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Showing 174 items

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - A critical-integral assessment of Mexico's Energy Transition Strategy

By: Alevgul H. Sorman, Sofía Avila-Calero

Socio-environmental issues will continue to emerge if an energy transition project does not include changes in patterns of consumption and resource governance.

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Psychological drivers and barriers for reduced clothing consumption: a cross-cultural analysis on the individual level

By: Tina Mueller

The author compared a series of studies regarding the possibilities for environmental impact in clothing consumption.

Scientific paper • 2018


Degrowth in city planning

By: Ari Aukusti Lehtinen

This paper summarises the key arguments of degrowth thinking and examines their validity in a city planning setting. The paper argues that much of the reorientation work that is necessary to meet the goals of international climate change conventions needs to be carried out locally, in urban and regional settings, and this creates pressure to renew land-use planning practices. It also argues tha...

• 2018


A economia contra os limites da Terra: o decrescimento sustentável é a solução

By: Ana Poças Ribeiro

Limitar salários é uma forma de reduzir desigualdades, de reduzir consumo insustentável e especulação e de repensar a sociedade. O que é preciso para uma vida digna e que nos preencha? (Da autora)

• 2018


Qual é o número ideal de humanos sobre a Terra?

By: José Eustáquio Diniz Alves

Muitas pessoas, recorrentemente, perguntam qual é o número ideal de humanos sobre a Terra?Contudo, em geral, a maioria fica frustrada ao saber que não existe um número mágico como resposta. Globalmente, o número ideal de humanos depende de vários condicionantes econômicos e éticos. O primeiro condicionante econômico é o padrão de vida. O número de pessoas que a Terra pode sustentar depende do m...

Interview • 2018


Paech: "Wir sollten nur 20 Stunden arbeiten"

By: Nico Paech

Einleitung: Niko Paech propagiert ein Wirtschaftssystem, das zur Versorgung des menschlichen Bedarfs nicht auf Wachstum angewiesen ist. Im DW-Gespräch erläutert der Ökonom die Vorteile für Mensch und Umwelt.

Scientific paper • 2018


The Naturalisation of Growth: Marx, the Regulation Approach and Bourdieu

By: Max Koch

Bourdieu; Growth paradigm; Marx; capitalism; degrowth; naturalisation; postgrowth; regulation approach

Scientific paper • 2018


An Equilibrium Framework for the Analysis of a Degrowth Society With Asymmetric Agents, Sharing and Basic Income

By: TiinaHeikkinen

Degrowth, Dynamic equilibrium, Externalities, Voluntary simplicity, Welfare, Sharing, Collaborative consumption, Basic income

• 2018


Are de defining economic sucess all wrong?

By: Kevin Charles Fleming

A new study asks: Can countries meet citizens' needs without over-consuming resources?

Report • 2017


Von unten, nicht von oben

By: Sebastian Puschner

Zeitungsartikel aus der Freitag "Keine Angst! Postwachstum weist nicht den Weg in eine „staatlich-zentralistische Regulierung“ – sondern zum nächsten Repair-Café"

• 2017


De-growth is feasible: people want a new economy

By: Jason Hickel

A blog post by Jason Hickel which is the fourth part of a discussion between him and Branko Milanovic. Chronology of the discussion Original blog post by Branko Milanovic "The illusion of “degrowth” in a poor and unequal world" First reply by Jason Hickel "Why Branko Milanovic is wrong about de-growth" Reply by Branko Milanovic "The illusion of degrowth: Part II" Second Reply by Jason Hi...

Scientific paper • 2017


Reclaiming sustainable space - A study of degrowth activists

By: Javier Lloveras, Cathy Parker, Lee Quinn

Keywords: Activism, consumption, degrowth, place, space

• 2017


Imperiale Lebensweise

By: Ulrich Brand, Markus Wissen

Zur Ausbeutung von Mensch und Natur in Zeiten des globalen Kapitalismus Der Verlag: Haben wir die Zeiten des Imperialismus nicht längst hinter uns gelassen? Wenn man erwägt, in welchem Maße sich der Globale Norden nach wie vor an den ökologischen und sozialen Ressourcen des Globalen Südens bedient, rücken die Begriffe »Globaler Kapitalismus« und »Imperialismus« wieder näher zusammen. Unsere...

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth and collaborative value creation: Reflections on concepts and technologies

By: Stephan Hankammer, Robin Kleer

Keywords: Degrowth; Collaborative value creation; Technology

Scientific paper • 2017


Making degrowth locally meaningful: the case of the Faroese grindadráp

By: Ragnheiður Bogadóttir, Elisabeth Skarðhamar Olsen

Keywords: Degrowth, whaling, Faroe Islands, relational ethic, noncapitalism

Scientific paper • 2017


Against wasted politics: A critique of the circular economy

By: Francisco Valenzuela, Steffen Böhm

post-growth, circular economy, waste management, sustainability, politics, discourse analysis, fetishism, Marx, Lacan, Apple

Scientific paper • 2017


Change put to work. A degrowth perspective on unsustainable work, postwork alternatives and politics

By: Maja Hoffmann

keywords: unsustainability, critique of work, postwork alternatives, politics, degrowth, sustainability science

• 2017


Technological progress alone won't stem resource use

By: Jennifer Chu

Subtitle: Researchers find no evidence of an overall reduction in the world's consumption of materials Summary: While some scientists believe that the world can achieve significant dematerialization through improvements in technology, a new study finds that technological advances alone will not bring about dematerialization and, ultimately, a sustainable world. The researchers found that no ma...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Alternatives to Enculturation of Children into Consumers

By: Madalina Balau

Presentation by Madalina Balau In Romania all parents want to offer their children a better life and a better future, sometimes with their own sacrifice, yet the years following communist regime have brought unsustainable development, present in environmental degradation and social insecurity. After living in communism and knowing how bad it was, people have been accustoming for the last 26 ye...

Scientific paper • 2016


An understanding of materialistic values in post-socialist Europe

By: Saamah Abdallah

Degrowth is a post-materialist movement, which places value on the biosphere, human wellbeing, and justice, above and beyond the possession of material goods (Degrowth Declaration, 2008). And yet surveys suggest that levels of materialism are higher in post-socialist countries than in Western European countries (Kyvelidis, 2001). In the sixth round of the European Social Survey (2012), nine of ...