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Strategy • 02.12.2020

Degrowth and the Unmaking of Capitalism

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By: Giuseppe Feola, Olga Koretskaya

Our societies are facing multiple interconnected challenges, which include climate emergency, an unprecedented loss of biodiversity, growing inequality and plastic pollution. What connects these challenges is the underlying capitalist economic model, which prioritizes profit-making over wellbeing and requires endless economic growth simply to stay afloat. Degrowth offers an alternative v...

Strategy • 12.10.2020

Reflecting on the emerging strategy debate in the degrowth movement

Degrowth three paths b

By: Joe Herbert, Nathan Barlow

This piece will close the ten-part degrowth.info series on strategy, highlighting some of the key insights and charting the development of the strategy debate within degrowth. We will then offer some insights on how our own understanding of strategy and degrowth has changed over the last two years since we first urged the community to engage with this topic more. Finally, we will consider the p...

Strategy • 21.09.2020

From Taming to Dismantling: Degrowth and Anti-capitalist Strategy

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By: Ekaterina Chertkovskaya

A degrowth strategy for societal transformation needs to combine several approaches, reflecting the plurality of degrowth as a movement. To support the myriad of bottom-up alternatives that are already out there, degrowth should put a special emphasis on strategies which build power outside of the capitalist system, be very cautious of those which merely seek to tame capitalism, but also integr...

Strategy • 07.09.2020

An Open Letter to the Degrowth Movement

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By: Chris Conrad

The degrowth movement should shift trajectories, dramatically, as soon as possible. In what direction? Political science research, and direct organizing. I’m an undergraduate political science student in the US. In the last year, I’ve consumed a huge chunk of literature on degrowth. I have deep respect and admiration for the work done by the folks at Research and Degrowth (R&D), the ...

Strategy • 20.07.2020

The need for an academic Degrowth journal

Degrowth journal

By: Timothée Parrique, Ben Robra

Degrowth is a thriving academic field, but one without a home. It can be a struggle to publish degrowth-related articles in the current journal environment. If successful, authors must often surrender the ownership of their work to commercial journals. After more than a decade of degrowth research, and with a growing number of scholars engaged in the field, we believe the time has come to start...