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About Nina Treu

Blog • 06.07.2020

Degrowth and the emerging mosaic of alternatives

By: Nina Treu, Matthias Schmelzer, Corinna Burkhart

In the face of unfettered globalization, the rise of right-wing movements around the globe and the dangers of climate catastrophe, it seems easier to imagine the end of the world than an end to capitalism, growth and domination. However, in recent years something new has emerged to counter what Mark Fisher has called “capitalist realism:” after decades on the defensive against neoliberalism, th...

Blog • 14.12.2018

A Conference for Digitalization and Sustainability? Reflections on Bits & Bäume


By: Nina Treu, Nicolas Guenot, Nick von Andrian

What could an alliance of techies and greens bring for a social, democratic and ecological future? The conference "Bits and Trees" ("Bits & Bäume" in German), which took place in Berlin on November 17th and 18th of this year, tried to shed light on this question. It brought together around 1.700 people interested and organized around digitalization and sustainability. Merely the name of ...

Blog • 26.09.2018

Are European politics compatible with post-growth?

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By: Nina Treu, Riccardo Mastini, Joëlle Saey-Volckrick

This and many other questions around European politics were discussed at the first Post-growth conference, which took place at the EU Parliament on September 18 and 19. Hosted by ten Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from five party families, it attracted around 600 people to Brussels. Through panel (and solely panel) discussions, they engaged in debates around economic models, technolo...

Blog • 14.07.2017

Zur Debatte um G20 – zur Abwechslung mal was Inhaltliches

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By: Nina Treu

Was tun, wenn sich die Staats- und Regierungschefs der 20 reichsten Länder der Welt in einer europäischen Großstadt einfinden, um ihre ungerechte Politik in Szene zu setzen? Dieser Frage haben sich zahlreiche linke Organisationen seit letztem Jahr gewidmet. Herausgekommen ist eine bunte Mischung an Protestformen, verteilt über eine Woche. Leider geht die Debatte um den G20-Gipfel aktuell weder ...

Blog • 18.04.2017

How degrowth relates to other movements

By: Nina Treu, Matthias Schmelzer, Corinna Burkhart

There is a wide range of emancipatory alternatives working towards a social-ecological transformation. It is more important than ever to underline this. From Brexit, to the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) in Germany, to Trump —the current political turmoil is a clear sign of the discontent that exists with the prevailing system, and that expresses itself through a societal shift towards t...

Blog • 14.09.2015

Eine Wirtschaftswende für Griechenland – und ganz Europa

By: Nina Treu

Von Nina Treu Das Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung hat vor kurzem berechnet, dass die Eurokrise Griechenland fast ein Viertel seiner Wirtschaftsleistung gekostet hat. Das ist die größte erfasste Schrumpfung eines Industrielandes in Friedenszeiten. Zynisch könnte man meinen, dass dies ein Beispiel für Degrowth oder Postwachstum in Europa ist. Ist es a...