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Showing 427 items

Report • 2012


The Path to Degrowth in Overdeveloped Countries

By: Erik Assadourian

Introductory text to degrowth, starting of with reporting from the 2nd international Degrowth Conference which took place in 2010. It includes basic growth critique as well as degrowth proposals. Topics are “The Curse of Overdevelopment”, “Reducing Overall Consumption by Overconsumers”, “Distributing Tax Burdens More Equitably”, “Sharing Work Hours Better”, “Cultivating a Plenitude Economy”, “M...

Report • 2012


Living Without Economic Growth

By: Charles Eisenstein, Extraenvironmentalist

[ Charles Eisenstein // Living Without Economic Growth ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. In this video Charles Eisenstein is thinking out loud what might mentally happen to people when the economy doesn't grow any longer. Extraenvironmentalist about the video: Charles Eisenstein talks about lower rates of economic growth across the planet. As economic growth stalled in 2012, will 2...

Scientific paper • 2012


Environmental Justice and Economic Degrowth: An Alliance between Two Movements

By: Joan Martinez-Alier

Ecological Economics, Social Metabolism, and Political Ecology

Interview • 2012


Pierre Rabhi : La croissance est un problème, pas une solution

By: Pierre Rabhi

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYStCuNMcYU[/embed] Dans cette vidéo, Pierre Rabhi répond à quelques questions sur notre société, telles que: les crises actuelles vont-elles permettre de remettre en question le système dans lequel nous vivons ? L'écologie semble aujourd'hui avoir été écartée du débat politique. Pourquoi ? D'où peut venir le changement? Changer les règles du jeu démocr...

Scientific paper • 2012


Sustainability and antispeciecism: the missing link in the critic of growth

By: Arianna Ferrari

From the text: . . . There is a curious observation to be made about this standard critique of growth. It refers not only to the need of restructuring economic life and recognizing material limits. It also involves a striving to embrace a different normative conception of the human relation to the Earth and so to nature. It thus points to the human responsibility in utilizing and preserving geo...

Scientific paper • 2012


Planned economic contraction: the emerging case for degrowth

By: Samuel Alexander

Keywords: degrowth, uneconomic growth, threshold hypothesis, voluntary simplicity

• 2012


Die Wohlstandsfrage - Sechs Visionen für nachhaltiges Wachstum

By: Kerstin Andreae, Ulrich van Suntum, Karl-Heinz Paqué, Christoph M. Schmidt, Nils aus dem Moore, Eberhard von Koerber, Michael Hüther

Die Menschen – vor allem in den Industrienationen – leben zwar gesünder, besser und reicher als je zuvor, doch die ökologischen Grenzen unsere Erde sind überschritten. Gerade die Industriestaaten, die erheblich von den natürlichen Rohstoffen unseres Planeten profitiert haben, stehen in historischer Verantwortung. Wenn es uns wirklich um den Erhalt unserer Welt, um Wohlstand, um Arbeitsplatz- un...

Scientific paper • 2012


On the Cusp of Global Collapse?

By: Graham M. Turner

Herausgeber_innen: Global data continues to confirm The Limits to Growth standard run scenario, which forecasts an imminent collapse in living standards and population due to resource constraints. Further, the mechanism underlying the simulated breakdown is consistent with increasing energy and capital costs of peak oil. The diversion of energy and capital away from industrial, agricultural, a...

Scientific paper • 2012


Abhängigkeit vom Wirtschaftswachstum als Hindernis für eine Politik innerhalb der limits to growth

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Irmi Seidl

Herausgeberinnen: Die Grenzen des Wachstums von Meadows et al.(1972) holen uns nach 40 Jahren ein. Doch inzwischen hat das Wirtschaftswachstum die Funktionsweisen vieler gesellschaftlicher Systeme durchdrungen und diese wachstumsabhängig gemacht. Ziel muss es sein, diese Abhängigkeit aufzulösen und Perspektiven für eine Postwachstumsgesellschaft zu entwickeln.

Presentation • 2012


Zurück zur Pferdekutsche? Postwachstumsgesellschaft konkret

By: Angelika Zahrnt

Vortrag von Angelika Zahrnt beim McPlanet-Kongress 2012 in Berlin.

Interview • 2012


Ecological Economics

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Peter Victor

[ Peter Victor // Ecological Economics] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Peter Victor made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Peter Victor is talking about economic growth today, it's history as well the history of its perception. Further he talks about the infrastructure of economic growth.

Scientific paper • 2012


The Real Message of The Limits to Growth

By: Jorgen Randers

Es bleibt eine unbeantwortete Frage, ob wirtschaftliches Wachstum ohne wachsende materielle Auswirkungen machbar ist. Es ist im Prinzip möglich, wurde aber in der Praxis noch nicht beobachtet. Die Studie Die Grenzen des Wachstums des Club of Romes haben diese Frage nicht gelöst, die Autoren sind in ihren Ansichten zur Realisierbarkeit vollständiger Entkopplung gespalten. Sie stimmten aber zu, ...

Educational paper • 2012

Image Text

Wachstum ohne Ende

By: Martin Eiermann

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Themenblätter im Unterricht Nr. 92 bpb: Wachstum ist der Treibstoff unserer Wirtschaft. Löhne, Renten, Investitionen, Staatsausgaben – alles hängt von unserer Fähigkeit ab, immer mehr zu produzieren und zu konsumieren. Doch was tun, wenn Wachstum teuer wird und Ressourcen zur Neige gehen?

Scientific paper • 2012


American passage: Towards a new economy and a new politics

By: James Gustave Speth

Keywords: Economy; Politics; Degrowth

Interview • 2012


Vincent Liegey: Degrowth, Decolonising our imaginary…

By: Vincent Liegey

Vincent Liegey about Degrowth, about the need to decolonise our imaginary and concrete steps towards a socio ecological transformation. Quote from the interview:" . . . If you have a hammer in your head, all the problems look like a nail. And I think one of the hammers we have nowadays in our heads is really the religion of economics. . .".

Scientific paper • 2012


What shall degrow? Proposals of bottom-up degrowth of capacity to produce and consume.

By: Francois Schneider

Capacity to produce and consume; Rebound Effect; Limiting Factors; Economic Size; Degrowth Policy; Frugal Innovation; Debound Strategies; Multidimensional crisis.

Scientific paper • 2012


Introduction to the Degrowth Symposium

By: Sead

Introduction to the Special Issue: "Degrowth Symposium Capitalism Nature Socialism", Volume 23, Issue 1

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth: Tools for a Complex Analysis of the Multidimensional Crisis

By: Mauro Bonaiuti

From the paper: This article intends first of all to offer a contribution to the analysis of the current multidimensional crisis and to help construct this shared view; at the same time, it reveals why orthodox economic prescriptions, of both neoclassical and Keynsian inspiration, cannot lead to a lasting solution to the crisis. Special Issue: Degrowth Symposium Capitalism Nature Socialism, ...

Interview • 2012


La Décroissance en vidéo

By: Vincent Liegey, Vincent Moreau

Introduction à la Décroissance avec dix interviews filmés: 1. Notre candidatE est la Décroissance. 2. La Décroissance: mais c’est quoi ce mot repoussoir? 3. Aux origines de la Décroissance. 4. La Décroissance: l’histoire d’un mouvement. 5. Quelle stratégie politique pour la Décroissance. 6. Décroissance: démondialisation, protectionnisme ou relocalisation ouverte? 7. Crise de la dette e...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Growth Paradigm: A critique

By: Gareth Dale

Discusses the “Origins of the growth paradigm” by going into history, starting in medieval times going over to industrialisation, including the “invention of scarcity” and the “change from a world of custom and common land to one based on absolute private property”, “a redefinition of human needs and desire” and economic theory. Further “the criticisms of political economy for its neglect of th...