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Showing 78 items

Presentation • 2014


Commons, Economy for the common good and Solidarity Economy: What do they share?

By: David Bollier, Euclides André Mance, Lisa Muhr, Anja Humburg

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Lisa Muhr, David Bollier, Euclides André Mance Facilitation: Anja Humburg From the conference programme: One can find many initiatives and discourses which put the misguided economy back on track. More and more people do not simply fight "the ec...

Presentation • 2014


Keynote speeches - Visions and strategies for transformation

By: Michel Bauwens, Euclides André Mance

Recorded keynote speeches at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speeches by Michel Bauwens and Euclides André Mance. The topic of the day is "Visions and strategies for transformation". Michel Bauwens: The Transition to a Sustainable Commons Society in Ecuador and beyond Degrowth will only be possible by changing the...

Position paper • 2014


"Let’s be realistic, let’s try the impossible.“ Degrowth needs a different economy!

By: Gunter Kramp

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Commons and Peer Economy.

Position paper • 2014


How can we construct the commons?

By: Naomi Miller, Patrick Bresnihan

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Commons and Peer Economy.

Position paper • 2014

Other Other

GAP working group 2014 - Commons and Peer Economy

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014, Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Commons and Peer Economy at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Commons and Degrowth > Commons are essential for degrowth. They represent an existing alternative to state & market. > Capitalism exploits the commons and depends upon them (p.e. unpaid women's work, enclosed nature). > Commonisation (= reclaiming the Common...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth, Commons and Convivial Technology

By: Victor Petit

Abstract: For many people, the way of degrowth supposes to leave the urban lifestyle. Instead, we would like to show that it is possible (and more realistic) to understand the degrowth in an industrial context. For this, we will follow two objectives. The first one is to answer to the critics of the concept of degrowth, through the current reflections on the so-called commons ; the second is to...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Conservation-Extraction Conundrum: The commodification of nature across vertical boundaries

By: Timothy Norris

private conservation, Peru, extraction, property institutions, de-growth

Scientific paper • 2014


Utopias, liminalities and the commons. The case study of Gavdos island.

By: Angelos Varvarousis

Abstract: Gavdos is a small limitary islet in the southernmost part of Greece wherein has been formed an alternative community that has remained active for almost two decades. Based on ethnographic data assembled through fieldwork, this article examines the crucial role of liminality in the creation, maintenance and expansion of this community. The residents of this community perform their limi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Learning and building knowledge for degrowth: communities of practice and peer production across scales and beyond roles

By: Gualter Barbas Baptista

communities of practice, nowtopias, peer production, postnormal science, open knowledge

Scientific paper • 2014


Grassroots digital commons for a bottom-up transition towards sustainability

By: Adrien Labaeye

Digital commons; Sustainability transition; Niches; Self-organization; Innovation

Scientific paper • 2014


Reinforcing resilience and self-reliance of communities in degrowth: The case study of the renewable energy workshop of 'Nea Guinea'

By: Kostas Latoufis

Abstract: The case study of the renewable energy workshop of the 'Nea Guinea' non-profit organization in Athens, Greece, is presented an example of how communities can practice paths towards degrowth though open source renewable energy technologies, convivial and experimental ways of learning and thus providing more resilient futures for the social networks in which they participate. The main t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Commons, Social Choice and Welfare: the limits of private Property Rights system.

By: Alain Herscovici

Commons, Social Choice, Property Rights

Scientific paper • 2014


Economy, Ecommony, CareCommony

By: Friederike Habermann

care, commons, externalisations, extractivism, commonsbased peerproduction

Scientific paper • 2014


Environmental movements and commoning strategies in Puerto Rico: challenging the growth paradigm?

By: Gustavo Garcia-Lopez

de-growth, common-pool resources, social movements, community-based resource management

Scientific paper • 2014


Commoning in the new society

By: Gustavo Esteva, Irene Ragazzini

Posdevelopment, radical democracy, postindustrial socety, convivial reconstruction

Scientific paper • 2014


From commodity to commons: analysis of experimentation of collective appropriation of agricultural lands

By: Elsa Costanzo

Abstract: We propose an institutional analysis, based on a field research, of an emergent French initiative called Terre de Liens (TdL) that intends to take out agricultural lands from the speculative market, contributes to their de-commodification and governs them as a commons. We will wonder to what extent TdL may turn agricultural lands into a commons, following Elinor Ostrom’s definition. W...

Scientific paper • 2014


Redefining sustainability, resilience and Buen Vivir in a Social Knowledge economy context: The Ecuador experiment

By: Nicholas Anastasopoulos

Abstract: Plan Nacional Buen Vivir de Ecuador 2013-2017 places special emphasis on sustainability at all levels, social, environmental and financial, as expressed in the twelve National Objectives for Good Living, including the Guarantee of the Rights of Nature and the Promotion of a Healthy and Sustainable Environment. Research undertaken by FLOK Society in Ecuador is an experiment of global s...

• 2014

Think Like a Commoner

By: David Bollier

From the book's webpage: The biggest “tragedy of the commons” is the misconception that commons are failures — relics from another era rendered unnecessary by the Market and State. Think Like a Commoner dispels such prejudices by explaining the rich history and promising future of the commons — an ageless paradigm of cooperation and fairness that is re-making our world. With graceful prose and...

Interview • 2014


Degrowth: Leben und Wirtschaften jenseits des Wachstums (Teil 2)

By: Kontext TV

Quelle: www.kontext-tv.de   Gäste: Barbara Muraca, Philosophin an der Universität Jena, Autorin des Buches "Gut Leben. Eine Gesellschaft jenseits des Wachstums" Michel Bauwens, Gründer und Direktor der Peer-to-Peer Foundation (P2P) Tony Greenham, New Economics Foundation, London / Transition Network Sarah Ackerbauer, Transition Town / Dresden im Wandel Benjamin Best, Wuppertal Institut ...

• 2013

Image Text

Stadt der Commonisten

By: Christa Müller, Andrea Baier, Karin Werner

Neue urbane Räume des Do it yourself Der Verlag: Es ist nicht mehr zu übersehen: Eine neue Generation von Do-it-yourself-Aktivisten nutzt die postfordistische Stadt als Labor für soziale, politische, ökologische und ästhetische Experimente. Ob im Gemeinschaftsgarten oder im FabLab, ob in Offenen Werkstätten oder bei Tausch-Events – überall hinterfragen die Protagonistinnen und Protagonisten ...