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Showing 427 items

• 2017


Warum hohe Wachstumsraten dauerhaft nicht erzielbar sind

By: Attac AG Jenseits des Wachstums

Aus dem Text: Das ungebremstes Wachstum aufgrund endlicher Ressourcen dauerhaft nicht möglich sein wird und außerdem unsere Lebensgrundlagen endgültig zerstören würde, muss hier nicht weiter erörtert werden. Aber nicht nur diese Grenzen des Wachstums machen die daran geknüpften Versprechen unglaubwürdig, auch in Zeiten durchschnittlicher Wachstumsraten, haben Hunger, Arbeitslosigkeit und prekär...

• 2017


Degrowth: Unterschiedliche Strategien, dieselben Kämpfe

By: Manfred Ecker

Degrowth (im deutschen als Postwachstum bezeichnet) nennt sich das Konzept einer Strömung innerhalb der Klimaschutzbewegung, die das Wirtschaftswachstums in den Industrienationen zulasten der Umwelt und des globalen Südens angreift. Aus sozialistischer Sicht hat diese Theorie wichtige Stärken und Schwächen. (Einführung) Vierter und letzter Teil einer Serie. Alle Artikel aus der Serie: Teil...

• 2017


Why Branko Milanovic is wrong about de-growth

By: Jason Hickel

Introduction: Branko Milanovic has written a blog post titled “The illusion of degrowth in a poor and unequal world". He penned it, he says, following a conversation he had with a proponent of degrowth. As it turns out, that proponent was me. First, let me say that I have a lot of respect for Milanovic's work on inequality. I cite him all the time. But unfortunately he doesn't have a s...

• 2017


John Bellamy Foster answers five questions about Marxism and ecology

By: Saral Sarkar, John Bellamy Foster

Introduction by Ian Angus March 30, 2017 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Climate & Capitalism – The Indian website Ecologise recently published John Bellamy Foster’s Foreword to my book Facing the Anthropocene. Commenting on Foster’s article, journalist and activist Saral Sarkar, who describes his views as eco-socialist, raised questions that challenge t...

• 2017


Degrowth: the case for a new economic paradigm

By: Riccardo Mastini

Introduction: Unbridled growth appears to be at odds with social well-being and environmental sustainability. How might we develop a model that reduces the imperative for growth while maintaining economic stability?

Scientific paper • 2017


Wicked Dilemmas of Scale and Complexity in the Politics of Degrowth

By: Stephen Quilley, Kaitlin Kish

Highlights • Entanglement of socio-ecological systems is described from a historical perspective. • Entanglement of traditional growth economics, the sanctity of the sovereign individual and complexity is analysed. • We present five cherished norms and dimensions of progressive modernity and how limiting growth economic may change them. First Page Preview

Report • 2017


Degrowth: the history of an idea

By: Timothée Duverger

Abstract: Degrowth is a concept-platform with multiple meanings, and is shaped by five sources of thought: ecological, bioeconomical, anthropological, democratic, and spiritual. The word appeared in the 1970s, and imposed itself beginning in 2002 owing to the convergence between the criticism of development and the anti-advertising movement, initially in France but later across the European con...

Interview • 2017


Our addiction to economic growth is killing us

By: Jason Hickel

Description by BBC Newsnight: In this Viewsnight, anthropologist Jason Hickel asks if economic growth really makes our lives better. He is the author of The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions.

Scientific paper • 2017


Climate change, happiness and income from a degrowth perspective

By: Giorgos Kallis, Filka Sekulova, Francois Schneider

Chapter in the "Handbook on Growth and Sustainability" Edited by Peter A. Victor and Brett Dolter About the book: This Handbook assembles original contributions from influential authors such as Herman Daly, Paul Ekins, Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Jeroen van den Bergh, William E. Rees and Tim Jackson who have helped to define our understanding of growth and sustainability. The Handbook also pre...

• 2017


What happened when Degrowth was discussed in the Catalan Parliament?

By: Antonio Turiel

Introduction: We recently carried a translation of an interview with Sergi Saladié who introduced a debate on degrowth into the Catalan parliament. Catalonia is very much in the news at the moment with the referendum held by the governing coalition and the violent repression by the Spanish State. We do not have a view on this matter, noting that independence has not had a majority following i...

• 2017


From Growth to Degrowth: a brief history

By: Geneviève Azam

The post gives an overview over growth and degrowth since post WWII

• 2017


Punk, not cool. Assessing the degrowth debate

By: Emanuele Leonardi

Teaser: Leonardi reviews Giorgos Kallis’ new book “In defense of degrowth”, a volume that provides activists and academics alike with a detailed map of the degrowth discourse, with its theoretical controversies and opportunities for political alliances to come. The book in the media library

• 2017


Beyond the limits of nature: a social-ecological view of growth and degrowth

By: Eleanor Finley

Teaser on entitle.org: In this second article of the series “Ecology after capitalism“, Finley revisits the concept of growth from the libertarian socialist perspective of social ecology. She draws on Bookchin’s work to interrogate the limits of a degrowth conception of ‘growth’ and argues that we might find more opportunities for social and political transformation in social ecology’s analysis...

Art contribution • 2017

Image Text

Imagining a Better World: The Art of Degrowth

By: Samuel Alexander

Introduction: We are living in an age of gross ecological overshoot - our demands on the planet far exceed what is sustainable. Wealth is extremely concentrated while billions go hungry. And with the world’s population heading toward 11 billion by the end of the century, something has to give. One response to these overlapping crises is degrowth. This movement argues that the developed regio...

• 2017


In defense of degrowth

By: Giorgos Kallis, Aaron Vansintjan

From the book's web page: The idea of degrowth is contentious, often misunderstood, and (perhaps paradoxically) growing in popularity. In this book, Giorgos Kallis, one of the movement's leading thinkers, presents an accessible, inspiring, and enjoyable defense. The book's chapters—a compilation of his opinion essays, newspaper articles, blog posts, and 'minifestos'—range from topics such as ec...

Scientific paper • 2017


Socialism Without Growth

By: Giorgos Kallis

Degrowth, eco-socialism, surplus, green growth

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth as an ‘Aesthetics of Existence’

By: Samuel Alexander

"In recent decades the ‘limits to growth’ position has received a great deal of attention, mostly from economic and ecological perspectives (Meadows et al 2004, Daly 1996, Jackson 2009, Turner 2012). More recently, the degrowth movement has begun contributing an important range of new political and sociological analyses (see generally, D’Alisa, Demaria, and Kallis 2015), offering deeper insight...

Interview • 2017


Episode 22: Professor Giorgos Kallis: Degrowth and the dangers of excessive economic growth

By: Giorgos Kallis

thesustainabilityagenda.com: In this interview, Professor Giorgos Kallis, a leading degrowth thinker, provides an overview of evolving theories of degrowth. Degrowth theorists argue for a reduction in production and consumption, arguing that overconsumption is at the root of many of the long term environmental issues and social inequalities facing the world today. Professor Kallis highlights th...

Presentation • 2016


FRI_9:30h // Ashish Kothari - Radical alternatives to Unsustainability and inequality

By: Ashish Kothari

Recorded keynote speech at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speaker: Ashish Kotari Degrowth 2016 - English Youtube Channel

• 2016


Degrowth in movement(s)

By: Nina Treu, Ashish Kothari, Silke Helfrich, Irmi Salzer

Panel discussion at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016: Research In Action Special Session: Degrowth in movement(s): Discussing degrowth in the context of related social movements and perspectives Speakers: Silke Helfrich, Irmi Salzer, Nina Treu, Ashish Kothari Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel