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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Working Less: Policies for Fairness in the Sharing of Liberated Time

By: Mark Cramer

Abstract: The degrowth vision of working less to enjoy life more is reserved primarily for people who possess certain material or philosophical tools. From Epicurus to anti-consumerism, overworked masses have indirectly subsidized lovers of idle conviviality. Therefore, opposition to wealth inequality should feature a struggle for justice in the realm of leisure time. The idle Thoreau, walking ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Social welfare programs in Brazil and in France: assistencialism or emancipation factor?

By: Sandrine Cuvillier, Prof. Rogerio Valle

Abstract: Basic Income and its distribution is today a very disputed question. Social programs oriented to the guarantee of a minimum revenue are currently being implemented in different countries, in order to assist the very poor fractions of the population. This paper describes the origin and the evolution of some proposals and analyzes the main concepts and values defended. Successful cases ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Tax internationally traded commodities to safeguard biodiversity

By: Michael Curran, Laura de Baan, Thomas Koellner, Carlo Rondinini, Piero Visconti, Stefanie Hellweg

Biodiversity loss, agriculture, ecological tax, compensation

Scientific paper • 2014


The social and economic consequences of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SAEP)

By: Simone D'Alessandro

Abstract: The repeated failures of global agreements for GHG emissions abatement call for a new strategy that involves local communities in implementing effective transitions to sustainability (the Warsaw Climate Change Conference in November 2013 is the last example). This paper investigates the environmental, social and economic consequences of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SAEP) at the lo...

Report • 2014


Degrowth: Der Beginn einer Bewegung?

By: Ulrich Brand

Ulrich Brand berichtet über die Degrowth Konferenz, die im September 2014 in Leipzig statt fand und ordnet diese in den bewegungspolitischen Kontext ein.

Scientific paper • 2014


Contours of Environmental and Water Justice; anti dams movements and resistance challenging politics and imaginaries

By: Daniela Del Bene

dams, environmental justice, political ecology, social movements, energy

Position paper • 2014


How can we construct the commons?

By: Naomi Miller, Patrick Bresnihan

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Commons and Peer Economy.

Scientific paper • 2014


financial crisis explained by the theory of Freigeld

By: Peter Brass

Financial crisis explained by the theory of Freigeld

Scientific paper • 2014


Dangers of promoting ultra-water-saver-showers. Considering the Cautionary Principle and the Khazzoom–Brookes postulate.

By: Mario Buenfil R.

Abstract: In developed and developing nations household water consumption increased exponentially during the last and present century; the same can be said of the individual water footprint of each inhabitant. The most worrisome part is not individual households and personal consumption, but the collective, aggregate, ones. There are nations in grave overshoot not only considering their total w...

Art contribution • 2014



By: Degrowth Conference 2014

In the run-up to the conference monthly videos were published on the conference homepage, dealing with different aspects of degrowth.

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth by leisure – step down the upwards escalator!

By: Christer Sanne

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Reproduction and Work.

Scientific paper • 2014


Care and Degrowth

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D'Alisa, Marco Deriu

There is no paper for this media entry. This was a contribution to a special session at the 4th International Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014, which doesn't exist in written format. You can find more Information about this session here.

Art contribution • 2014



By: Degrowth Conference 2014

In the run-up to the conference monthly videos were published on the conference homepage, dealing with different aspects of degrowth.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Learning for degrowth

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Learning for degrowth at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Contents – What to learn for Degrowth? > Learning should be more focused on skills an competences and less on theoretical knowledge. > Important skills to be strengthened in education are: critical thinking, creativity, self-consciousness, (non-violent) communication, ...

Scientific paper • 2014


“’Sustainable Development’: the International Struggle over Wealth, Distribution and Limits”

By: Iris Borowy

Abstract: The concept of sustainable development emerged in the early 1980s when existing theories proved unable to provide convincing models of how to satisfy the seemingly contradictory developmental demands of simultaneously increasing wealth, of keeping production and consumption within global environmental limits and of providing an equitable distribution of material goods and opportunitie...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Antonio S. Vélez R.

myth, ontology, axiology

Scientific paper • 2014


SOCIALISM - ECOLOGISM - FEMINISM Tributaries for building new movements, new paradigms, new communities and new societies

By: Eduardo Giesen

Abstract: The central idea is that for progressing in the construction and - before - in imagination of new models of society, it is necessary, essential, the convergence of socio-political streams -socialism, environmentalism and feminism- that mainly represent cultural changes and social movements in recent decades. Convergence should include but exceed meeting in public demonstrations and sh...

Scientific paper • 2014


Analysis of Change- Intercultural Design Exchange Germany and Japan - Approaching the Question of Future Living

By: Heide Imai, Anthusa Loeffler

Abstract: This is the topic this paper wants to discuss in the context of Tokyo, which is characterized by Roland Barthes as a city without a center. After the enormous growth in the second half of the twentieth century of Tokyo, we have to discuss the De-growth and the chance for future living at different examples found in Japan and Germany. In summary, this paper focuses on the question in w...

Scientific paper • 2014


Choosing between Blue Growth and Degrowth and the need to reclaim the right to the sea

By: Maria Hadjimichael

marine governance; neoliberalization; coastal communities; rights

Scientific paper • 2014


Food sharing: A potential strategy against the food waste problem and a local contribution to local climate change mitigation?

By: Dominic Egger

Non-market food provision - Transitory strategy - Food waste - Degrowth practice - Municipal strategy of climate change mitigation