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Showing 130 items

Scientific paper • 2018


Degrowth and Technology: Towards feasible, viable, appropriate and convivial imaginaries

By: Christian Kerschner, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers, Petra Wächter, Linda Nierling

Mainstream sustainability discourses are firmly built on the mantra that more technology leads to more economic growth, which in turn leads to more welfare and sustainability. With economic growth becoming ever more difficult and undesirable, and sustainability challenges ever more pressing, alternative post-growth and Degrowth discourses have gained momentum in the last decade. However, the ro...

• 2018


Ecotopia: An Elitist Liberal Utopia?

By: Niklas Lollo

Comment from Niklas Lollo on the novel "Ecotopia" by Ernest Callenbach. Introduction: Since 1972, Ecotopia has inspired many to envision, and perhaps even foster, a more ecological society. In Ernest Callenbach’s novel, we are transported to a contemporary America, albeit an America that has been torn in two through civil war. This time the war wasn’t over slavery, but rather ecological prin...

Scientific paper • 2017


The Paradoxical Relationship between Renewable Energy and Economic Growth: A Cross-National Panel Study, 1990-2013

By: Ryan P Thombs

Climate Change; Economic Growth; Renewable Energy Consumption; Renewable Energy Paradox; World Economic System

• 2017

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The Paris climate deal won’t save us – our future depends on de-growth

By: Jason Hickel

Introduction: When Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris climate deal, the world reacted with outrage. And rightly so: the agreement represents a remarkable achievement in international diplomacy – a breakthrough after 20 years of failed climate negotiations. But as we rally to defend the Paris deal against the onslaught of an ill-informed bully, we need to resist the temptatio...

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth, organic agriculture and GMOs: A reply to Gomiero

By: Bartosz Bartkowski

Agriculture; CRISPR/Cas genome editing; Degrowth; Food production; Genetic engineering

Scientific paper • 2017


Framing the future of fracking: discursive lock-in or energy degrowth in the Netherlands?

By: Tamara Metze

Keywords: Degrowth; Technology; Hydraulic fracturing; Shale gas; Framing; Socio-technological futures

Scientific paper • 2017


Agriculture and degrowth: State of the art and assessment of organic and biotech-based agriculture from a degrowth perspective

By: Tiziano Gomiero

Keywords: Degrowth; Agriculture; Farming system analysis; Societal metabolism; Appropriate technology; Convivial tools

Scientific paper • 2017


Methodological Luddism: A concept for tying degrowth to the assessment and regulation of technologies

By: José Luís Garcia, Helena Mateus Jerónimo, Tiago Mesquita Carvalho

Keywords: Degrowth; Methodological Luddism; Technology assessment; Reform of technology; Responsibility; Focal things and practices

Scientific paper • 2017


It's not (all) about efficiency: Powering and organizing technology from a degrowth perspective

By: Jan Cornelius Zoellick, Arpita Bisht

Abstract: Transgressions of ecological boundaries and increasing social inequality question the paradigm of continual economic growth guided by technological efficiency - often cited as the only solution to these crises. This paper develops a critical and diversified viewpoint on technology for degrowth. ‘Classical perspectives’ of Illich's convivial society, Elull's critique of technique, Mumf...

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth and collaborative value creation: Reflections on concepts and technologies

By: Stephan Hankammer, Robin Kleer

Keywords: Degrowth; Collaborative value creation; Technology

Scientific paper • 2017


The Matrix of Convivial Technology?Assessing technologies for degrowth

By: Andrea Vetter

Keywords: Conviviality; Ethics of technology; Ethnography; Degrowth; Open Source; Ivan Illich

Scientific paper • 2017


Are we entering the age of involuntary degrowth? Promethean technologies and declining returns of innovation

By: Mauro Bonaiuti

Keywords: Involuntary degrowth; Promethean technologies; Declining marginal returns on innovation; Georgescu-Roegen bioeconomics; Complex system theory; TFP growth

Report • 2017

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Zero Carbon Britain: Making it Happen

By: Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)

CAT about the report: The UN Paris Agreement states that humanity must reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the middle of this century. This is a big shift, but we have no option other than to succeed if we are to avoid really dangerous climate change. Previous Zero Carbon Britain research from the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) has shown that we can meet this challenge using te...

Scientific paper • 2017


Viable and convivial technologies. Considerations on Climate Engineering from a degrowth perspective

By: Frederike Neuber, Barbara Muraca

Keywords: Degrowth; Viable technologies; Conviviality; Climate Engineering; Argumentative turn

• 2017


Technological progress alone won't stem resource use

By: Jennifer Chu

Subtitle: Researchers find no evidence of an overall reduction in the world's consumption of materials Summary: While some scientists believe that the world can achieve significant dematerialization through improvements in technology, a new study finds that technological advances alone will not bring about dematerialization and, ultimately, a sustainable world. The researchers found that no ma...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Science and degrowth

By: Fabrice Flipo

Presentation by Fabrice Flipo Political prayers lie on the growth’s comeback to ensure financial incomes to be given out. That for science is seen by many essentially as a tool to provide techniques able to raise productivity, whatever the environmental or social consequences. For those reasons, and especially since the second half of the 20th century, public policy and investment have allowed...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 – Can technologies help to reduce the physical and human degradation in transition towards a degrowth society?

By: Pasqua L'Abbate

Presentation by Pasqua L'Abbate This article outlines the role that technology has to play in order to enable human beings to move towards a degrowth society. Against the background of the problems we face today, the authors E.E. Schumacher, N.Georgescu-Roegen and others have been re-examined. This work also explains the concepts of entropy and emergy and the “fourth” principle of thermodynami...

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 – Framing the Privacy Debate and Big Data Governmentality in Degrowth Theory

By: Julien Rossi

Presentation by Julien Rossi Data surveillance by private companies and public intelligence agencies is intricated, and research has shown how citizens have become willing participants in their own surveillance. This brings forth a new type of governmentality that is legitimised by hegemonic imaginaries on “Big Data” and innovation which are closely related to the imaginary of technological gr...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 – Technologies for a Degrowth Transition. A Faustian Bargain?

By: Tomislav Medak

Presentation by Tomislav Medak I'll broach the degrowth transition from the combined perspective of social construction of technology and world system theories. I'll seek to demonstrate how dominant technological complex functions to integrate yet thwart the advancement of semi-periphery. Narratives of a socially more just and ecologically more sustainable future would frequently have us beli...

• 2016

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movum - Heft 10: Effizienz und Suffizienz

By: Uwe Schneidewind, Elmar Altvater, Nico Paech, Felix Werdermann

Heft 10 des Magazins movum> zum Thema Effizienz und Suffizienz Kurzbeschreibung: Effizienz allein bringt keine substanzielle Reduktion von Ressourcenverbrauch, Emissionen und Abfällen. Wir brauchen auch Suffizienz – die Befreiung vom "Immer mehr". Und zwar nicht individuell, sondern als Politik. Das Heft als PDF