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Alt-Shift , a Degrowth Festival, 1st Edition!


Alt shift

August 24th - 28th

Gars am Kamp, Lower Austria

We want to go beyond the tendency of classical education to focus on the mind and create opportunities where participants can not only acquire knowledge, but also become passionate and active advocates for socio-ecological change. The festival is a place where learning with all the senses and creating something new are at the centre, alongside mind-focused academic discussions. Thematically, the core is about future and community building and equitable development. The aim of the festival is to inspire people to work together critically, politically and creatively for a just socio-ecological change for a good life for all people and living beings.

Participants are invited to shape the festival and not just be passive consumers of another cultural event. In the field of embodied learning, we offer not only intellectual learning experiences, but those that involve the body, the emotions and their social conditioning. To meet the challenges ahead, we need empowered individuals and collectives to initiate change. In the afternoons, there will be Open Spaces where participants become co-creators of the festival, generating emotional, embodied and/or cognitive knowledge, workshops and discussions where we can inspire each other, be inspired, teach and learn, collaborate and be motivated to take action.

We became a team while organising last year's degrowth summer school in Barcelona. It was nice pushing a lot of content into our brains, and participating in many workshops presented by inspiring activist-academics and artists. But then we asked ourselves: what would happen if we left more space, time and energy for sharing inspirations, skills and knowledge amongst us? For really getting to know each other? We are on a collective investigation: how to create a celebratory space for conviviality and co-creation for the degrowth movement and beyond?

Find more info and book your ticket altshiftfestival.org

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