Wer eine Zeitung aufschlägt oder Nachrichten hört, fühlt sich in ein Panoptikum von Katastrophenmeldungen veretzt: hier eine verheerende Dürre, dort ein zerfallender Staat, hier ein Terroranschlag, dort ein Finanz-Crash. Man kann alle diese Ereignisse als unzusammenhängende Einzelphänomene betrachten, und genau das wird durch die übliche Art der Nachrichtenaufbereitung auch vermittelt. Man kann sie aber auch in einem größeren Zusammenhang sehen und darin Symptome einer systemischen Krise erkennen, deren einzelne Zweige gemeinsame Wurzeln haben. Weiterlesen in Oya-online
The aviation industry has avoided regulation, taxation and climate responsibility for years. Now they ask for public bail-outs. Here's why they shouldn't get it and how you can contribute. The problem of aviation Aviation is one of the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The sector is already responsible for 5-8% of global climate impact, but is still planning for a doubl...
We live nextdoor to my partner’s grandmother, Maria, who was born during the Second World War in Northern Italy. This means that she knows what hard times look like. Maria could not believe we would be using washable diapers for our baby boy. With genuine surprise she asked me, “why?”, and then she was curious in which pot we were planning to boil the diapers. In her eyes, we could not possibly...
How a feminist degrowth approach can alleviate ecological and gender injustices Is it possible to reconcile sustainable development, a fair distribution of both paid and unpaid work among genders, and an economic strategy based on growth? In our article “The Monetized Economy versus Care and the Environment? Degrowth Perspectives on Reconciling an Antagonism”, a contribution to the 2018 Femini...