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Showing 94 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Going beyond efficiency: including altruistic motives in behavioral models for sustainability transitions to address suffiency

By: Niko Schäpke, Felix Rauschmayer

Abstract: Sustainability transitions require altered individual behaviors. Policies aiming to make people change their consumption behavior are designed according to efficiency, consistency, and sufficiency principles. Taking into account shortcomings of the first two principles, this paper specifically addresses the sufficiency principle. Sufficiency policies are not very popular due to the fe...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecological Basic Income – an Acceleration Brake

By: Ulrich Schachtschneider

Abstract: An ecological basic income is one financed through eco-taxes. This principle could both combine the necessary rise in costs of environmental goods with redistribution of income and link sufficiency with different lifestyle norms. Moreover, it can help to switch off the acceleration motors which are responsible for the ongoing social acceleration in modern societies, according to the t...

Scientific paper • 2014


A full life in a degrowth society – the case for an unconditional basic income (UBI) and against modesty

By: Robert Ulmer

unconditional basic income, modesty, sufficiency

Scientific paper • 2014


Scenarios on energy sufficiency and societal transformations: changing lifestyles and social structures to make energy savings

By: M Le Dû

Abstract: Lifestyles and social structures have a significant impact on energy consumption. Governments are focusing their strategies on renewable energies for energy supply and on energy efficiency to reduce energy demand, but energy transition is strongly linked to wider societal change. By creating prospective energy scenarios, the aim of this research focused on energy sufficiency was to ev...

Scientific paper • 2014


Dimensions in sufficiency behavior

By: Laura Henn

Abstract: Sufficiency is a strategy that aims at a collectively reduced consumption of goods and services with the aim to respect the ecological boundaries. The realization of the strategy lies within the individual sphere albeit structural and and other contextual factors are important to facilitate sufficiency. Thus, a psychological approach was chosen to investigate the properties of a suffi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Buddhist Economics beyond Schumacher - How can contemporary research on Buddhist Economics inform degrowth- approaches?

By: Katharina Hirschbrunn

Buddhist Economics, Sufficiency, Feminist Economics, Work, Employment

Scientific paper • 2014


Reducing Energy Dependence at Urban Scale as an Aspect of Degrowth

By: Andrea Immendoerfer, Markus Winkelmann, Oliver Parodi, Collette Waitz

energy technologies, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sufficiency, neighbourhoods, rebound

Scientific paper • 2014


A historical exploration of ruralist ideology in Spain and its importance for the degrowth and democracy debate

By: Santiago Gorostiza

degrowth, autonomy, democracy, fascism, ruralism, Spain

Scientific paper • 2014

Text Other

The Proposal of Degrowth and the Energy Issue: A Fabulist Presentation of the Literature Review

By: Sandrine Cuvillier

Abstract: This article revisits the famous fables of Jean de La Fontaine to illustrate key concepts and proposals of degrowth and its close ties with the energy issue. Through the curiosity of a hummingbird, we question the dominant paradigm reflected in unsustainable existing patterns of energy production and consumption. We introduce, in a simple way, the main ideas and references of current ...

• 2014


The Politics of Sufficiency: Making it easier to live the Good Life

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Uwe Schneidewind

How to make sufficency go mainstream, proposals for politics, an attempt to bring sufficency into the political arena. ISBN-13: 978-3-86581-690-0 Original published as "Damit gutes Leben einfacher wird: Perspektiven einer Suffizienzpolitik"

• 2013


Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation

By: Samuel Alexander

When industrial civilisation collapsed in the third decade of the 21st century, a community living on a small island in the South Pacific Ocean found itself permanently isolated from the rest of the world. With no option but to build a self-sufficient economy with very limited energy supplies, this community set about creating a simpler way of life that could flourish into the deep future. Dete...

• 2013


Vom rechten Maß - Suffizienz als Schlüssel zu mehr Lebensglück und Umweltschutz

By: Niko Paech, Manfred Linz, Christoph Lütge, Christian Baatz, Laura Spengler, Mathias Binswanger, Lieske Voget-Kleschin, Lars-Arvid Brischke, Andrej Cacilo, Arne Steffen, Oliver Stengel, André Reichel, Harald Heinrichs, Konrad Ott, Uwe Schneidewind, Angelika Zahrnt, Rüdiger Haum, Daniela Gottschlich, Christine Katz, Wilfried Kühling

Zeitschrift "politische ökologie" 135 - 2013 Immer mehr Menschen befreien sich vom materiellen Ballast und ignorieren das Wachstumsdogma: In Reparaturcafés, Genossenschaften, Verleihläden und Tauschbörsen leben sie vor, warum ein genügsames und an den wahren Bedürfnissen orientiertes Leben glücklicher macht und die natürlichen Ressourcen schont. Noch ist die Kultur des »Weniger ist mehr« abe...

Scientific paper • 2013


Die Energiewende aus wachstumskritischer Perspektive

By: Benjamin Best, Gerolf Hanke

Abstract: In diesem Artikel diskutieren Gerolf Hanke und Benjamin Best die Energiewende aus wachstumskritischer Sicht. Der gegenwärtige Versuch, eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung vorrangig mit technischen Lösungen zu ermöglichen, die das wirtschaftspolitische Wachstumsparadigma und die damit verbundenen, auf materielle Wohlstandssteigerung ausgerichteten Lebensstile und Konsummuster unangetats...

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth: from theory to practice

By: Giorgos Kallis, Filka Sekulova, Francois Schneider, Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos

Degrowth; Work; Sufficiency; Social enterprises; Energy

• 2013


Damit gutes Leben einfacher wird: Perspektiven einer Suffizienzpolitik

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Uwe Schneidewind

Verlag: "Angesichts der Umwelt- und Energiekrise wird diese Frage immer öfter mit "Ja" beantwortet. Immer mehr Menschen drosseln ihren Fleischkonsum und Plastikverbrauch oder ziehen Car-Sharing-Angebote dem eigenen Auto vor. Um den Energie- und Ressourcenverbrauch unserer Gesellschaft zu senken, muss diese Öko-Avantgarde jedoch in eine Massenbewegung transformiert werden. Hierzu bedarf es einer...

Report • 2013


The Degrowth Paradigm

By: Richard Swift

The Canadian author and journalist Richard Swift takes the listener on a journey to different degrowth projects. During the visits concepts of the degrowth movement are explained and practical examples are highlighted. In the elaborate programme different actors of the international degrowth movement get to speak.

Interview • 2012


Pierre Rabhi : La croissance est un problème, pas une solution

By: Pierre Rabhi

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYStCuNMcYU[/embed] Dans cette vidéo, Pierre Rabhi répond à quelques questions sur notre société, telles que: les crises actuelles vont-elles permettre de remettre en question le système dans lequel nous vivons ? L'écologie semble aujourd'hui avoir été écartée du débat politique. Pourquoi ? D'où peut venir le changement? Changer les règles du jeu démocr...

Scientific paper • 2012


District Future – Urban Lab

By: Oliver Parodi, Alexandra Quint, Andreas Seebacher

Keywords: Degrowth, Sufficiency, Sustainable urban development, Sustainable Development, Urban Sustainability, Integrative Concept of Sustainable Development, District Development

Scientific paper • 2012


The Euthanasia of the Rentier — A Way toward a Steady-State Economy?

By: Dirk Loehr

Keywords: Steady state; Free money; Zero interest rate; Sufficiency

• 2012


Befreiung vom Überfluss: Auf dem Weg in die Postwachstumsökonomie

By: Niko Paech

Herausgeber_innen: Noch ist die Welt nicht bereit, von der Droge »Wachstum« zu lassen. Aber die Diskussion über das Ende der Maßlosigkeit nimmt an Fahrt auf. Der Umweltökonom Niko Paech liefert dazu die passende Streitschrift, die ein »grünes« Wachstum als Mythos entlarvt. Nach einer vollen Arbeitswoche möchte man sich auch mal etwas gönnen: ein neues Auto, ein iPad, einen Flachbildfernseher. R...