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Showing 286 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Political Ecology and Degrowth

By: Michalis Theodoropoulos

Political Ecology; Degrowth; Crisis Exit Strategy; Green movement

Scientific paper • 2014


Buddhist Economics beyond Schumacher - How can contemporary research on Buddhist Economics inform degrowth- approaches?

By: Katharina Hirschbrunn

Buddhist Economics, Sufficiency, Feminist Economics, Work, Employment

Scientific paper • 2014


Green Capitalism: The God that failed, by Richard Smith

By: Bruno Kern

Abstract: The article shows, how the oroject of a green capitalism of green technology, green taxes, eco-conscious shopping, profit seeking with environmental goals and the like clerly failed. Maximizing profit and saving the planet are inherently in conflict and cannot be systematically aligned. The possibilities for "dematerializing" production are severely limited. The only way to prevent ov...

Scientific paper • 2014


The liberation of human and non-human world and the critique of instrumental rationality: Degrowth and Green Critical Theory

By: Anne Fremaux

Critical theory, degrowth, domination, human and non-human nature, instrumental reason, liberation

Scientific paper • 2014


The Great Transition

By: Mauro Bonaiuti

The publisher: Recent events including the financial crisis and the gradual lessening of the planet’s natural resources have raised the fundamental question as to whether the capitalist market system can survive its own contradictions or whether we are witnessing the outset of a profound change in civilization. By deploying the tools of the science of complexity alongside those of historical re...

Position paper • 2014


How can we construct the commons?

By: Naomi Miller, Patrick Bresnihan

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Commons and Peer Economy.

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Antonio S. Vélez R.

myth, ontology, axiology

Scientific paper • 2014


SOCIALISM - ECOLOGISM - FEMINISM Tributaries for building new movements, new paradigms, new communities and new societies

By: Eduardo Giesen

Abstract: The central idea is that for progressing in the construction and - before - in imagination of new models of society, it is necessary, essential, the convergence of socio-political streams -socialism, environmentalism and feminism- that mainly represent cultural changes and social movements in recent decades. Convergence should include but exceed meeting in public demonstrations and sh...

Art contribution • 2013



By: Philipp Hartmann, flumenfilm

zeit-film.de: Ein Film über die Zeit, genauso vielschichtig wie diese selbst. Eigenwillig und erfrischend originell vermischt DIE ZEIT VERGEHT WIE EIN BRÜLLENDER LÖWE Dokumentarisches, Fiktionales und Kommentare des Filmemachers zu einem ebenso philosophischen wie unterhaltsamen Essay. Wie in einer Collage ergeben sich überraschende Bezüge – zwischen Schaltsekunden bei der deutschen Atomuhr und...

Scientific paper • 2013


The Social Dynamics of Degrowth

By: Wiebren J. Boonstra, Sofie Joose

degrowth; food relocalisation; social mechanisms

Scientific paper • 2013


Transforming capitalism: the triple crisis

By: Peadar Kirby

development models, climate change, sustainability, Polanyi, climate capitalism, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2013


Décroissance: A Project for a Radical Transformation of Society

By: Barbara Muraca

Social philosophy, degrowth, autonomy

Scientific paper • 2013


On the Increase of Social Capital in Degrowth Economy

By: Valeria Andeoni, Stefano Galmarini

Keywords: social capital; reciprocity work; degrowth economy; theoretical approach; review

• 2013


How Much is Enough? Money and the Good Life

By: Edward Skidelsky, Robert Skidelsky

The publisher: In 1930 the great economist Keynes predicted that, over the next century, income would rise steadily, people's basic needs would be met and no one would have to work more than fifteen hours a week. Why was he wrong? Robert and Edward Skidelsky argue that wealth is not - or should not be - an end in itself, but a means to 'the good life'. Tracing the concept from Aristotle to the ...

Scientific paper • 2013


Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D'Alisa, Claudio Cattaneo

Degrowth, civil society arena, frame, civil and uncivil actors

Scientific paper • 2013


Some brief thoughts on state-space and economic crisis

By: Alexander Sohn

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The collapse of Lehmann brothers in September 2008 is generally seen as the starting point of what so far already turns out to be the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. It is generally agreed that the economy at large thus has entered a period which structurally differs from th...

Scientific paper • 2013


Political Theory for a Closed World

By: Andrew Dobson

Ophuls; closed world; political theory

Scientific paper • 2013


Wirtschaft im Dienst des (guten) Lebens: Von Georgescu-Roegens Bioökonomik zur Décroissance

By: Barbara Muraca

Zusammenfassung: Der rumänische Ökonom Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen gilt als der Vater der ökologischen Ökonomik und als einer der schärfsten Kritiker der Mainstreamökonomik. Diese neoklassisch fundierte Ökonomik beruhe u.a. auf der Ausblendung von Zeit als einem kumulativen und unumkehrbaren Prozess und auf einer mechanistischen und atomistischen Auffassung von Natur, die den Prozess menschlicher...

• 2013


Die Wachstumsspirale: Geld, Energie und Imagination in der Dynamik des Marktprozesses

By: Hans Christoph Binswanger

Der Verlag: Im Wachstumsprozess weitet sich der wirtschaftliche Kreislauf zu einer Spirale aus, die im Aufstieg einem exponentiellen Pfad folgt. Um den Antrieb und die Möglichkeit zur Verfolgung dieses Wachstumspfads zu erklären, muss die Dynamik des Geldes, der Energie und der menschlichen Imagination deutlicher herausgestellt werden als es in der konventionellen ökonomischen Theorie der Fall ...

Scientific paper • 2013


Heterodox Political Economy and the Degrowth Perspective

By: Kent Klitgaard

heterodox political economy; political ecology; metabolic rift; monopoly capitalism; social structure of accumulation; second contradiction of capitalism; energy return on investment