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Scientific paper


Degrowth in movement(s)

Nina Treu, Ashish Kothari, Silke Helfrich, Irmi Salzer

Entry type:
Scientific paper

Year of publication:

Degrowth Conference Budapest 2016


Degrowth is not only a label for an ongoing discussion on alternatives, and not just an academic debate, but also an emerging social movement. Regardless of many similarities, there is quite some lack of knowledge about the different perspectives both within degrowth circles as well as within other social movements. Here, space for learning emerges – also to avoid the danger of repeating mistakes and pitfalls of other social movements. At the same time, degrowth is a perspective or a proposal which is or can become an integral part of other perspectives and social movements.

Therefore we want to discuss the following questions: What is the relation between degrowth and other social movements and perspectives? What can they learn from each other? What common proposals, but also contradictions, oppositions and tensions exist? And is degrowth really a good discursive roof or are there other interesting connections or proposals?

Representatives from 32 social movements and initiatives debate these questions in short essays, which are available at www.degrowth.de/dib. They are accompanied by pictures, videos and podcasts. The texts are mostly in German, but there are some in English and the movements are mostly international. At this session, 3 authors explain their movement and their perspective on degrowth, discuss what they learned through the joint writing process and what kind of alliances could be possible.

Additional links:

This media entry was a contribution to the special session „Degrowth in movement(s)“ at the 5th International Degrowth Conference in Budapest in 2016.

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