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Call for the 2027 International Degrowth Conference

By: The Support Group of the International Degrowth Conferences


2027 poster2


In this open call, we invite expressions of interest from parties who wish to organize the 2027 edition of the International Conference Series on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity.

After yearly conferences in Zagreb (2023), Pontevedra (2024) and Oslo (2025), we have decided to slow down and to organise the next one in 2027.

We would also like to explore new creative formats which may be more inclusive and open, more practical and culturally, socially, and politically impactful. Let’s think together, be audacious and ambitious!

If you are interested in hosting the 2027 conference, please send us an expression of interest, with a 1-2 page tentative presentation of the idea by the end of May 2025, to degrowth_supportgroup(a)lists.riseup.net

Tell us who you are, what you can bring beyond the presentation format, how you can use the advantages of your location, potential partners and context and what are your plans to make the conference more inclusive, open and balanced among academia, practice, activism and politics. We are looking forward to receiving your proposals and working on them together. ​​

In solidarity, The Support Group of the International Conferences on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity.


2027 poster by SG 

About the author

The Support Group of the International Degrowth Conferences

A collective constituted by representatives of former degrowth conference organising committees. As of 2025: François Schneider (Paris), Brototi Roy and Federico Demaria (Barcelona), Jean-Louis Aillon, Silvio Cristiano, Mario Sassi (Venice), Gualter Baptista (Leipzig), Vincent Liegey, Alexandra Koves (Budapest), Ekaterina Chertkovskaya (Malmö), Mark Burton (Manchester), Mladen Domazet (Zagreb), Cristina Vázquez Santos, Mario Pansera (Pontevedra). 

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