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Position paper • 2015


Brave Green World

By: Ulrich Brand

The Green Economy myths. Luxemburg Argumente no. 3, updated edition. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: The Green Economy, we hear, will end climate change, prevent the extinction of species and, as an added bonus, create millions of jobs. This miraculous instrument will solve the global financial and economic crisis, as well as our ecological problems, all in one go. However, what exactly is the Gr...

• 2015


„Kein Handeln, bloß Versprechen“ – kritische Reaktionen auf das Pariser Klimaabkommen

By: Christiane Kliemann

"Während die Staatsoberhäupter noch das Abschlusspapier der Pariser UN-Klimakonferenz als „wichtigen Schritt für die Menschheit“ feierten, hatten kritischere Stimmen den Vertrag bereits als „Schwindel„, „episches Versagen“ und „Handelsabkommen“ verurteilt. Damit weisen sie auf die Diskrepanz hin zwischen der Verpflichtung, „den Anstieg der globalen Durschschnittstemperatur gut unter 2 Grad über...

Presentation • 2015


Frans Berkhout ESEE2015 Plenary: Transdisciplinarity and Ecological Economics - Challenges of the engagement agenda

By: Frans Berkhout

Plenary speech by Frans Berkhout at the 2015 European Society for Ecological Economics Conference at the University of Leeds in July 2015.

• 2015


Mehr geht nicht!

By: Alberto Acosta, Elmar Altvater, Maude Barlow, Christine Bauhardt, Ulrich Brand, Jayati Ghosh, David Harvey, Tim Jackson, Naomi Klein, Serge Latouche, Barbara Muraca, Christa Müller, Niko Paech, Wolfgang Sachs, Vandana Shiva, Edward und Robert Skidelsky, Barbara Unmüßig, Harald Welzer, u.a.

Der Verlag: Erst die Krise der Finanzmärkte, dann die des Euro und nun die globalen Flüchtlingsbewegungen: Seit bald einem Jahrzehnt kommt die Welt aus dem Krisenmodus nicht mehr heraus. Und ein Ende scheint nicht in Sicht. Gleichzeitig droht die wohl größte Krise immer mehr verdrängt zu werden, nämlich die der „Grenzen des Wachstums“ – und ihrer Überschreitung. Obwohl der globale Klimawandel ...

Scientific paper • 2015


Climate Change, Capitalism and Degrowth Trajectories to a Global Steady-State Economy

By: Max Koch

climate change, capitalism, steady-state economy, degrowth, post-growth society

Position paper • 2015


The leap manifesto

By: Diverse

A Call for Canada Based on Caring for the Earth and One Another The manifesto calls for a radical social-ecological transformation in Canada. Central are climate justice, 100% green energy, public infrastructure, a fair economy and democracy. > the manifesto in other languages

Report • 2015


Their recession is not our degrowth!

By: Federico Demaria

A easy reading article explaining basics of degrowth. At the same time Federico Dearia embeds these basic ideas into the current political situation in Spain and the situation of the ongoing social and environmental crisis. The articel also gives insights to the state of the movement. From the article: "Some critics accuse degrowth of being too unrealistic. But the true fantasy is thinking tha...

• 2015


Für und Wider einer ökonomischen Bewertung von Natur

By: Magdalena Heuwieser, Fabian Hübner, Jutta Kill

Dokumentation eines Kurses der Degrowth Sommerschule 2015 "Degrowth konkret: Klimagerechtigkeit" Titel des Kurses: Vom Emissionshandel zu Biodiversitätsbanken - warum ökonomische Bewertung Natur nicht schützt. Warum ökonomische Bewertung und Inwertsetzung von Natur nicht mit ökologischer Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie vereinbar sind Kursbeschreibung aus dem Programm: "Natur wird zerstört, weil ...

Scientific paper • 2015


Economy, society and environment in the 21st century: three pillars or trilemma of sustainability?

By: George Martine, José Eustáquio Diniz Alves

Sustainable development. Environmental degradation. Demographic dynamics

Report • 2015


People, planet, power: towards a new social settlement

By: New Economics Foundation

NEF Webpage: These are NEF’s proposals for a new social settlement – a framework for deciding how we live together, what we expect from our governments and what we want to achieve for ourselves and others. It builds on the strengths of the post-War settlement inspired by the Beveridge Plan, but moves on – because the world has changed profoundly – to offer a bold new approach to the challenges ...

• 2015


"No action, just promises" – Critical reactions to the Paris climate agreement

By: Christiane Kliemann

"While world leaders were still celebrating the Paris climate agreement adopted at the UN climate change conference in Paris as a “major leap for mankind“, critical voices had already denounced the paper as “fraud“, “epic fail” and “trade agreement“. With this, they point to the discrepancy between the agreed commitment to hold the “increase in the global average temperature to well below 2C ab...

Position paper • 2015


Schöne Grüne Welt

By: Ulrich Brand

Über die Mythen der Green Economy. 4. aktualisierte Auflage. Reihe «luxemburg argumente». Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Sie stoppt den Klimawandel und das Artensterben und schafft nebenbei hohe Wachstumsraten und Millionen Arbeitsplätze: die Green Economy. Sie gilt als Wunderwaffe, die uns aus der globalen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise wieder herausholt und die ökologischen Probleme gleich mit lös...

Scientific paper • 2015


Degrowth and Sustainable Consumption - Inspiration for mutual learning.

By: Sylvia Lorek, Edina Vadovics, G. Bublies (Ed.)

Proceedings from the SCORAI Europe Workshop held at the 4. Degrowth Conference, September, 2014, Leipzig, Germany. Including session contributions and a documentation of the discussions. From the document about the workshop: Degrowth is impossible to achieve without a commitment to strong sustainable consumption. At the same time, the potential for strong sustainable consumption governance dep...

Educational paper • 2015


International Economics: Theory and Policy

By: Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz

For courses in International Economics, International Finance, and International Trade A balanced approach to theory and policy applications International Economics: Theory and Policy provides engaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts and practical applications of the two main topic areas of the discipline. For both international trade and international finance, an intuitive introdu...

Scientific paper • 2015

Image Text

Diverse Economies of Urban Mining in Australia

By: Ruth Lane

About the article: Ruth Lane’s empirical study of three electronic waste recovery facilities in Australia shows that diverse economies are already part of mainstream economic practices. Rather than arguing that recycling is a material example of “circular economies,” a concept that is already heavily critiqued in discard studies, Lane shows that while sections of the commodity chains created by...

Scientific paper • 2015


In search of lost time: the rise and fall of limits to growth in international sustainability policy

By: Erik Gómez-Baggethun, José Manuel Naredo

Earth summits, Ecodevelopment, Economic growth, Green economy, Market-based instruments, Sustainable development, Planetary boundaries

Scientific paper • 2015


Sustainable housing in a post - growth Europe

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Viviana Asara, François Schneider, Filka Sekulova

housing sector, land use, debt, Keynesian policies, “austerity” policies, Degrowth, system mapping

Scientific paper • 2015


The Trouble with Growth

By: Tim Jackson, Peter A. Victor

Abstract: In July 2013, a remarkable conference took place in a meeting hall of the French National Assembly in Paris. Current and former government ministers from France, Sweden, Greece, Spain, and Brazil, under the aegis of the president of France, François Hollande, met to explore nothing less than modern economic heresy: the abandonment of governments’ longstanding commitment to continuous ...

Report • 2015


Entschleunigung - Die Welt ist mir zu viel

By: Julia Friedrichs

Untertitel: Und ich selbst bin mir genug. Warum viele Menschen sich heute vor allem für Stressabbau und Handarbeit interessieren – statt für die drängenden Fragen der Gegenwart. Artikel über eine wachsende Entscheunigungs und Achsamkeitsbewegung und woher der Wunsch nach Rückzug, Ruhe und Stabilität kommt. Laut der Autorin durch immer größere Instabilität und Beschleunigung. Im Artikel wird ...

Scientific paper • 2015


The Future Post-Growth Society

By: Clive Spash

Review Essay: Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill, Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources