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Showing 80 items

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - The interpretation of degrowth in local policy and planning

By: Katarina Buhr

Presentation by Katarina Buhr A significant share of the literature on degrowth focuses on macro-level units of analysis such as the global or national economy, to discuss aspects such as market logics as a central organizing principle in society or the relevance of GDP as a welfare measure or as a barrier for long-term sustainable development on the global scale. Studies on degrowth that focu...

Scientific paper • 2016


How to overcome the loneliness of the long-distance runner?

By: Zsolt Boda

Karl Polanyi argued that a market economy can only function in a market society. Paraphrasing him we may say that a sustainable economy can only function in a sustainable society. An essential feature of such a society is that its social norms and institutions reward future-oriented, responsible decisions and actions while hindering myopic and materialistic choices. The mainstream model of eco...

Presentation • 2016


FRI_16:30h // Degrowth in the Parliaments

By: Sabine Leidig, Philippe Lamberts, Rebeka Szabo

Panel discussion at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speakers: Philippe Lamberts, Rebeka Szabo, Sabine Leidig Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

Presentation • 2016


THUR_9:30h // Barbara Muraca - From capitalist accumulation to a solidarity economy

By: Barbara Muraca

Recorded keynote speech at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speaker: Barbara Muraca Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

Presentation • 2016


WED_9.30h // Clive Spash - Science and uncommon thinking

By: Clive Spash

Recorded keynote speech at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2016. Speaker: Clive Spash Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

• 2016


Limits to growth: policies to steer the economy away from disaster

By: Samuel Alexander

From the text: . . . Others have shown why limitless growth is a recipe for disaster. I’ve argued that living in a degrowth economy would actually increase well-being, both socially and environmentally. But what would it take to get there? In a new paper published by the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, I look at government policies that could facilitate a planned transition beyond gro...

• 2016


Ausstieg aus der Megamaschine. Einstieg in die Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie

By: Fabian Scheidler, Christian Felber

Veranstaltung mit Christian Felber und Fabian Scheidler Wie können wir die Wirtschaft aus der Profitlogik befreien und dem Gemeinwohl verpflichten? Welche Rolle spielen dabei Staat, Eigentum und das Geldsystem? In der gemeinsamen Diskussion entwerfen Christian Felber, Mitbegründer der "Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie", und Fabian Scheidler, Autor des Buches "Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte ein...

• 2016


Was ist nur aus uns geworden?

By: Harald Welzer

Teaser des Artikels: Die grünen Revolutionäre der siebziger Jahre träumten von einer besseren, umweltbewussten Gesellschaft. Heute betreiben wir Naturschutz mit den Mitteln des Kapitalismus. Das kann nicht gutgehen.

Scientific paper • 2016


A practice approach to the institutionalization of economic degrowth

By: Maria Joutsenvirta

Degrowth; Institutionalization; Practice theory; Power; Economic alternatives

Report • 2016


A Dutch City Is Experimenting With Giving Away A Basic Income Of $1,000 A Month

By: Ben Schiller

From the text: . . . Utrecht has applied to the Dutch central government to conduct a welfare experiment called "See What Works." This will compare the effect of four types of basic income plus a control. The first will give people about $980, ask nothing in return, and allow as much work as people want (a pure version of basic income). The second will require people to volunteer—say, to do sho...

Report • 2015

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - Januskopf und Bündnis ... 1 bis 3

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zur Veranstaltung "Was hat die Wachstums-Enquetekommission des Bundestages gebracht und wie weiter damit?" mit Hermann Ott, Sabine Leidig, Matthias Zimmer und Angelika Zahrnt. Der Bericht besteht aus 3 Teilen: Teil 1, Teil 2, Teil 3 Aus dem Bericht:. . . Bedeutet Kapitalismuskritik à la Degrowth, an den Staat zu appellieren und auf seine poli...

Scientific paper • 2015


100 percent reserve banking: A critical review of green perspectives

By: Kristofer Dittmer

100 percent reserve banking; Full-reserve banking; Chicago plan; Monetary reform; Steady-state economy; Growth imperative

Presentation • 2014


Dimensions of learning for a degrowth society

By: Helena Norberg-Hodge, Barbara Muraca, Bertr, Stern, Jeremias Herberg

Panel discussion at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Helena Norberg-Hodge, Bertrand Stern, Barbara Muraca Facilitation: Jeremias Herberg From the conference programme: On this panel people from different backgrounds discuss new concepts for education. The debate builds on the critique of the current e...

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth and the need to reform Social Security systems - What scope for Synergies

By: Kerstin Hoette

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Social Security.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Social Security

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Social Security at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for the Transformation > System for the process of transformation. > Avoiding future path dependencies (e.g. with regard to time banks → establishment of a bargaining, care not done by humanity, but by reward-seeking). Vision > Access to Care should be uncon...

Position paper • 2014


Transition to Degrowth Facilitated by Existing Shadow Society

By: Olli Tammilehto

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Reproduction and Work.

Position paper • 2014


“Politics of sufficiency” as politics for the good life

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Uwe Scheidewind

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Politics of Sufficiency.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Learning for degrowth

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Learning for degrowth at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Contents – What to learn for Degrowth? > Learning should be more focused on skills an competences and less on theoretical knowledge. > Important skills to be strengthened in education are: critical thinking, creativity, self-consciousness, (non-violent) communication, ...

Position paper • 2014


A postgrowth society will have to be democratic or will not be at all

By: Barbara Muraca

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Democracy.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Democracy

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Democracy at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for the Transformation The necessary shifts will only be democratic but it needs to be an alternative to the representative democratic system we experience today. > More time. > More inclusive. > Enable autonomous societies. > Look for windows of opportunity. ...