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Showing 427 items

Presentation • 2010


Equitable, Ecological Degrowth: Feminist Contributions

By: Patricia Ellie Perkins

Keynote by Patricia Ellie Perkins at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Climate Change and Economic Crisis: Is prosperity possible without growth?" Abstract: This paper uses feminist ecological economics and ecofeminist methodologies and theory to contribute to Degrowth in theory and practice. Th...

Presentation • 2010


The contribution of innovations in the energy system to degrowth patterns

By: Petra Wächter, Michael Ornetzeder, Harald Rohracher, Anna Schreuer, Matthias Weber, Klaus Kubeczko, Manfred Paier, Markus Knoflacher, Philipp Späth

Poster and Transcription of an poster session by Petra Wächter, Michael Ornetzeder, Harald Rohracher, Anna Schreuer, Matthias Weber, Klaus Kubeczko, Manfred Paier, Markus Knoflacher and Philipp Späth at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "The contribution of innovations in the energy system to degr...

Scientific paper • 2010


Sustainable de-growth: Mapping the context, criticisms and future prospects of an emergent paradigm.

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Unai Pascual, Franck-Dominique Vivien, Edwin Zaccai

Sustainable development, Post-development, Sustainable economics, Ecological economics, De-growth

Presentation • 2010


Class, Degrowth and Transition to Just and Sustainable Society

By: Marko Ulvila, Jarna Pasanen

Transcription of an poster session by Marko Ulvila and Jarna Pasanen at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Class, Degrowth and Transition to Just and Sustainable Society".

• 2010


Austerity and Degrowth – Dealing with the Economic Crisis and the Ecological Crisis Together

By: Brian Davey

Introduction: This article arises from increasing frustration and irritation about the way that the debate about Greece, and in general about austerity, is framed. My frustration is not only with the policy thugs who are implementing austerity, but also, to a degree, with their critics – which includes the failure of most of the critics of growth to actually get involved in this controversy and...

• 2010


How to correct wrong information about economic growth

By: Roefie Hueting

Transcription of an oral session by Roefie Hueting at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Growth is unsustainable. Long live degrowth?". Abstract: Economic growth is generally defined as increase of national income (NI) (or GDP) as a measure of production. However, according to the subject matter...

Scientific paper • 2010



By: Serge Latouche

Editorial, Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010). Introduction to degrowth. What is degrowth?, history, word, sources. Editorial / Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) p. 519-522

Presentation • 2010


Postwachstumsökonomie Prof. Niko Paech

By: Niko Paech

VWL Göttingen: Ein Vortrag von apl. Prof. Niko Paech zur Wachstumskritik und Lösungswegen wie Gesellschaften dem Problem begrenzter Ressourcen begegnen können. > Teil 1 > Teil 2 > Teil 3 > Teil 4 > Teil 5 > Teil 6 > Teil 7

Presentation • 2010

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Economic deGrowth and New Economic Structures

By: Tim Crabtree, Eva Franková, Nadia Johanisová

Poster by Tim Crabtree, Nadia Johanisová and Eva Franková from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Economic deGrowth and New Economic Structures".

Presentation • 2010


Architecture and Degrowth? - How an Art of Production can fundamentally and voluntary degrow without disappearing

By: Emmanuel Pezrès

Poster by Emmanuel Pezrès from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Architecture and Degrowth? - How an Art of Production can fundamentally and voluntary degrow without disappearing".

Presentation • 2010

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Key information ‘conductors’: Civil Society Organizations

By: Isa Gama, Mariana Meireles

Transcription of an poster session by Isa Gama and a poster from Isa Gama and Mariana Meireles at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Key information ‘conductors’: Civil Society Organizations".

Presentation • 2010

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Mobility systems and economic growth: A theoretical analysis of the long-term effects of alternative transpotation policies

By: Luigi Bonatti, Emanuele Campiglio

Poster by Luigi Bonatti and Emanuele Campiglio from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title “Mobility systems and economic growth: A theoretical analysis of the long-term effects of alternative transpotation policies".

Presentation • 2010


Long run Welfare under Externalities in Consumption, Leisure, and Production: A Case for Happy De-Growth vs. Unhappy Growth

By: Simone D'Alessandro, Ennio Bilancini

Transcription and presentation of an oral session by Ennio Bilancini and Simone D'Alessandro at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "Long run Welfare under Externalities in Consumption, Leisure, and Production: A Case for Happy De-Growth vs. Unhappy Growth". Happy Degrowth vs Unhappy Growth fr...

Scientific paper • 2010


Die Postwachstumsgesellschaft - Pfade zu einem neuen Paradigma

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Irmi Seidl

Herausgeberinnen: Vieles, was Menschen und der Umwelt gut täte, steht heute unter Wachstumsvorbehalt. Deshalb ist ein Paradigmenwechsel nötig. Dabei gilt es systemische Zwänge zu überwinden und Konzepte für eine Postwachstumsgesellschaft zu entwickeln.

Interview • 2010


Degrowth or the economics of Enough

By: Richard Noorgard

Short-interview with Richard Noorgard from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona.

Interview • 2010


Degrowth and Politics

By: David Barkin

Short-interview with David Barkin from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona.

Interview • 2010


Gobal Alliance for Degrowth

By: Joan Martinez Alier

Short-interview with Joan Martinez Alier from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona.

Presentation • 2010

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Sustainable Economic Welfare in Portugal (1950-2006)

By: Simão Dias

Poster by Simão Dias from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title “Sustainable Economic Welfare in Portugal (1950-2006)”.

Presentation • 2010

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Make Prosperity global: A holistic approach beyond quantitative degrowth

By: Donald Maclurcan

Poster by Donald Maclurcan at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Make Prosperity global: A holistic approach beyond quantitative degrowth".

Presentation • 2010

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Less consumption more well-being - evidences from the policies of Italian Virtuous Municipalities Association

By: Michela Guerini, Marco Boffi

Poster by Michela Guerini and Marco Boffi at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Less consumption more well-being - evidences from the policies of Italian Virtuous Municipalities Association".