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Showing 158 items

Scientific paper • 2017


Value, Growth, Development: South American Lessons for a New Ecopolitics

By: Eduardo Gudynas

KEYWORDS: Degrowth, ecosocialism, developmentalism, Buen Vivir

• 2017


Umwelt und Entwicklung in globaler Perspektive

By: Stefan Peters, Hans-Jürgen Burchardt

Untertitel: Ressourcen - Konflikte - Degrowth Verlag über das Buch: Umweltpolitische Themen gewinnen an Bedeutung für die internationale Politik. In der Praxis erscheinen ökologische Bedenken gegenüber dem Wachstumsimperativ jedoch oft als Papiertiger. Dieses Buch diskutiert am Beispiel der Rohstoffpolitik die politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Konsequenzen einer intensivierten Rohst...

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth and post-extractivism: two debates with suggestions for the inclusive development framework

By: Ulrich Brand, Tobias Boos, Alina Brad

Abstract: Two thrilling academic debates are taking place in different parts of the world. In Europe, the concept of degrowth is gaining in importance as a strategy to reorient societies and create well-being against the imperatives of capitalist growth. In Latin America, there is a post-extractivism or good living critique of the currently dominant development model of neo-extractivism. Only r...

• 2017


Beyond the limits of nature: a social-ecological view of growth and degrowth

By: Eleanor Finley

Teaser on entitle.org: In this second article of the series “Ecology after capitalism“, Finley revisits the concept of growth from the libertarian socialist perspective of social ecology. She draws on Bookchin’s work to interrogate the limits of a degrowth conception of ‘growth’ and argues that we might find more opportunities for social and political transformation in social ecology’s analysis...

Scientific paper • 2017


Reflecting the Post-Development gaze: the degrowth debate in Germany

By: Daniel Bendix

Keywords: Post-Development, degrowth, Postwachstum, Global North, Germany, global inequalities

Scientific paper • 2017


Beyond (anti)utilitarianism: khat and alternatives to growth in northern Madagascar

By: Lisa L. Gezon

Keywords: Madagascar, khat, utilitarian, degrowth, economy, urban

Scientific paper • 2017


Finding common ground: exploring synergies between degrowth and environmental justice in Chiapas, Mexico

By: Jonathan Otto

Key Words: Degrowth, environmental justice, contestation, Mexico

Scientific paper • 2017


Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: meaning, measure and degrowth in a living development alternative

By: Ritu Verma

Keywords: Gross National Happiness, degrowth, holistic development, Bhutan

Scientific paper • 2017


The unit of resilience: unbeckoned degrowth and the politics of (post)development in Peru and the Maldives

By: Eric Hirsch

Keywords: resilience, degrowth, climate change, Peru, Maldives

Scientific paper • 2017


Two Contrasting Scenarios for a Zero-Emission Future in a High-Consumption Society

By: Carlo Aall, Jin Xue, Hans Jakob Walnum, Petter Næss

Keywords: ecological modernisation; degrowth; zero-emission society; scenario

Scientific paper • 2017


Transitioning to a Post-Carbon Society

By: Alain Gras, Joaquim Sempere, Ernest Garcia, Mercedes Martinez-Iglesias, John Wiseman, Samuel Alexander, Rebecca Bramall, Jorge Riechmann, Peadar Kirby, Laurence Raineau, Climent Sanjuán, Ignasi Lerma Montero, Jesús Vicens

Subtitle: Degrowth, Austerity and Wellbeing Editors: Ernest Garcia, Mercedes Martinez-Iglesias, Peadar Kirby From the introduction: . . . This stark choice confronts humanity with what is perhaps the greatest dilemma it has ever faced in its history: can we try to mobilize our resources in the most unprecedented ways over a short time span of no more than half a century to avoid the wors...

Presentation • 2016

Image Text

The degrowth side of post-development (and vice versa)

By: Tzekou Eirini-Erifyli

Although it's been over 20 years since the first edition of "Development Dictionary" (Sachs, 1992), which marks the beginning of the debate on the end of the era of development and the transition to the age of post-development, and about 15 years since the emergence of the degrowth discourse as an activist slogan (Demaria et al, 2013), and despite the many similarities shared by the two discour...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 – Technologies for a Degrowth Transition. A Faustian Bargain?

By: Tomislav Medak

Presentation by Tomislav Medak I'll broach the degrowth transition from the combined perspective of social construction of technology and world system theories. I'll seek to demonstrate how dominant technological complex functions to integrate yet thwart the advancement of semi-periphery. Narratives of a socially more just and ecologically more sustainable future would frequently have us beli...

Scientific paper • 2016


Challenges in the transition towards sustainable development in Bulgaria

By: Aneliya Paneva

Challenges in the transition towards sustainable development in Bulgaria Abstract: An understanding of the causes for changes of ecosystems at the local and national level is essential for initiating learning processes and for designing interventions to reduce adverse environmental impacts. However, transition economies have not been studied much in this context. Taking Bulgaria as a case stud...

Scientific paper • 2016


Empowering Radical Development Alternatives

By: Ashish Kothari

Conventional power equations are being challenged in innovative ways by communities in India and elsewhere. While the power elites prod countries like India into the ever-tightening embrace of global capital, it is becoming clearer by the day that neither do the poor and marginalized benefit, nor is a globalized model of development ecologically sustainable. In the middle of the multiple crises...

Scientific paper • 2016


The degrowth side of post-development (and vice versa)

By: Tzekou Eirini-Erifyli, Gritzas Giorgos

The degrowth side of post-development (and vice versa) Although it's been over 20 years since the first edition of "Development Dictionary" (Sachs, 1992), which marks the beginning of the debate on the end of the era of development and the transition to the age of post-development, and about 15 years since the emergence of the degrowth discourse as an activist slogan (Demaria et al, 2013), and...

Scientific paper • 2016


The role of community enterprises in rural development

By: Melinda Mihály

Neoliberal regional development policies are not just environmentally unsustainable, but are also producing uneven regions (Harvey 2011, Smith 2008). The case of Hungary seems to confirm this. Regional disparities in Hungary has been growing in the postsocialist transition period and our accession to the EU has not improved this situation either (Tímár 2007). In the same time there is a tenden...

Scientific paper • 2016


Understanding the good life beyond growth: insights from Degrowth, Human Development and Buen Vivir

By: Adrián Beling, Julien Vanhulst

Since the early 70's three approaches to development thinking have emerged to criticize and try to overcome the dominant perspectives of "economic development" and "economic growth". These include the ideas of Degrowth, Human Development and Buen Vivir. Proponents of Degrowth aim to create a post-growth society based on material sufficiency, individual and collective well-being and ecological s...

Presentation • 2016


FRI_9:30h // Ashish Kothari - Radical alternatives to Unsustainability and inequality

By: Ashish Kothari

Recorded keynote speech at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speaker: Ashish Kotari Degrowth 2016 - English Youtube Channel

Presentation • 2016


WED_19h // Evening plenary - Capitalism and (de)growth

By: Susan Paulson, Daniel O'Neill, Jen Hinton

Panel discussion at the the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speakers: Jen Hinton, Susan Paulson, Daniel O'Neill Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel