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Showing 86 items

Scientific paper • 2021

Towards Degrowth? Making Peace with Mortality to Reconnect with (One's) Nature: An Ecopsychological Proposition for a Paradigm Shift

By: Sarah Koller

This article explores the existential conditions for a transition towards socioeconomic degrowth through an analysis of a paradigm shift between two extreme polarities of socio-ecological positioning: the Dominant Social Paradigm (DSP) and the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP). It is suggested that the transition from one to the other – understood as the first collective step towards degrowth – re...

Scientific paper • 2021

The Dasgupta Review deconstructed: an exposé of biodiversity economics

By: Clive L. Spash, Frédéric Hache

The Dasgupta Review is the latest attempt at justifying financialisation of Nature, but also much more. It represents a high point in applying concepts of capital and wealth accumulation comprehensively to all aspects of human and non-human existence. Unravelling the flaws in the arguments, contradictions and underlying motives requires both understand of and cutting through the specialist lang...

Scientific paper • 2021

Conceptualising Nature: From Dasgupta to Degrowth

By: Clive L. Spash

The problematic conceptualisation of Nature has led confusion and failure to relate to reality. Some merge Nature into society creating a hybrid concept that denies the existence of anything but that which is human controlled or influenced, a position popular amongst Promethians of the Anthropocene. Strong social constructionism also dissolves Nature into the human as evident in some stands of ...

Scientific paper • 2021

The Nature of Degrowth: Theorising the Core of Nature for the Degrowth Movement

By: Pasi Heikkurinen

This article investigates human–nature relations in the light of the recent call for degrowth, a radical reduction of matter–energy throughput in over-producing and over-consuming cultures. It outlines a culturally sensitive response to a (conceived) paradox where humans embedded in nature experience alienation and estrangement from it. The article finds that if nature has a core, then the expe...

Presentation • 2020

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Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Strategies for Transformation: Agency and Alliances in Rural Alternative Movements in Japan

By: Norie Tamura, Hein Mallee

Presentation [part of the standard session "Regional Transformations"] Embedding human lives again into the local ecosystem may help to reverse overexploitation and to foster degrowth lifestyles. To discuss transition strategies for alternative lifestyles, we analyze two niche developments in Japan: the fishery-forest movement and the self-employed forestry movement. Presenters: Norie Tam...

• 2020


Ecological economics: solutions for the future

By: Haydn Washington

This book results from the 2019 ANZSEE conference, which explored appropriate approaches and techniques for re-balancing the human–nature interactions that are central to the study and practice of ecological economics — solutions now and in the future.  Escalating impacts of climate change and ecological crises have created an urgency to address significant local to global environmental and soc...

Presentation • 2020


Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Anti-Capitalist Politics in the Time of Covid-19

By: David Harvey

In this episode, Prof. Harvey talks about the factors and conditions that enables COVID-19 to become a pandemic and the ramifications for the economy and for social life.

Scientific paper • 2020


Blue degrowth and the politics of the sea: rethinking the blue economy

By: I. Ertör, M. Hadjimichael

Editorial to the Special Issue in Sustainability Science (15, 2020)

• 2019


L’économie de la nature

By: Alain Deneault

L’expression «économie de la nature» a surgi dans le vocabulaire des sciences au XVIIIe siècle bien avant que le néologisme «écologie» ne s’impose à nous, plus d’un siècle et demi plus tard. Chez Carl von Linné, Gilbert White ou Charles Darwin, l’économie de la nature désigne l’organisation des relations entre les espèces au vu du climat, du territoire et de leur évolution. Cette économie pense...

Scientific paper • 2019


Food self-provisioning as an answer to the metabolic rift: The case of ‘Dacha Resilience’ in Estonia

By: Lilian Pungas

Abstract: Agriculture is not only an essential nexus between society and nature but in its current industrial form also a possible threat to ecological stability. This article explores how a supplement to the conventional agrifood system alleviates the negative consequences of the industrial food production system that manifest through the metabolic rift (Marx, 1981). During fieldwork in Eston...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Economics in the Anthropocene: species extinction or steady state economics

By: Joeri Sol

"Economic policy in the Anthropocene should aim to improve carrying capacity rather than zealously chase economic growth."

• 2018

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movum - Heft 20: Kohleausstieg

By: Damian Ludewig, Svenja Schulze, Michael Vassiliadis, Ottmar Edenhofer, Jennifer Morgan, Christoph Zöpel, Manfred Fischedick, Peter Hennicke, Patrick Graichen, Friederike Maier, Joachim Wille, Jörg Staude, Susanne Götze, Susanne Schwarz,

Heft 20 des Magazins movum zum Thema Kohleausstieg. Kurzbeschreibung: Die Politik hat sich jahrelang vor der Auseinandersetzung um den notwendigen Ausstieg aus der Kohleverstromung gedrückt. Jetzt muss es schnell gehen. Das Heft als PDF Die Infografik als PDF

• 2018


Ecotopia: An Elitist Liberal Utopia?

By: Niklas Lollo

Comment from Niklas Lollo on the novel "Ecotopia" by Ernest Callenbach. Introduction: Since 1972, Ecotopia has inspired many to envision, and perhaps even foster, a more ecological society. In Ernest Callenbach’s novel, we are transported to a contemporary America, albeit an America that has been torn in two through civil war. This time the war wasn’t over slavery, but rather ecological prin...

• 2018


Degrowth: Zeit, die Welt zu verändern

By: Karin Jäger

Dieselskandal, Klimawandel, Artensterben. Wer tut etwas dagegen? Keiner. Christiane Kliemann will das nicht länger mitmachen. Sie kündigte bei den UN und lebt vor, wie der Verlust von Luxus ein Gewinn sein kann.

• 2017

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movum - Heft 14: Biodiversität

By: Leif Miller, Ulrike Mehl, Christel Schroeder, Jochen Flasbarth, Susanne Götze, Hannes Jaenike, Michael Müller, Manfred Niekisch, Susanne Schwarz, Joachim Wille, Jörg Staude, Sandra Kirchner

Heft 14 des Magazins movum zum Thema Biodiversität. Kurzbeschreibung: Naturschutz ist kein Luxusthema und darf sich nicht auf Schutzgebiete beschränken. Es geht um die langfristige Sicherung unserer Lebensgrundlagen. Das Heft als PDF Die Infografik als PDF

• 2017

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movum - Heft 15: Kultur

By: Kai Niebert, Andreas Troge, Jörg Sommer, Olaf Zimmermann, Ulrich Matthes, Susanne Götze, Michael Sommer, Johano Strasser, Bernd Sommer, Harald Welzer, Susanne Schwarz, Sandra Kirchner, Eva Mahnke, Daniela Schmidtke

Heft 15 des Magazins movum zum Thema Kultur. Kurzbeschreibung: Unsere Kultur kann nicht von der Natur, sondern nur mit der Natur leben. Für die nötige Transformation brauchen wir einen neuen Gesellschaftsvertrag. Das Heft als PDF Das Plakat als JPG

Art contribution • 2017


Standard Oil Co by Pablo Neruda

By: Pablo Neruda

The discussion of peak oil and the worldwide struggle against oil companies fracking and exploitation brings us back to this poem by Pablo Neruda. Food for thought...

Art contribution • 2017


No One Noticed

By: Amitangshu Acharya

Poem by Amitangshu Acharya NO ONE NOTICED No one noticed When the sparrows left It was just another smoggy winter morning [read the full poem by following the link to the content]

• 2017


On the ecology of capitalism

By: Antithesi

From the introduction: According to the apologetic ideology of “environmental economics” the disturbance of the ecological balance of the planet, the accumulation of pollutants and toxic substances, i.e. the destruction of the natural preconditions for the satisfaction of human social needs, is a result of the inherent conflict between humanity and extra-human nature. The origin of these chang...