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Showing 63 items

Position paper • 2014


Time to leave GDP behind

By: Robert Costanza, Ida Kubiszewski, Enrico Giovannini, Hunter Lovins, Jacqueline McGlade, Kate E. Pickett, Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir, Debra Roberts, Roberto De Vogli, Richard Wilkinson

Gross domestic product is a misleading measure of national success. Countries should act now to embrace new metrics, urge Robert Costanza and colleagues. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION | 16 JANUARY 2014 | NATUR

Scientific paper • 2014


A meta-analysis investigation of the direction of the energy-GDP causal relationship: implications for the growth-degrowth dialogue

By: Panos Kalimeris, Clive Richardson, Kostas Bithas

Energy scarcity; Economic growth; Granger causality; Rough set data analysis; Multinomial logistic regression; Degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


How to increase well-being in a context of degrowth

By: V. Andreoni, S. Galmarini

Degrowth; Economy of reciprocity; Well-being; Market work; Reciprocity work; Capitals

Scientific paper • 2014


Economic growth and socio-ecological struggles in Bolivia

By: Isabella Radhuber

Abstract: Bolivia registers internationally sensational economic growth rates. From 1998 to 2005 the Gross National Product increased by 2.9%, from 2006 to 2009 by 5%, and in 2013 by an estimated 6.5%. Though economic growth is linked to new socio-political measures, economic growth also – as is the main argument of my contribution – goes along with severe socio-ecological implications for the ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Controversies in Environmental and Post-Growth Discourses: Mapping positions to investigate their consequences for the development of indicators for a socio-ecological transformation

By: Dorothee Rodenhäuser

Abstract: The debate on the environment and the negative effects of economic growth has been shaped by controversies revolving around issues such as the substitutability of natural resources or the role of technology and work in a “green” economy. Depending on their respective points of view, the disputants reach very different conclusions on possible pathways towards a socially and ecologicall...

Scientific paper • 2014


The National Welfare Index as a potential instrument for the transition towards a Degrowth society?

By: Hans Diefenbacher, Dorothee Rodenhäuser

Abstract: The debate on indicators ‚beyond GDP’ has considerably regained momentum in the last years. However, a majority of current indicator proposals rather seeks to complement traditional economic indicators in order to support “green” growth. Very few are directed to support a degrowth strategy, while a significant share of proposals remains ambiguous about growth. The National Welfare Ind...

Scientific paper • 2014


Bhutan: Between Happiness and Horror

By: Lorenzo Pellegrini, Luca Tasciotti

Abstract: This study juxtaposes the congratulatory rhetoric surrounding Bhutan’s efforts to promote happiness and the gross violations of human rights that coincide with the happiness project. The academic debate has not reflected on the Janus-faced nature of the Bhutanese regime and the literature is replete with references to the Bhutanese happiness search. From these acclaims, it appears tha...

Scientific paper • 2014


Consumption Profile and Support Area

By: Enrique Ortega, Sayoko Nakajima

Abstract: The ecological footprint method proposed by Merkel (2009) was used to calculate the support area related a population consumption profile in Ibiúna county, São Paulo state in Brazil. It was verified that when family income grows the support area becomes greater. The excessive consumption of products that are not primary necessities and wealthy lifestyle which leads some families to oc...

Scientific paper • 2014


Measuring transformation towards a green economy in Germany

By: Christian Lutz, Rol, Zieschank, Thomas Drosdowski

Measuring a green economy, Set of indicators, Scenarios of energy transformation in Germany

Scientific paper • 2014


Well-being and resource-efficiency at the meso level

By: Konstantin Stadler, Edgar Hertwich, Richard Wood, Stefan Pauliuk

Abstract: A resource efficient society should provide high well-being at a low cost to the environment while preserving the natural system/natural resources for future generations. Traditionally, well-being has always been assessed on the national level. In contrast, the economic system consists of specific sector with specific functions for the society ranging from providing food to education ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Alternative indicators: what are the most sustainable countries?

By: Cecília Szigeti, Anita Borzán

Abstract: In our study we wanted to find an answer to the question whether we can find sustainable countries if we compare the values of different composite indicators? We examined three composite indicators (HDI, HPI, EPI) and the ecological footprint and GDP. Based on our analysis two indicators independent of each other and also independent of the GDP, these are the HPI and the EPI. The clas...

Scientific paper • 2014


Resource efficiency, concepts and indicators

By: Philipp Schepelmann

Abstract:Economic growth was the basis for the social reconciliation between capital owners and the working class. In industrialized countries it was coupled with a growth of material flows of geological proportions. It is quite remarkable that within the framework of the growth-oriented Europe 2020 Strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy the European Commission has launched a s...

Scientific paper • 2014


Successful Non-Growing Companies

By: Jana Gebauer, Andrea Liesen, Christian Dietsche

Abstract: Suggested concepts of post-growth economies have so far shed little light on the functioning of business. With this paper, we aim to translate discussions on post-growth economies to the company level and examine ten Successful Non-Growing Companies (SNCs) with regard to their motivations, key performance indicators and strategies. We find that a common feature among these companies i...

Scientific paper • 2014


Good Life between Buen Vivir and Sumak Kawsay – Indicators of a political concept in Ecuador

By: Philipp Altmann

Abstract: Sumak Kawsay, Buen Vivir or Good Live has experienced much attention since its integration as a leading principle of the State into the Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008 and -as Suma Qamaña- into the Bolivian one of 2009. In this context it was understood as an alternative to the capitalist understandings of development as growth. By this, it acquired a role as a semi-utopian alternativ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Comparing local and global supply chains of tomatoes: the case of Catalonia

By: Gonzalo Gamboa

Abstract: In recent years there is an increasing interest in studying the performance of the so-called alternative, local or quality food supply chains. Different actors, endorsing different discourses, highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each supply chain according to their interests and their position in the chain (among other reasons). This paper explores the performance of global ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Linking resource efficiency to new measurement of well-being

By: Vera Freyling

Abstract: The presentation is part of the special session “Resource efficiency Beyond GDP”. Improving resource efficiency generally means maximizing produced value, while minimizing pressures and impacts of economic production. In the GDP-era we wholly consider produced value in quantifying gains of economic activities, in other words, praising the quantities of all produced final and intermedi...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Age of Declining Returns

By: Mauro Bonaiuti

Abstract: This paper will examine the hypothesis that - roughly speaking from the mid-1970s- the advanced capitalist societies entered a phase of declininig marginal returns (DMR) (Tainter, 1988). In this perspective indicators concerning agriculture (Fulginiti and Perrin, 1997), energy (Hall, Powers, and Schoenberg, 2008) and mineral extraction (Bardi and Pagani (2007), research and health sys...

Scientific paper • 2014


Happy for How Long? How Social Capital and GDP relate to happiness over time

By: Stefano Bartolini, Francesco Sarracino

Abstract: What does predict the evolution over time of subjective well-being? We correlate the trends of subjective well-being with the trends of social capital and/or GDP. We find that in the long and medium run social capital largely predicts the trends of subjective well-being. In the short-term this relation- ship weakens. Indeed, in the short run, changes in social capital predict a much s...

Scientific paper • 2014


Primary Energy Analysis: A New Approach beyond Extant Growth Theories (revised version)

By: Hidekazu Aoki, Nobuo Kawamiya

Abstract: A best possible indicator to represent the whole economic activity should be not the GDP but "the whole industrial production (WIP)" because the former represents only the added value sector of an economy, while the latter comprises both the GDP and all intermediate throughputs in the economy. The historical change of WIP compared with the primary energy supply (PES) in Japan revealed...

Scientific paper • 2014


BRAINPOoL: Lessons from the Beyond GDP world for degrowth

By: Saamah Abdallah

Abstract: BRAINPOoL was a 2.5 year project funded by the EU FP7 funding stream to understand and explore the barriers to the use of Beyond GDP indicators in policy-making, and to identify opportunities to accelerate that use. The project involved a broad range of activities including a review of Beyond GDP initiatives, interviews with Beyond GDP indicator developers and the policy-makers and po...