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Showing 363 items

• 2016


Von nichts zu viel – für alle genug

By: Hans Holzinger

Perspektiven eines neuen Wohlstands Der Verlag: Die Kunst des guten Lebens und einer guten Wirtschafts- und Regierungsführung kann gelingen, wenn wir uns gemeinsam über deren Ziele und Inhalte verständigen. Grundvoraussetzung ist zunächst, dass alle ihr Leben in Freiheit gestalten können, niemand Hunger leidet und niemand Angst haben muss hinauszufallen. Dies verlangt nach kollektivem Teilen...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - From capitalist accumulation to a solidarity economy

By: Barbara Muraca

Presentation by Barbara Muraca Starting from a critique to Growth as a major driver of our economies, the consequences it brings along, from environmental impacts to control over the marginalized, and as the mono-culture of our times, Muraca develops its limits and shows the alternatives beyond Capitalism. She explores what it means living in a society where basic needs services are valued a...

Scientific paper • 2016


Education for socio-ecological transformations

By: Christoph Sanders, Daniel Bendix, Anne Pinnow, Bethany Wilson

Up to now, the discourse on Degrowth doesn't adequately address the relevance of culture for economic growth. Yet, analyzing how cultural patterns shape our lifestyles, habits and thinking is crucial for socio-ecological transformations. In this context, education plays a preeminent role: How does the content of education, its organization and structure prepare individuals for a growth society ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Scenarios of energetic and societal transitions: potentials and impacts of a sustainable regional economic system

By: Mathieu Le Dû

In 2012, the NGO Virage-énergie Nord-Pas de Calais started a research project focused on energetic, societal and economic transitions within the Nord-Pas de Calais region in France, in partnership with two academic laboratories: TVES (University of Lille 1 - Science and Technologies) and Ceraps (University of Lille 2 - Health and Law). The aim of this research was to evaluate, using data models...

Scientific paper • 2016


Dobrze Co-op – facilitating the transition from niche to mainstream.

By: Jakub Rok, Wojtek Mejor, Nina J. Bąk

About the authors Who are we and what position do we take? Combining the roles of activists, community organizers and co-op members we reflect on our own experience within the organization. Community-engaged research and collaborative building of knowledge for the sake of evaluating successes and failures. About the Co-op A short retrospective on our initiative. Growing from an informal gro...

Scientific paper • 2016


Challenges in the transition towards sustainable development in Bulgaria

By: Aneliya Paneva

Challenges in the transition towards sustainable development in Bulgaria Abstract: An understanding of the causes for changes of ecosystems at the local and national level is essential for initiating learning processes and for designing interventions to reduce adverse environmental impacts. However, transition economies have not been studied much in this context. Taking Bulgaria as a case stud...

Scientific paper • 2016


Between revolution and reform

By: Jan C. Zoellick

Degrowth is a conglomerate of several streams of thought offering a variety of sometimes conflicting positions (Demaria et al., 2013). Some of these tensions smoulder inexplicitly below the surface of celebrated diversity. This proposal explicates the tension between conservative and reformist approaches on the one hand and revolutionary approaches driving for fundamental change on the other ha...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - The Realities and Contradictions of the Growth Economy and Challenges for a Social Ecological Transformation

By: Clive Spah

Keynote session by Clive Spash. Clive covers growth and its contradictions and challenges for degrowth and social ecological transformation. Facilitator: Filka Sekulova

• 2016


Is Sustainability Only for the Privileged?

By: Lucie Bardos

On the Need for Collaboration Between Social Movements and Activisms. The article sheds the light on the fact that most of the people engaged in the international transition town movement are white educated middle class. It concludes that the integration of other perspectives through a facilitated "opening-up process" would make the transition town movement more inclusive. Published on Degro...

Scientific paper • 2016


A practice approach to the institutionalization of economic degrowth

By: Maria Joutsenvirta

Degrowth; Institutionalization; Practice theory; Power; Economic alternatives

• 2016


Zwei Seiten einer Medaille

By: Christiane Kliemann

Herausgeber_innen: Was kann die Degrowth-Bewegung von anderen sozialen Bewegungen lernen? Was können diese wiederum voneinander und von Degrowth lernen? Und wie können alle besser zusammenarbeiten? In dem Multimediaprojekt »Degrowth in Bewegung(en)« gehen Vertreter von Initiativen diesen Fragen nach. Christiane Kliemann untersucht den möglichen Beitrag der Ökodorf-Bewegung.

Educational paper • 2016


Endlich Wachstum!

By: FairBindung, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie

Endlich Wachstum: Die Vereine Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie und Fairbindung e.V. haben gemeinsam mit dem Webportal „Endlich Wachstum! Bildungsmaterialien für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation" eine umfassende Methodensammlung aus über 100 Methoden veröffentlicht. Die Methoden regen auf vielfältige Weise dazu an sich mit Bedingungen unseres derzeitigen Wirtschaftens sowie möglichen Alternative...

• 2016


Die Welt reparieren - Open Source und Selbermachen als postkapitalistische Praxis

By: Christa Müller, Andrea Baier, Karin Werner, Tom Hansing

Weltweit entstehen immer mehr Initiativen des Selbermachens, in denen eine Vielfalt von Anliegen und Problemen kollektiv bearbeitet werden. In diesen – jenseits von Markt und Staat angesiedelten – kollaborativen Zusammenhängen wird ein basisdemokratisch orientiertes Verständnis von Zusammenleben und Urbanität erprobt und zugleich nach ökologisch und sozial sinnvollen Lösungen für grundlegende F...

Report • 2016


Demain / Tomorrow

By: Mélanie Laurent, Cyril Dion, Bruno Levy

demain-lefilm.com: Showing solutions, telling a feel-good story… this may be the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that our countries are going through. After a special briefing for the journal Nature announced the possible extinction of a part of mankind before the end of the 21st century, Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent, together with a team of four people, carried...

Presentation • 2016


Utopien entwickeln - Impulsvortrag

By: Malo Vidal

Impulsvortrag von Malo Vidal zum Thema "Utopien entwickeln" auf der Degrowth-Sommerschule im Rheinland 2016. Im Anschluss an den Impulsvortrag gab es eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema. Aus dem Programm: Eine andere Welt ist möglich! Aber welche? Systemwandel, Degrowth, sozial-ökologische Transformation, Anarchie, das gute Leben für alle. Was bedeuten diese Schlagworte für uns? Welches sind d...

Report • 2016


Grünes Wachstum im Wandel

By: Stefanie Gerold

Ein Bereicht von einer Podiumsdiskussion am 23. Februar 2016 in Wien, bei der Vertreter*innen der Initiativen Wachstum im Wandel, Degrowth und Gutes Leben für alle über die Rolle des Wachstums – oder vielmehr dessen Abwesenheit –, Lebensqualität und globale Gerechtigkeit diskutieren. Alle 3 Strömungen werden kurz vorgestellt und dann an hand folgender Fragen verglichen: Wie erreicht der Wand...

• 2016


Is being “punk as f*ck” really where it’s at?

By: Rob Hopkins

Rob Hopkins offers a Transition take on a recent blog by Sam Bliss, Aaron Vansintjan called ‘Degrowth Is Punk as F*ck‘. > Blog post ‘Degrowth Is Punk as Fuck‘

• 2016


From neoliberalism to ecologism: what needs to happen next?

By: Nick Meynen

Teaser: The alternatives to neoliberalism - including a new community type of agriculture and community-owned green energy, local currencies, peer-to-peer networks and a sharing economy - are already here and unfolding right now. All we need is a revolution writes NICK MEYNEN

Scientific paper • 2016


Is the new 'Different' really different?

By: Judith Kleibs

This presentation deals with the question how to distinguish measures and approaches which fundamentally change the current social logic that is based on an instrumentalistic attitude towards the world from those which maintain this logic and only seem to contribute to a social and ecological just society. For this intent, at first the main characteristics of the instrumentalistic social logic...

Scientific paper • 2016


Alternative Food Economies and Transformative Politics in Times of Crisis: Insights from the Basque Country and Greece

By: Giorgos Kallis, Rita Calvário

Abstract Why and how do alternative economies emerge, how do they develop and what is their contribution, if any, to transformative politics? Alternative economies proliferate in the countries worse hit by economic crisis and austerity, such as Spain or Greece. Yet the existing literature is stuck in a counter-productive division between celebration and critique. We move beyond this division ap...