The Shift Slow association is happy to announce that applications are open for
Germinar-t: a community based degrowth art residency
1st Edition!
December 4th to 11th
Sunseed Eco-community in Sorbas, Almerìa (Spain)
We move at the intersection of degrowth and art.
We want the degrowth movement to be more colourful, creative, artistic, playful, experimental, embodied ... through arts!
The arts can mobilise for socio-ecological change, as they transmit more than we can rationally grasp: our emotions, our rage, our fears, our hopes, and what we fight for. Let our artistic practices be the life-juice of the degrowth movement!
During the art residency, we focus on co-creating degrowth-based art practices. We want to invent, embody and inhabit them together. Meanwhile - we stand in solidarity with all the ones involved in actively fighting against fossil fuelled, colonial, patriarchal growth addicted structures and practices of art institutions. The art residency allows us to join this fight in creating a community around collaborative artistic processes for further action, exchanging and creating tools for art based degrowth practices.
Shift Slow is an association based in Vienna that organises non-formal educational events around degrowth. Sunseed Desert Technology is an eco-community based in South-East Spain, dealing with ecosystem regeneration and off-grid living.
Find more info and apply at
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