In this open call, we invite expressions of interest from parties who wish to organize the 2027 edition of the International Conference Series on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity.
After yearly conferences in Zagreb (2023), Pontevedra (2024) and Oslo (2025), we have decided to slow down and to organise the next one in 2027.
We would also like to explore new creative formats which may be more inclusive and open, more practical and culturally, socially, and politically impactful. Let’s think together, be audacious and ambitious!
If you are interested in hosting the 2027 conference, please send us an expression of interest, with a 1-2 page tentative presentation of the idea by the end of May 2025, to degrowth_supportgroup(a)
Tell us who you are, what you can bring beyond the presentation format, how you can use the advantages of your location, potential partners and context and what are your plans to make the conference more inclusive, open and balanced among academia, practice, activism and politics. We are looking forward to receiving your proposals and working on them together.
In solidarity, The Support Group of the International Conferences on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity.
The Degrowth Movement, which advocates for a radical transformation of society and consumption patterns for the sake of life, well-being and autonomy, met in a hybrid format for the fourth time on August 28th 2023, before the International Degrowth Conference of Zagreb, Croatia. The 4th Assembly comes just months after the Beyond Growth 2023 Conference, which brought together over 1,000 peo...
To be or not to be... a movement? It is time to choose and put degrowth into practice.
As degrowth becomes a more familiar term worldwide, a loose informal network of Australian degrowth activists, scholars and advocates has emerged into the formal Degrowth Network Australia (DNA). The network has a public launch in a participatory degrowth workshop at 2pm–4pm on 26 February 2023 — a National Sustainable Living Festival event at the Black Spark Cultural Centre in Northcote, an inner suburb of Melbourne (Victoria, Australia).