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Showing 29 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Investigating the potential of applying theories on rebound effects to the climate discourse: The case of climate change adaptation in winter tourism

By: Carlo Aall

Rebound effects, climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, tourism

Scientific paper • 2012


The opportunities of the blue economy

By: Graziano Pini

Premise: Years ago some small innovative companies began to replace the petrochemical surfactants with biodegradable ingredients, fatty acids of palm oil. All the major manufacturers utilized the biodegradability with the result that huge areas of rainforest have been converted to intensive cultivation of oil palm. These activities taking out the orangutan habitat, chimpanzees and many other sp...

Scientific paper • 2012


Der Rebound-Effekt. Über die unerwünschten Folgen der erwünschten Energieeffizienz

By: Tilman Santarius

santarius.de: Kann die Wirtschaft weiter wachsen und zugleich der Verbrauch an Energie und die Emissionen stark zurückgehen? Diese Studie von Tilman Santarius geht der Frage nach, inwiefern Energie-Effizienzsteigerungen so genannte Rebound-Effekte nach sich ziehen, die den Energieverbrauch steigern und dem Ziel der Energieeinsparung zuwiderlaufen. Sie beschreibt die Vielfalt möglicher Rebound-E...

Scientific paper • 2012


What shall degrow? Proposals of bottom-up degrowth of capacity to produce and consume.

By: Francois Schneider

Capacity to produce and consume; Rebound Effect; Limiting Factors; Economic Size; Degrowth Policy; Frugal Innovation; Debound Strategies; Multidimensional crisis.

Presentation • 2010


The contribution of innovations in the energy system to degrowth patterns

By: Petra Wächter, Michael Ornetzeder, Harald Rohracher, Anna Schreuer, Matthias Weber, Klaus Kubeczko, Manfred Paier, Markus Knoflacher, Philipp Späth

Poster and Transcription of an poster session by Petra Wächter, Michael Ornetzeder, Harald Rohracher, Anna Schreuer, Matthias Weber, Klaus Kubeczko, Manfred Paier, Markus Knoflacher and Philipp Späth at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "The contribution of innovations in the energy system to degr...

Presentation • 2010


Degrowth of Production and Consumption Capacities for social justice, well being and ecological sustainability

By: François Schneider

Keynote by François Schneider at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona on the topic "The degrowth proposal: what is it about, how do we achieve it?" Abstract: It is commonly perceived that economic growth is the best response to economic, environmental and social crises. In this line growth policies indirectly in...

Scientific paper • 2010


Energy, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: Five Propositions

By: Steven Sorrell

rebound effect; steady-state economy; monetary reform

Scientific paper • 2009


Wachstum „light“? Qualitatives Wachstum ist eine Utopie

By: Niko Paech

Qualitatives Wachstum, Effizienz, Konsistenz, Rebound-Effekte, Postwachstumsökonomie

Scientific paper • 2008


Proceedings of the First International Conference on Economic De-Growth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity

By: Fabrice Flipo, Francois Schneider (ed.)

All papers from the 1st international Degrowth Conference on Economic De-Growth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity are available together in one document. Here you find the content with titles and authors: Historical panel: from growth critique to degrowth - Introduction to Georgescu-Roegen and Degrowth (Jacques Grinevald) - Why environmental sustainability can most probably n...