusiness: what production model would lead to degrowth?

By: João Luís Homem de Carvalho

Abstract: There is a dispute between two agricultural models in Brazil: the agribusiness and the peasant agriculture. We need to discuss which agricultural model is more to our proposed degrowth. This paper aims to show that peasant agriculture in Brazil produces more food for the local population, occupies more manpower, uses fewer natural resources and emits lower amounts of greenhouse gases ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Post-Extracivism and De-Growth: Two Sides of the Same Perspective?

By: Ulrich Brand

Abstract: Post-Extracivism and De-Growth: Two Sides of the Same Perspective? There are at two continents two thrilling debates taking place. In Europe, the degrowth perspective pushes a dynamic political and scientific debate in Europe which started some years ago in order to develop alternatives to the business-as-usual strategies. Since the beginning of the economic crisis, those strategies c...

Scientific paper • 2014


Social sustainability practice in local government

By: Mark Boulle

Abstract: This paper presents the findings from doctoral research into social sustainability practice of Australian local government. It is argued that the social pillar of sustainability has received less attention in research and practice than environmental and economic pillars of sustainability. The research contends there is a leading role for local government to play in incorporating socia...

Position paper • 2014


Challenging Capital Oligarchies – Kapitaloligarchien herausfordern

By: Judith Dellheim

Blick aus sozialistischer Perspektive auf die Degrowth-Positionen von Judith Dellheim. Einleitung: Wer treibt gegenwärtig eigentlich Wachstum an? Zwei zentrale Triebkräfte für ein zerstörerisches Wachstum sind eine neue Qualität der Rolle von Kapitaloligarchien und der Finanzialisierung in den globalen gesellschaftlichen Reproduktionsprozessen. Sie vor allem sind es heute, die sozialökologis...

Report • 2014


Working hours reduction as a part of degrowth agenda

By: Unbekannt, Ganna Gladkykh, Elena Bakhanova

Documentation of the event "Working hours reduction as a part of degrowth agenda" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: Participatory modelling: Degrowth paradigm implies significant changes in economy. Economic downscaling will cause an increase in unemployment rates. It will negativel...

Position paper • 2014


Initiative on socially responsible mobility – saying no to traffic madness

By: Sabine Leidig

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Transport and Mobility.

Scientific paper • 2014


‘Expand or die’. The historical foundations of the economic growth paradigm

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Abstract: ‘Economic growth’ is widely regarded as a key goal of economic policy, not only across the political spectrum but also in all countries. How did the pursuit of growth become the essential goal of policy-making and a key priority taken for granted among social scientists, politicians, and the general public? This contribution to the special session "Degrowth and History" takes up this ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Potentials of the degrowth debate for socio-ecological transformation

By: Panos Petridis

Abstract: As the concept of socio-ecological transformation is increasingly gaining momentum in both academic research and policy circles, contributions from the degrowth debate come very timely. This paper analyses the recent developments in the degrowth literature, highlighting its visions as regards transformation, by presenting its ontological assumptions, actors and strategies, as well as ...

Scientific paper • 2014


BRAINPOoL: Lessons from the Beyond GDP world for degrowth

By: Saamah Abdallah

Abstract: BRAINPOoL was a 2.5 year project funded by the EU FP7 funding stream to understand and explore the barriers to the use of Beyond GDP indicators in policy-making, and to identify opportunities to accelerate that use. The project involved a broad range of activities including a review of Beyond GDP initiatives, interviews with Beyond GDP indicator developers and the policy-makers and po...

Interview • 2014


15 Minuten für Klimagerechtigkeit mit Lyda F. Forero

By: Lyda F. Forero

Der menschengemachte Klimawandel ist eine der größten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. In der Wissenschaft herrscht Einigkeit darüber, dass der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen drastisch reduziert werden muss, um gravierende Klimakatastrophen zu verhindern. Doch wie lässt sich der Klimawandel auf globaler Ebene fair und gerecht gestalten? Welche Verantwortung tragen die Länder des globalen Nordens...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Limits to Environmental Economics

By: Felix Ekardt

Abstract: By examining the problem of climate change this paper develops a substantial critique of the background assumptions that not only the formulation of economic theories but, in parts, also that of sociological/ political theories base on. However, this approach does not “supplement” to efficiency considerations” which up to now dominate the practical debate; it rather supersedes them. I...

Educational paper • 2014


Lehrbuch der Sozialpolitik

By: Jörg W. Althammer, Heinz Lampert

Als Standardwerk in den Sozialwissenschaften bietet das Buch einen von den Rezensenten anerkannten kompetenten Überblick über Geschichte, Theorie, Handlungsfelder und Reformprobleme der staatlichen Sozialpolitik. Durch zahlreiche Tabellen, Schaubilder, Übersichten, Literaturhinweise und ein ausführliches Sachregister trägt es ebenso wie durch seine allgemeinverständliche Darstellung didaktische...

Scientific paper • 2014


Rethinking the Role of the Economy and Financial Markets

By: Tony Greenham, Josh Ryan Collins

Abstract: The financial crisis is as much a crisis of economics as of the financial system. Inherent flaws in the modern monetary system overlay and magnify conceptual flaws in prevailing neo-liberal economic policy that rely on frameworks ill-suited to the current context of ecological and social problems. Our response therefore needs to address both the reform of the financial system and a fu...

Scientific paper • 2014


Serious Pleasure. Motivation in fun-emphasising social movements

By: Gregor Betz

Abstract: How can solutions for contemporary crises be implemented in modern societies, in which entertainment advanced to the guideline of our life and in which the process of ‘eventisation’ can be considered in almost all social fields? Based on outcomes of an ethnographical sociological research project, fun-emphasising protest events will be analysed, that try to integrate short-term thrill...

Scientific paper • 2014


Theoretical considerations on growth imperatives in a monetary economy

By: Oliver Richters, Ferdin, Wenzlaff, Christian Kimmich

Abstract: If an ongoing growth is considered impossible or undesirable, the growth dependence of man-made structures such as social security systems have to be carefully revised. In the post-growth debate, the monetary system based on credit money combined with positive interest rates is often criticized and accused of causing a growth imperative. The contribution refutes this oversimplified in...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ways towards an egalitarian post-growth society

By: Yorck Hauß

Abstract: In the early industrialized countries the economic growth rates are declining. Various symptoms of instability are showing already. Furthermore, economic growth has reached social and ecological boundaries. This implies the need for a transformation of the present social structure. A stable post-growth society has to be either egalitarian or authoritarian. There is empirical evidence ...

Presentation • 2014


Post-Extractivism and De-Growth: Two Sides of the Same Perspective?

By: Ulrich Brand

Contribution to a special session at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speaker: Ulrich Brand Abstract of the paper "Post-Extracivism and De-Growth: Two Sides of the Same Perspective?": There are at two continents two thrilling debates taking place. In Europe, the degrowth perspective pushes a dynamic politica...

Report • 2014

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Aufbruchtage - Schuld und Lohn ...

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zur Veranstaltung "Growth, degrowth, and (the critique of) capitalism" mit Eric Pinault. Aus dem Bericht: Éric Pineault, Professor am Department für Soziologie an der Université du Québec in Montréal, mit seinem Vortrag über "Eine politische Ökonomie des Degrowth: die Widersprüche des Spätkapitalismus und der Imperativ eines ökologischen Übe...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Politics of Sufficiency

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Politics of Sufficiency at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 General strategies > Focus on local policies (bottom-up participation) > Offer alternatives: > > both infrastructural & actual policies to try out alternative activities (like free bus pass) > > particularly to new residents because of higher accept...