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Showing 494 items

• 2013

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Das Lexikon der Wirtschaft

By: bpb

Wirtschaftliche Prozesse und Entwicklungen unterliegen einer hohen Dynamik. Stichworte wie Globalisierung, Shareholder-Value und Vernetzung zeigen, wie die internationalen ökonomischen Verflechtungen immer mehr zunehmen. Hier bietet das Lexikon der Wirtschaft einen allgemein verständlichen Zugang. Die Themenpalette umfasst das gesamte Feld der Wirtschaft in zwölf Kapiteln: Grundlagen, Mikroökon...

Scientific paper • 2013


A simple model of a currency union with endogenous money and saving-investment imbalances

By: Dirk Ehnts

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The economic crisis in the euro zone proves that neither the creators of the euro nor today's policy-makers fully understand the functioning of a currency union. Explanations of the macroeconomic relations inside a currency union are therefore in demand. It is now clear that macroeconomic imbala...

Report • 2013


Wachstumsverzicht oder moderates Wachstum?

By: Ulrich Busch

Zum Disput zwischen Ökonomen und Nichtökonomen. Reihe «Analysen». Von Ulrich Busch. Kritik an Degrowth Ein ökonomisches Missverständnis Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Angesichts knapper werdender Ressourcen und sich dramatisch zuspitzender Umweltprobleme wird über die Notwendigkeit einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung und den Übergang zu einer ressourcensparenden Produktions- und Lebensweise immer h...

Scientific paper • 2013


Coordination, Collective Bargaining and Macroeconomic Performance: Re-Analyzing a “hump-shaped“ Relation

By: Frederik Knirsch

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The EU crisis is not overcome yet and the entire system suffers from the persistent macroeconomic imbalances and inequalities. According to the EU growth and convergence strategy “Europe 2020” the EC recommends a set of political reforms concerning national labour markets including adjustments...

• 2013

Image Text

Economix - Wie unsere Wirtschaft funktioniert (oder auch nicht)

By: Michael Goodwyn

Das Wirtschaftsbuch fur Einsteiger. Alle sprechen von Ökonomie, aber was versteckt sich hinter all den hochtrabenden Worten und Theorien? Was mussen wir wissen, um verstehen und mitreden zu können? Diesen Fragen hat sich Michael Goodwin gestellt, und er gibt Antworten. In Economix fasst er die Geschichte der Ökonomie verständlich zusammen und uberpruft die Realität sowie das Funktionieren oder ...

• 2013


Wohlstand ohne Wachstum

By: Tim Jackson

Untertitel: Leben und Wirtschaften in einer endlichen Welt Der Verlag: Unsere gesamte Wirtschaftsordnung baut auf ewigem Wachstum auf - aber nun brauchen wir einen anderen Motor, sagt Tim Jackson. In seinem Standardwerk zur Wachstumsdebatte fordert der britische Ökonom nicht weniger als eine neue Wirtschaftsordnung, die auf einem anderen Wohlstandsbegriff beruht. ISBN-13: 978-3-86581-414-2 ...

Scientific paper • 2013


The Influence of FDI and Portfolio Investment on Developing Countries' Labor Share – An Empirical Investigation

By: Katharina Trapp

Keywords: Labor Share, FDI, Portfolio Investment, International Capital Mobility, Wage Bargaining

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth and public health in Cuba: lessons from the past?

By: Iris Borowy

Cuba; Economic crisis; Special period; Public health; Urban agriculture; Social capital

Study • 2012


Trade Off: Financial system supply-chain cross contagion – a study in global systemic collapse

By: David Korowicz

Overview: This study considers the relationship between a global systemic banking, monetary and solvency crisis and its implications for the real-time flow of goods and services in the globalised economy. It outlines how contagion in the financial system could set off semi-autonomous contagion in supply-chains globally, even where buyers and sellers are linked by solvency, sound money and ba...

Interview • 2012


Creating Culture

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Janice Harvey

[ Janice Harvey // Creating Culture ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Janice Harvey made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Janice Harvey talks about culture and what it is. It is pre-reflective, it gives a frame for what people live in, for taking decisions etc.. Further she talks about how culture can change.

Interview • 2012


Energy Returns

By: Charles Hall

[ Charles Hall // Energy Returns ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Charles Hall made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Extraenvironmentalist about the video: Dr. Charles Hall of the Dept. of the SUNY-Environmental and Forest Biology describes the EROEI concept he developed along with the ideas behind his creation of t...

Presentation • 2012


Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - John Fullerton & Joshua Farley

By: Geoffrey Garver, Joshua Farley, John Fullerton

Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - John Fullerton & Joshua Farley - 15 mai/May 2012 from Geoffrey Garver on Vimeo. Plenary session on "finance and degrowth" at the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012.

Scientific paper • 2012


The True-­Cost Economy: Toward a Model To End Cheater Economics, Ensure Fair Play, & Long-­Term Survival

By: Randy Hayes, Foundation Earth

Abstract: Over the next century, communities worldwide will experience an unprecedented shift of weather with occasional extreme weather events (ecological spasms) resulting in economic spasms and occasional regional collapses. Concerned citizens and opinion leaders need to prepare before these eco-spasm collapses occurs. Far from being prepared, most opinion leaders and power brokers are not e...

Scientific paper • 2012


Wachstumszwang in der Geldwirtschaft? Theoretische Erwägungen

By: Christoph Freydorf, Oliver Richters, Ferdin, Wenzlaff, Christian Kimmich, Thomas Koudela, Ludwig Schuster

Abstract: Der Zusammenhang von Wachstums- und Zinsrate wird in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften ausführlich behandelt. Dabei besteht Konsens, dass sinkende Wachstumsraten aus sozio-ökonomischen Gründen unerwünscht sind. Gleichzeitig deuten jedoch immer mehr Forschungsergebnisse darauf hin, dass Wachstum nicht zuletzt aus ökologischen Gründen an Grenzen stößt und mit ...

Interview • 2012


Ecological Economics

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Extraenvironmentalist

[ Joan Martinez-Alier // Ecological Economics] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Joan Martinez-Alier made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Why has it taken so long until climate change and degrowth became topics? He talks about "Debt-ocracy" and the hope that the financial crisis can open up discussions about the real economy...

• 2012


Sacred Economics with Charles Eisenstein - A Short Film

By: Ian MacKenzie, Charles Eisenstein

Licensed Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial. Note: Subtitles are also available in other languages. Short Video in which the author Charles Eisenstein explains his concept of 'Sacred Economics'. Topics in the video are: Money, what it is, what it does and where it comes from, alienation and community, gift economy, some growth critique and more. About the Book "Sacred Economi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Democracies with a future: Degrowth and the democratic tradition

By: Marco Deriu

Abstract: The interrogation of a possible connection between degrowth and democracy inspires some questions of political epistemology. Is degrowth a socio-economic project which can be simply proposed as an “issue” and a “goal” in the democratic representative system, without discussing forms and processes of the political institutions themselves? Is the degrowth perspective fully compatible wi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Pillars for a flourishing Earth: planetary boundaries, economic growth delusion and green economy

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Nicolas Kosoy, Peter G Brown, Klaus Bosselmann, Anantha Duraiappah, Brendan Mackey, Deborah Rogers, Robert Thomson

Abstract: In the hue and cry about the ‘green economy’ leading up to Rio + 20 a number of simple points have been neglected. First, the purposes of the economy have been too narrowly conceived. Second, the role of demand management is vastly underplayed. Third, the assumptions about the nature of reality are inconsistent with contemporary science. Fourth, it is mired in a complex discourse abou...

Report • 2012


The Path to Degrowth in Overdeveloped Countries

By: Erik Assadourian

Introductory text to degrowth, starting of with reporting from the 2nd international Degrowth Conference which took place in 2010. It includes basic growth critique as well as degrowth proposals. Topics are “The Curse of Overdevelopment”, “Reducing Overall Consumption by Overconsumers”, “Distributing Tax Burdens More Equitably”, “Sharing Work Hours Better”, “Cultivating a Plenitude Economy”, “M...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth and the supply of money in an energy-scarce world

By: Richard Douthwaite

Energy; Money supply; Debt; Regional currencies; Climate change