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Showing 416 items

Scientific paper • 2020

Public health and degrowth working synergistically: what leverage for public health?

By: Marie-Jo Ouimet, Pier-Luc Turcotte, Louis-Charles Rainville, Yves-Marie Abraham, David Kaiser, Icoquih Badillo-Amberg

The climate crisis represents the biggest public health threat of our time. It interacts with the rising inequalities, chronic diseases and mental illness widely associated with our dominant economic system. Though degrowth and public health approaches differ, both share common values. The former proposes a new paradigm intended to halt the destruction of life-supporting systems by infinite eco...

Scientific paper • 2020

Discourses of degrowth: New value systems for global environmental governance?

By: Lucy Ford, Gabriela Kuetting

The Global Environmental Politics literature tends to focus on institutional and governance frameworks as the solution to global environmental problems rather than on the systemic constraints that limit the potential effectiveness of governance efforts. Part of the problem with institutional frameworks to reform global environmental governance is insufficient attention paid to deeper structural...

Scientific paper • 2020


Mapping Different Worlds of Eco-Welfare States

By: Katharina Zimmermann, Paolo Graziano

Attention towards topics such as environmental pollution, climate change, or biodiversity has strongly increased in the last years. The struggles to balance market powers and ecological sustainability somehow evoke memories of the early days of European welfare states, when social protection emerged as a means to prevent industrial capitalism from disruptive social tensions due to excessive soc...

Scientific paper • 2020


The Virtuous Circle of Sustainable Welfare as a Transformative Policy Idea

By: Tuuli Hirvilammi

Welfare states are highly dependent on the economic growth paradigm. Especially in social democratic welfare states, growth dependence has historically been accompanied by the notion of a virtuous circle, which ensures that social policy measures do not conflict with economic growth. However, this policy idea ignores the environmental impacts that are now challenging human wellbeing and welfare...

Scientific paper • 2020


Eco-social divides in Europe: public attitudes towards welfare and climate change policies

By: Adeline Otto, Dimitri Gugushvili

In the face of accelerating global warming and attendant natural disasters, it is clear that governments all over the world eventually have to take measures to mitigate the most adverse consequences of climate change. However, the costs of these measures are likely to force governments to reconsider some of their tax and spending priorities, of which social spending is the largest expenditure i...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - A Green New Deal without growh

By: Riccardo Mastini

Presentation [part of the standard session "Institutional Change 2"] The Green New Deal offers a powerful vision for how to deploy industrial policies to coordinate the overhaul of a country’s energy system and decarbonize its manufacturing and agricultural sectors. However given the elusiveness of absolute decoupling degrowth policies must accompany this transition. Presenters: Riccardo ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Ecological macroeconomics in the open economy: Sustainability, unequal exchange and policy coordination in a center-periphery model

By: Jeffrey Althouse, Guilio Guarini, Jose Gabriel Porcile

This article introduces a novel (environmental) interpretation of a “Keynesian coordination game” and develops four potential scenarios to remaining within a global carbon emissions constraint. With inspiration from research on “ecologically unequal exchange” (EUE), we demonstrate the drawbacks of present “green growth” strategies by considering how pollution- and resource-intensive industrie...

Scientific paper • 2020


Sustainable Welfare in Swedish Cities: Challenges of Eco-Social Integration in Urban Sustainability Governance

By: Jamil Khan, Roger Hildingsson, Lisa Garting

In this paper, we study the integration of ecological sustainability and social welfare concerns in cities. Efforts to handle ecological challenges risk having negative impacts on equality and social welfare. While current levels of consumption and material welfare are unsustainable, there is a need for more sustainable approaches to welfare and wellbeing. Still, ecological and social concerns ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Closing the green finance gap - A systems perspective

By: Sarah Hafner, Aled Jones, Annela Anger-Kraavi, Jan Pohl

Meeting its climate policy objectives requires the UK to rapidly decarbonise its energy sector. This demands high levels of investments into low carbon energy infrastructure, which are currently not undertaken at required scale, leading to a green finance gap. We explore (1) key investment barriers, (2) a theoretical framework for investigation and (3) possible solutions, drawing on a review of...

Scientific paper • 2020


‘Re-grabbing’ marine resources: a blue degrowth agenda for the resurgence of small-scale fisheries in Malta

By: Alicia Said, Douglas MacMillan

The era of blue growth, underpinned by neoliberal policy discourses, has been pervasive in the promulgation of European marine governance and policies in the past decade, with little or no regard for the sustainability of small-scale fisheries. In this paper, we engage with theoretical and empirical observations to reflect on how the promise of sustainable economic growth arising from the c...

Scientific paper • 2020


Lessons for blue degrowth from Namibia’s emerging blue economy

By: Rosanna Carver

Globally there has been recognition that there is little consensus attributed to the definition of the blue economy. However, despite this acknowledgement, the blue economy is championed for its development potential by the African Union and subsequently, several African states. Having formalised the agenda in its fifth National Development Plan Namibia is working to implement a governance ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Fiddling while the planet burns? COP25 in perspective

By: Peter Newell, Olivia Taylor

With fires, storms, social protests, and climate strikes sweeping the world, 2019 should have been a tipping point in how the world responds to global heating. This was the backdrop to the COP25 climate change summit which took place in Madrid in December 2019. This paper assesses the outcomes of the meeting and the path towards the critically important meeting in Glasgow at the end of 2020...

Presentation • 2020


Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Anti-Capitalist Politics in the Time of Covid-19

By: David Harvey

In this episode, Prof. Harvey talks about the factors and conditions that enables COVID-19 to become a pandemic and the ramifications for the economy and for social life.

Scientific paper • 2020


Money, Vouchers, Public Infrastructures? A Framework for Sustainable Welfare Benefits

By: Katharina Bohnenberger

While the social consequences of environmental policies are extensively evaluated in sustainability research, few studies exist on the ecological impact of social benefits and the welfare state. Sustainable welfare is a novel research field that seeks to close this knowledge gap and develop integrated eco-social policies. Within this, researchers are starting to ask how citizen’s needs can be g...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - A framework to move policy-making in the EU beyond growth

By: Jonathan Barth

Presentation [part of the standard session "Institutional Change 2"] The session introduces an online toolbox to guide policy-making beyond growth. Based on a literature review, we structure post-growth policies along 17 objectives, 101 transformative changes and 260 instruments. The framework shows what means other than economic growth can achieve political ends. Presenters: Jonathan Bar...

Scientific paper • 2020


Feasible alternatives to green growth

By: Simone D'Alessandro, Kristofer Dittmer, André Cieplinski, Tiziano Distefano

Climate change and increasing income inequality have emerged as twin threats to contemporary standards of living, peace and democracy. These two problems are usually tackled separately in the policy agenda. A new breed of radical proposals have been advanced to manage a fair low-carbon transition. In this spirit, we develop a dynamic macrosimulation model to investigate the long-term effect...

Scientific paper • 2020


Blue degrowth and the politics of the sea: rethinking the blue economy

By: I. Ertör, M. Hadjimichael

Editorial to the Special Issue in Sustainability Science (15, 2020)

• 2020


Wachstum schadet dem Klima. Wir brauchen neue Wege zum Wohlstand

By: Joël Foramitti

Technologische Wunschträume und die Fixierung auf ewiges Wachstum verhindern seit Jahrzehnten eine effektive Klimapolitik

Scientific paper • 2020


Reviewing the Smart City Vienna Framework Strategy’s Potential as an Eco-Social Policy in the Context of Quality of Work and Socio-Ecological Transformation

By: Jana Brandl, Irina Zielinska

In the face of an increasing awareness of environmental issues and the urgent need to tackle them without shifting the burden onto the most vulnerable social groups, calls for a socio-economic transformation are growing louder. However, there is no consensus on what transformative strategies should look like. Within the German-language literature one can broadly distinguish two transformative p...

• 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Degrowth and European Politics 1: “How do we deal with the European Green Deal?”

By: Tone Smith, Jagoda Munić, Aurore Lalucq, Pawel Wargan

Panel discussion We will discuss what’s currently happening on EU level regarding “greening the economy” (mainly within the European Green Deal frame). Taking into account literature dealing with EU and national policies in the context of degrowth we want to make the practical challenges of navigating the realities of the European political system transparent. With this consecutive session w...