We are pleased to announce that registration to the conference is now open and the basic conference programme is available on our website: As of now, it includes seven keynote speeches and more than 20 panel discussions in addition to chosen scientific and artistic sessions. In the course of the coming weeks we will be completing the programme by around 250 further workshops and scientific sessions, so it is worth checking from time to time.
Due to the great interest in the conference and the necessary limitation of participants we recommend to register as early as possible. However, many speeches and discussions will be video-streamed and published on our website for whoever will not be able to come to Leipzig.
In order to also enable people with little income to participate, the conference fee can be freely chosen based on our recommendations. We also offer cheap accommodation options such as camping and staying at private places. There will be vegan and regional food provided by a local cooperative.
Green growth advocates praise resource efficiency for its potential to incentivize the economy and lower its ecological impact. On the other hand, the Jevons Paradox, describes multiple situations (or rebound effects) in which increased efficiency leads to further consumption (either direct or indirect) which offsets the initial ecological benefits achieved. In this piece, I join this discussio...
“When you told your friends and family you were going to a degrowth gathering, they asked, ‘What is degrowth?’ How did you respond?” The 2018 degrowUS gathering from September 28-30 2018 in Chicago began with this question. The first day’s thirty-odd attendees wrote their responses on sticky notes as they scraped the last bites of lunch off the dishes the event’s organizers had told them to ...
When hitch-hiking, a certain irony is common: Time and time again, the authors' of this post have been picked up by drivers who immediately instruct them that hitch-hiking used to work, but now is impossible. That these conversations were taking place at all would appear to contradict this supposed fact. This is not to say that it is always easy. Roads bar access to their sides for pedestrians ...